"Absolutely not!" 

I snapped as I stood up, chest heaving as I stared down at my father. 

His expression remained the same, and he looked me over in a way that made me feel like I was a kid again.

"Sit down, Edwina."

I took a deep breath and sat back down. 

"I will not move back here, sir. I only just settled in at New York. The company is doing perfectly well. You do not need me here," I tried to speak as steady as I could manage, with anger and panic rolling in me.

My father raised his eyebrows.

"Who are you to tell me what I need and do not need for my company? The New York company will be in good hands, I assure you. But I need you here, and I need you urgently. 

I already signed your name as the person in charge. You can't back out now."

My jaw dropped open at his words. 

"You already signed my name? Without consulting me? You were not planning on giving me a choice in this matter, right?" my anger was beginning to lace my words now.

Father frowned as he took me in, displeasure evident in his gaze at my anger laced words and my rigid posture.

"Has your ego gotten too big for you to realize that you're speaking to me? Have you forgotten the presence of who you're speaking with?

How dare you address me in that manner?!" he snapped, his outburst taking me by surprise.

Remorse and shame doused me, ridding my body of the anger i was feeling.

He was right. 

I had forgotten that despite the fact that he was my father, he was still someone I would not dare to mess with. 

In other words, I had forgotten my place as an illegitimate child, and I had allowed anger to speak in place of reason.

"I'm sorry sir. I apologize. Forgive me," I said quietly, cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

We sat in silence for another whole minute before he spoke.

"Your objection is unnecessary. You know my mind is made up. You will move back here. No questions asked."

I nodded, but couldn't resist the urge to ask him why he was so bent on his decision.

"But why? I mean, Noah would have to move with me, and I fear the change of environment might not be a good thing for him."

Maybe appealing to him with Noah would work. I was desperately grasping at straws now. 

Father shook his head. 

"Noah is a kid. He's not the determining factor in this case. He will adapt. That's what kids best. And besides, there's a condition attached to this order."

I fought the urge to raise my eyebrows, my heart rate picking up at his words. 

Another condition? The last time he offered me something like this, the condition was easy enough.

I only had to prove myself. What did father have in mind now?

What if he asked me to do something I was not capable off?

If I was unable to meet his demands, would he back down on this offer or look for another way to tie me down here?

"What condition, sir?" i managed to ask despite the roaring thoughts in my head. 

"Do this for me, and I'll grant you the one thing I know you've wanted for years. I'll claim you legally, as my legitimate child."

And with just a few words, my father stunned me into silence.

Me. His legitimate child. 

I knew how easier my life would become if he did that for me. 

Accepting me meant he was willing to add me to his will, giving me access to his wealth, if he ended up kicking the bucket. 

And Noah, my sweet boy, would be set for life.

He would not have to suffer like I did. My son would not have to do odd jobs to make ends meet.

Most importantly, he would not just be the grandchild of the illegitimate daughter.

He would be a real blood relative. A legitimate grandchild.

The offer was tempting. Beyond tempting, I knew it would be a terrible mistake to reject his offer. 

If I refused, he might dismiss me from my current post as the CEO of the New York company, and I would be without a job.

I shuddered at the thought. Being jobless without any hope of securing a job was a terrible fate.

One I had no interest in going through.

But still, to manipulate me this way. To coerce me with a condition like this only made my chest tighten.

Father was dangling his power, his position in my face, like one would dangle a carrot before a rabbit.

"Well?" he raised his eyebrows, oblivious to the internal war going through me.

I needed time to think. Sleeping off this whole drama was a good idea. 

I would deal with it once I woke up. 

"I'll think about it," I said quietly and made to stand up when he stopped me.

"One more thing. There's a dinner party tonight, and I know you need time to think thia through. But I'll appreciate it if you can attend this event."

"Do I have to?" I was suddenly too tired, to exhausted. 

All I wanted was to sleep. 

"The company you'll be partnering with for this project would be there too. Make an appearance, mingle. Make small talk. Observe. I think it would do you a great deal," he said, eyes trained on mine.

"This is not a request, is it?" i asked. 

We both knew he wasn't really asking me to attend the dinner party. 

He was telling me.

There was a very vast difference.

He smiled, a small, humorless thing that only made him look more calculating. 

I excused myself, walking to my bedroom with slumped shoulders.

Father's method had always been…unsavory, but it was very unfair of him to do this to me.

He must have known that I would object to all of these, which was why he asked to see me face to face. 

And now, now I had no choice.

I would have to accept, of course.

This dinner party was just a formality.

I sighed as I plopped down on my bed. My phone buzzed, and I saw that father had forwarded the details of the dinner.

Glancing at the wall clock, I was relieved to see that I still had four more hours before the event.

So I turned on my side, closed my eyes, and let oblivion take all of my worries away. 


The dinner party was ridiculous. 

Extravagant lights surrounded the ballroom, a thousand lights shining down on the guests. 

When though it was nighttime, the room was as bright as day, and I winced at how unnecessary everything seemed.

I was careful to not let my thoughts reflect on my face though.

 Pasting a limpid smile on my face, I acknowledged everyone father introduced to me, gripping his arm as we moved from one group of people to another.

Hiding my groan as he whisked me across the ballroom, I wondered how this man had been able to stomach all of these for years.

The extremely expensive dresses and suits made me feel inferior. I knew feeling that way was unsuitable, considering that I was dressed in the same manner as well.

But I had grew up on the other side of this world, waiting tables and trying to make ends meet.

Even when I relocated to New York to take on father's company, even when I was married to Kieran, the habits never left me completely.

I preferred cozy settings, not ostentatious ones like this. 

"There they are. Edwina, look alive and come along. The partnering company is here," Father said, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"How did you even manage to keep track of all these people? They all look alike to me," I grumbled as we made our way to the partnering company. 

Father glared at me, warning evident in his gaze.

I stopped speaking, keeping the rest of my not so pleasant comments in my chest. 

I was already here. I might as well put up with it, no matter how uncomfortable I felt.

"Here. Hello, Kieran. Meet my daughter, Edwina. She'll be heading the company in my stead, working directly with you instead."

I froze, my ears ringing at the sound of that very familiar name.

His back was to us, and he turned around to shake my father's hand, only for his gaze to meet mine.

Kieran stared at me, and my jaw almost dropped open. 

He had gotten even more handsome over the years, and I fought the sudden urge to h

ug him.

His gaze lingered on mine for a while before he turned to face my father. 

"Hello, Mr. Hall. It is my absolute pleasure to be introduced to your daughter."

Holy shit. 

Holy fucking shit.

Kieran was the CEO of the partnering company. 

My ex husband was my new business partner.

I was in so much trouble.