"Come on, Hari. Are you still mad at me? It's been weeks. Stop being this way," I said into the phone. My sister had been refusing to pick up my calls.
Or respond to my text messages. No matter how much I tried calling, I was always directed to voicemail.
I bet she never even listened to the messages in the voicemail inbox. Probably just deleted them without caring enough to listen.
But I miss my sister. And I was tired of this silent treatment.
"I miss you, Hari. And I am genuinely sorry for snapping at you that day. I know you were just worried about me and your friend, but I was in a bad place, and I took my anger out on you. Which I should not have. I am sorry, baby. Please, call me back."
I ended the voicemail.
I must have sent like a thousand apologies at this point. If my sister still wasn't replying any of them or calling me, what was the assurance that she would call me back after listening to this one?