Chapter 9: She Seemed Very Timid

"Over the next period, I'll be relying on you to help Yiling," Jian Yuncheng said to Qin Chuan. "It's my duty," Qin Chuan replied earnestly.

"Then let's get started today. It'll be a bit tough for you this week," Jian Yuncheng continued, looking at him with a mixture of expectation and gratitude.

"Sure," Qin Chuan agreed without hesitation. The difficulty was not a concern; the daily tutoring sessions meant that he would earn a handsome payment each day. Jian Yuncheng had also promised to pay him at the end of each session, which would help cover his mother's hospital bills. 

To put it bluntly, Jian Yiling's decision to take a leave of absence was a timely blessing for Qin Chuan. Following Jian Yiling, he made his way to her study.

Jian Yiling's study had a distinctly girlish charm. As the only daughter of the Jian family, she was treated like a little princess, and her room was adorned in soft pink tones. Jian Yiling, however, disliked the color entirely; it didn't resonate with her true personality at all. Yet, she had no time to rearrange her room; more pressing matters awaited her attention.

As soon as Qin Chuan stepped into Jian Yiling's study, he was enveloped by a strong sense of youthful innocence and girlish energy. She truly was the little princess of the Jian family, though whispers around school suggested she was more of a devil than a darling. 

Qin Chuan had no interest in this girl, whether she was a princess or a demon; to him, she was merely a task that needed completion. 

He quickly obtained Jian Yiling's exam papers from last month's assessment. Jian Yiling had just begun her first year of high school, and her grades were shockingly poor. Out of nine main subjects—Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Politics, and History—she had failed six and barely passed three. Her academic performance could only be described as "abysmal."

Qin Chuan instructed Jian Yiling to redo the questions she had answered incorrectly. 

"I'll make the corrections myself first. If I get anything wrong, you can point it out later," Jian Yiling said, trying to minimize her interaction with him. She still struggled with communicating and spoke a bit slower than usual, carefully choosing her words. 

Seeing her determination, Qin Chuan decided not to push. He settled down on the nearby sofa, waiting for her to finish her work.

While Qin Chuan was distracted, Jian Yiling subtly tucked the exam paper beneath her desk and pulled out her phone, typing furiously on the screen. If Qin Chuan were to glance over, he would see that she was typing entirely in English.

After a short while, Qin Chuan approached to check her progress. As he walked over, Jian Yiling quickly hid her phone, pretending to be deeply focused on her work.

Qin Chuan peered at the exam paper. He noticed that although Jian Yiling had only corrected one mistake, she had done it correctly. Her problem-solving steps were sound. Although her pace was slow, Qin Chuan decided to explain the concepts while allowing her to make corrections.

As he leaned closer, Jian Yiling cautiously slid her phone to her thigh, trying to keep it hidden. Qin Chuan didn't see her phone; instead, he noticed her flinch slightly. 

Was she... timid? 

He didn't dwell on it and began to explain the problems to Jian Yiling. 

Qin Chuan was an excellent teacher; his explanations were clear and engaging. When he reached key points, he took Jian Yiling's pen and paper to write down important notes for her to review later. 

However, as he reached for the pen and paper, he accidentally brushed against Jian Yiling's hand. She immediately recoiled, her reaction swift and instinctive, like a startled little rabbit.

In that moment, Qin Chuan felt a fleeting sense of guilt, as though he had frightened a delicate girl. 

In truth, Jian Yiling's response was simply a natural aversion to being touched by strangers, especially someone like Qin Chuan. It was a reflexive reaction deeply embedded in her psyche. 

Qin Chuan continued his explanation, taking care to maintain a respectful distance. He didn't want to intimidate her; his intention was solely to help her improve her studies. Yet, he couldn't help but notice how fragile she seemed, and it stirred an unexpected sense of protectiveness within him. 

As the session progressed, Jian Yiling gradually began to relax. She focused intently on the problems, occasionally stealing glances at Qin Chuan. While she tried to suppress her unease, there was a spark of curiosity beginning to flicker in her heart. 

Was it possible that this tutor, who had once been an unknown variable in her life, could become a source of support and understanding? 

Despite her internal struggles, Jian Yiling felt the tension easing slightly. Perhaps, for the first time in a long while, she could allow someone in, even if just a little. 

But she was still cautious; after all, trust was not easily given, especially when one had been hurt before.