My husband and I spent the next few days of our wedding pretending that neither of us existed.

Whenever our paths came across each other, we walked past without any form of acknowledgment.

He spent days at work without coming home, and I had all the house to myself. The wedding frenzy passed, my parents and Jeremy flew back home, leaving me with Noah. 

Harriet had to resume work too, and I was alone most of the time. And while I loved having some alone time to myself, it wasn't very long before boredom set in.

I needed something to do. I had a lot of time and very little things to do, and it was extremely tiring, sitting at home and doing the same thing over and over all day long.

Going back to bakery had briefly crossed my mind, but I quickly scraped the idea out of my head.

So I slept. Ordered in a lot of food. Ate. Binged watched movies. Slept again.