Noah was lying. I knew he was, and that his evasive answer was just a way to avoid telling us where he was.
Or who he was with.
His ex girlfriend. Riley.
I would know, because I saw them together. When he left, I hadn't paid much mind to it. But my eyes had caught on someone who looked liked that skinny bitch, and when I saw her leave in the direction my husband went, I got too curious.
So I excused myself from Harriet and started looking.
Guess what I saw. Both Noah and Riley, in a conversation that looked intimate. He wasn't even put out to see her, just acted as though she was right where she was supposed to be.
It would have been easier for me to hear what they spoke about, but getting closer without being seen was impossible. My dress made it so damn hard to sneak around, and there was no hiding place close to where they were.
But I saw them. At least there was that.
But why?