Chapter 4: You Only Protect Yiling

Wen Nuan paused for a moment at her son's words before responding, "As long as you've eaten, that's good. Just focus on eating well, and your hand will recover. Don't worry; your dad has already contacted the best surgeon." 

She knew Mo Shiyun, the daughter of their housekeeper, Mo Sao. Mo Sao was a woman of unfortunate circumstances; her husband had died, leaving her to raise their child alone. With no other options, she had pleaded with Wen Nuan to allow Shiyun to stay with them. 

Wen Nuan had not refused. Mo Sao worked diligently, and having an extra child around did not significantly burden their household; the Jian family could easily accommodate one more. Mo Shiyun and Jian Yunnao were of similar ages and got along well. 

However, the recent argument between Jian Yunnao and Jian Yiling stemmed from Shiyun, though Wen Nuan knew it was unfair to blame her. Yiling had been overly sensitive; no matter how much her brother loved her, he had friends outside their family. 

Suddenly, Jian Yunnao spoke, his voice low and devoid of spirit. "Don't lie to me. The nerves in my hand are severed; I won't be able to play the piano again. I'm useless now!" 

"Don't say that, Yunnao… I know you're upset… It's my fault," Wen Nuan sobbed as she apologized to her son. 

"Why are you apologizing? It should be her who apologizes! She took away my hand! If she comes to apologize, I won't hold it against her!" 

"Yunnao, she's your sister; she's still just a child. I… I…" Wen Nuan was at a loss for words. 

Seeing his wife in tears, Jian Shuxing quickly intervened. "Yunnao, don't pressure your mother like this!" 

"Yes, I am pressuring her! You all just protect Yiling; she's your only child, but I'm not!" Jian Yunnao was furious. Usually, he never expressed dissatisfaction over his parents' favoritism toward his younger sister, but now that he had lost his most precious asset—his hands—his emotions were unraveling. 

Jian Yuncheng stepped in to quell the rising tension. "Yunnao, Mom and Dad do have their shortcomings, but it's unrealistic to think they can ruin Yiling's hands in return. Just calm down; we'll find a way to help your hands, and there will be consequences for Yiling's actions. I promise." 

Jian Yuncheng's words seemed to cool Jian Yunnao's anger somewhat; he still respected his older brother's opinions and understood that he couldn't truly wish harm on his sister. 

Even if he destroyed Yiling's hands, his own wouldn't recover. 

Meanwhile, Jian Yiling stood at the doorway, observing the scene unfold within the room, her gaze fixed on Jian Yunnao's injured hand, which hung from a support. Numerous instruments were attached to it for stabilization. 

In an instant, Jian Yiling realized that Jian Yunnao's hand nerves were damaged, meaning he would require a nerve repair surgery to fully recover. This was a complicated procedure, and only a few surgeons specialized in it. 

Given the Jian family's financial and social power, it was surprising they couldn't arrange for it sooner. In the original story, Jian Yunnao had never fully recovered from his injury, and his piano career was cut short, plunging him into a deep gloom. The continued focus on Jian Yiling only further strained his relationship with their parents. 

In his dark world, the only light for Jian Yunnao was Mo Shiyun. 

Jian Yiling lowered her gaze to her hands. She had once been able to perform such surgeries, possessing the necessary skills and extensive surgical experience. 

During her time at the research institute, she specialized in drug research but had also achieved remarkable success in the field of surgery, receiving accolades both domestically and internationally. One of her surgeries had even been filmed and sold for a staggering price. 

But now, her hands were not yet ready. Performing such intricate operations required not only technical skills but also steady hands trained to avoid tremors during surgery. This would take time to develop. 

As she pondered her options, a flicker of determination ignited within her. Perhaps she could still find a way to help Jian Yunnao, to make amends for the pain her actions had caused. 

Resolving to act, she stepped further into the room, her heart racing as she prepared to face the consequences of her past mistakes. She would not let her brother's suffering be in vain; she would do everything in her power to support him, to heal the rift in their family. 

"Yunnao," she said softly, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, "I want to help you." 

Her voice was steady, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. "I know my actions hurt you, and I'm truly sorry. But I can help with your surgery. I can find the right doctor. I've done this before—I can help you recover." 

The room fell silent, and Jian Yunnao's gaze flickered toward her, a mix of skepticism and hope crossing his features. 

"Do you really mean that?" he asked, disbelief coloring his tone. 

"Yes," she replied, her voice firm. "I'll do everything I can to make this right. Just give me a chance." 

In that moment, Jian Yunnao saw a glimmer of sincerity in his sister's eyes. He hesitated, torn between his anger and the desperate desire to believe in her promise. 

"Fine," he said, his voice softening slightly. "If you can truly help me, then I'll listen. But don't expect me to forgive you so easily." 

"I understand," Jian Yiling nodded, her heart swelling with a mixture of relief and determination. "I'll work hard to earn your trust back. We're family, and I won't let you down." 

As the tension in the room began to ease, Wen Nuan and Jian Shuxing exchanged hopeful glances, realizing that perhaps this was the first step toward healing for all of them. 

Together, they could face the challenges that lay ahead. It would not be easy, but with understanding and support, they could rebuild their relationships and heal the wounds that had formed. 

In the silence that followed, there was an unspoken agreement that they would move forward together, united in their resolve to face the uncertain future.