Feng Jiao Xue grinned widely as she held a parchment filled with scribbles and elegant writings. Herbs and their attributes, effects, positive and negative, as well as other information, how they would react to certain things are written all over papers, both crumbled up or meticulously spread all over her table. Medicinal books written all over spread up all around her, from her desk, to her chairs and to the floor.
On one corner of her bedroom where various herbs and vials filled with different coloured liquids marked with a bright red "Experiment #: Fail" noted in each container from 1-79, crumpled papers littered below the table.
Feng Jiao Xue directly mirrors the state of her room.
Her silken hair all over the place, messily tied in a ponytail, ink all over her hands, eyes buried on prominent eye bags, the sleeves of her dress rolled up, stains from her previous experiments coloring the once beautiful dress.