I couldn't breathe. Anger pressed down on me, threatening to suffocate me.
Riley's words kept ringing in my head. Red spots appeared beneath my eyes as I slammed the door to my bedroom shut.
She had said all of those…condescending words, and Noah had just sat there and said nothing.
He had listened to every damn word she said, and he did not even make an attempt to stop her.
I hated it. That moment when he stood up and I thought he was finally going to ask her to stop. But he had turned to me and asked me to leave instead.
Angry tears slid down my eyes.
I tried to stifle it, to stop the torrent of tears that was now sliding down my face, but I couldn't.
Jeremy banged on my door.
"Come on, Bethy. Open the door, please."
I didn't answer. I slid down behind my door, my vision blurry as I continued to cry.
She had also called me ugly.