I gave in.
I let Noah and my husband win, and I let them convince me into calling the puppy Sonic.
How could I not? My son kept apologising, following me around with doe eyes. My husband, providing aid to his son, kept buying me gifts after gifts.
Whenever I looked at my dresser, all I thought about was how all the objects I owned would be enough to open a shop. Or a mall, dedicated to selling beauty products.
And let's not talk about the jewelleries and how Kieran kept buying them in excess. My God.
In other words, it was gift bombing at its finest.
They wore me down. Both of them.
When I finally gave in, the excited yell that ripped past my son's lips was loud enough to wake up the dead. Against my warnings, Noah and Kieran threw a celebratory party.
They built a fort, filled it with a lot of candy, and locked themselves in there for more ten hours.