Chapter 80

Feng Jiao Xue walked towards the cup again, thankful that there was still a small dose left.

Normally, in her old body, she could have taken a taste test and identified the ingredients instantly. But with this fragile vessel, she doubted she would survive if she tried. Briefly, she considered her situation. She really needed to start training this body's immunity to poison. It would not do if her own 'weapon' was used against her. But... with the accumulated toxicity from the poisons in her childhood, perhaps she could jump-start it.

"Little Snowflake?" Feng Zhenhai placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know you don't have to do this. Let's leave it to the professionals, okay?" he coaxed.

Feng Jiao Xue placed a reassuring hand over his. "Grandfather, trust me. I know what I'm doing."