"Stop nagging me, Harriet. Please. I have enough to deal with already," I snapped at my sister.
"Have you seen the article in question? They are defaming Ciara's name. And reputation. You have to get them to take it down," she insisted.
I ran a hand down my face.
"For the love of God, Hari, how many goddamned articles will I get them to take down? I can't read all for goodness sake. Stop insisting on it. Whatever they wrote about Ciara would have to take a back seat. I have more things to worry about now."
Like how my manager had been blowing up my phone since the image went viral.
And like how I was too scared to check my company stocks to see if they have plummeted or risen. These things were so fickle. I had no idea if this was going to be a good thing or a bad one for my company.
And I had an idea that that was the reason why my manager, slash personal assistant, was calling me.