'I watched, helpless, my hands bound behind me, as she did unspeakable things to my son. My mouth was permanently open in a scream, and my entire body was ravaged with the weight of the helplessness that was coursing through me.
Stop. Stop! I wanted to yell, to scream her head off. I wanted to call for help, but my lips remained the way they were. My mouth, my entire body, was out of my control. No matter how much I tried to move, I was unable to. I had given her total power, and helplessness wrapped its hands around my neck as I watched her.
She raised her head, and her mouth opened wide, large enough to swallow a horse. Her teeth were jagged pieces of rock, and they reeked, pieces of flesh sticking out of them. And right in front of me, she angled her jaw and swallowed my son whole.
My mouth broke free, and I yelled, my scream echoing across the universe.'