Chapter 1: Are There Really Aliens?

"How about Mount Tai? The Qi and Lu are green, the creation of the clock is divine, the yin and yang divide the dusk and dawn!"

Looking at the majestic peaks before him and the mist at his feet that resembled a fairyland, Ye Nan, standing atop Mount Tai, couldn't help but recite a poem by a great poet.

Originally, standing on this mountaintop should evoke a sense of grandeur, a feeling that one could accomplish several small goals in just a few minutes. However, the person before me appeared somewhat numb, even lifeless.

Ye Nan was originally a student at Zhongzhou University and was about to face an internship. However, during this final period, he chose to propose to the goddess he had secretly admired for four years. But what he didn't expect was that in the end, such a conclusion would actually occur...

Because when Ye Nan took out the small safe where he had saved for four years, bought a ring he really liked, and was about to run to propose to his goddess, he unexpectedly saw his goddess actually being intimate with another woman.

Ye Nan would never forget the way that woman looked at him, as if with disdain or perhaps even disgust.

Even the goddess he had secretly admired for four years only glanced at Ye Nan before linking arms with that girl and leaving.

That night, Ye Nan cried for a long time because he never imagined that his goddess was actually a lesbian...

Although love has suffered setbacks, life must go on, so Ye Nan chose to indulge himself in Taishan before starting his formal internship.

"Ah, it's easy to die, it's easy to live, why is living so difficult!"

At this moment, Ye Nan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and carrying a hiking backpack. Although he looked somewhat frail, his slightly delicate face gave a very warm feeling.

Standing atop the mountain, speaking such philosophical words, one might think Ye Nan is the local Taoist priest if they didn't know any better.

But no matter how life forces you, you still have to keep going, right? After having enough of the northwest wind, Ye Nan prepared to head down the mountain.

But just at that moment, Ye Nan suddenly felt an extremely powerful force coming from under his feet, and in an instant, it seemed like the entire mountaintop was shaking, making it impossible to stand firm.

"Damn, there's an earthquake. Am I really this unlucky?"

Faced with this almost incomprehensible force, Ye Nan could only guess it was an earthquake. After all, in this world, the only thing that could make such tall mountains shake would probably be an earthquake!

"There's an earthquake, run!"

"Don't push me!"


Everyone has a kind of fear inside them, and when life-threatening events occur, this fear will manifest and even escalate.

At this moment, facing the natural disaster that could possibly be an earthquake, everyone on the mountaintop panicked and rushed to run down the mountain.

You should know that there is only one road leading down the mountain, and it's all stone steps, making the path very narrow.

So many people crowding in at once will naturally cause accidents, even making someone fall off the stone steps and plunge into the abyss.

Looking at the chaotic scene before him, Ye Nan didn't move at all. Instead, he stood there in shock, obediently staying in place, even ignoring others' reminders.

"If it really is an earthquake, how can we hide on this mountaintop? It would be better to leave it to fate."

Actually, Ye Nan is completely right. It took several hours to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top, so how could it be something you can just run up?

After coming to terms with this issue, Ye Nan also completely released himself, simply finding a place to sit down and carefully observing the changes at the mountain top.

At this moment, only Ye Nan remained on the entire mountaintop, and with the continuous tremors of the mountaintop, large chunks of debris and the mountaintop structures began to collapse.

For some reason, Ye Nan, who remained calm in the face of this situation, suddenly gave off a sense of a hero in decline, evoking feelings of admiration and sadness.

I don't know if it's because Ye Nan is lucky, or if heaven couldn't bear to see Ye Nan's plight and wanted to give him a blessing.

After Ye Nan maintained this posture for about a minute, he suddenly noticed that the mountaintop seemed to have returned to calm, and the dizziness he felt earlier also disappeared.

"Good people don't die easily, and the harm they cause lingers for a thousand years. I knew I wouldn't die so easily."

Although the current situation has temporarily returned to calm, who can guarantee that another wave won't come soon? So, as happy as I am, making a timely exit is the right thing to do.

But just as Ye Nan stood up, a strange sound wave suddenly drilled into Ye Nan's ears, causing Ye Nan to quickly cover his ears and roll on the ground incessantly.

"Seriously, don't play with people like this."

At this moment, Ye Nan only felt that the sound was extremely piercing, like the ultrasound in a movie. His entire head felt like it was being pricked with needles, and he even gritted his teeth to say this.

What Ye Nan didn't know was that at this moment, a streamlined, wing-like flying object was drilling out from the interior of Mount Tai and heading towards the peak where Ye Nan was.

"What the hell is all this? My head is killing me. Today has been the worst luck ever."

After slowly recovering, Ye Nan, having exerted tremendous effort, finally managed to prop himself up and stand from the ground.

"Buzz... buzz..."

"Eh, what sound?"

Just as Ye Nan was preparing to hurry down the mountain to the hospital for treatment, he suddenly heard a very strange sound, which piqued his curiosity and made him want to investigate.

And when Ye Nan turned around to look back, he was shocked by an extremely startling scene, which he remembered thoroughly in just an instant.

At this moment, at the top of the mountain, there was a flying object about the size of a car floating there. Although it had no visible propulsion system, it was indeed hovering there quietly, leaving one wondering what it intended to do.

Upon closer inspection, the entire appearance of the flying object resembles a flying swallow, but it is even more exquisite and reasonable. Its bright silver exterior is like admiring a piece of art.

"I, I can't believe it, I actually saw an alien... I must have the luck of winning the lottery!"

Because in Ye Nan's perception, such things do not exist in the world at all, and combined with the strange phenomena that occurred before, Ye Nan believes this is an alien spaceship.

"If one day you really encounter an alien, what would you do?"

At this moment, Ye Nan recalled this question from his childhood without a moment's hesitation, took out his Xiaomi phone from his pocket, then switched to selfie mode, preparing to have a grand and friendly exchange with this alien creature.

But Ye Nan forgot that the aliens might not be so friendly and might not want to take a picture with him.

Through the high-definition camera of the rice, before Ye Nan could press the shutter, he suddenly noticed a white light sweeping over him, instantly engulfing him and making him disappear.

"Do you have to be such a jerk?!"

At the moment when he was engulfed by this strange ray, a mournful and even unwilling voice was heard. However, when the white light flashed, there was no trace of Ye Nan or the aliens on the mountaintop!

ps: New book release, everyone is welcome to collect and support. A different sci-fi world is about to unfold!

(End of this chapter)