Chapter 19: You Are So Much Better Than Jian Yiling

Even though the female student hadn't gotten a clear answer from Mo Shiyun regarding the Jian family's treatment of Jian Yiling, she had pieced together from Mo Shiyun's comments that Jian Yiling was indeed the one who had pushed Jian Yunnao down the stairs. 

This student, named Zhu Sha, was in the same class as Mo Shiyun and Jian Yunnao, serving as the Chinese class representative in their senior experimental class. Zhu Sha excelled in her Chinese studies and performed reasonably well in other subjects as well. While her appearance was quite ordinary, she maintained a decent relationship with Mo Shiyun.

Zhu Sha had a crush on Jian Yunnao and had once tried to approach him through Jian Yiling. After all, getting close to a boy's sister would certainly help her get closer to him. However, Jian Yiling had completely ignored her and even told her bluntly not to harbor any fantasies. This infuriated Zhu Sha; how could Jian Yiling think she was so much better than her? 

Not only had Zhu Sha failed to get closer to Jian Yunnao through Jian Yiling, but she also found herself utterly furious with Jian Yiling. So, Zhu Sha turned to Mo Shiyun, trying to ingratiate herself with her instead. Compared to the notoriously fierce Jian Yiling, Mo Shiyun's character seemed almost angelic.

"Hey, Shiyun," Zhu Sha began, her tone brightening. "Do you think we could visit Jian Yunnao? A lot of classmates have prepared greeting cards for him, but you're the only one in our class who knows which hospital and which ward he's in."

Mo Shiyun replied thoughtfully, "I think Jian Yunnao wouldn't want visitors right now. He needs to rest well." 

Mo Shiyun understood Zhu Sha's intentions, but she wasn't going to let Zhu Sha's whims affect Jian Yunnao's emotional state. It would be unwise to jeopardize her relationship with Jian Yunnao for Zhu Sha's wishes.

Zhu Sha's face fell slightly. "Well, at the very least, can you take the blessing cards we made for him?" she asked. "We won't be there in person, so it shouldn't disturb him, right?"

Noticing Zhu Sha's disappointment, Mo Shiyun tried to reassure her, "Once he feels better in a few days, I'll ask him if we can organize a visit over the weekend."

Zhu Sha immediately brightened up. "Shiyun, you're so wonderful! You're so much better than that Jian Yiling! You outshine her in looks, grades, and character by a long shot!" 

Mo Shiyun smiled, "Just don't let her hear you say that."

Zhu Sha scoffed. "What if she does? Everyone in school knows what a venomous snake she is! The entire school is cursing her! If she wanted to retaliate against everyone who has insulted her, there wouldn't be anyone left in the school!" 

Previously, Zhu Sha had been somewhat cautious when discussing Jian Yiling, but now she had no qualms at all. She even viewed bashing Jian Yiling as a way to vent frustration for her beloved Jian Yunnao.

Leaning closer, Zhu Sha whispered conspiratorially to Mo Shiyun, "Just wait and see! If Jian Yiling dares to come back to school, she better be ready for some serious consequences!"

Mo Shiyun looked at Zhu Sha in confusion. "What do you know?"

Zhu Sha smirked mysteriously. "I've already heard the news! Qiu Jie is planning to take revenge on Jian Yiling!"

Qiu Jie was Qiu Yizhen, the daughter of the chairman of Shenghua High School, who was also known as a campus queen. Everyone, both boys and girls, referred to her respectfully as "Qiu Jie" whenever they saw her. Jian Yunnao had a fan club at school, and the president of that club was none other than Qiu Jie herself.

Now that Jian Yunnao was injured and might never play the piano again, it was understandable that Qiu Jie would be furious. It seemed that Jian Yiling was in for a rough time upon her return to school, with so many people looking to take her down a peg. 

Zhu Sha couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the drama that would unfold. After all, in her eyes, Jian Yiling deserved every bit of scorn that was thrown her way. 

Mo Shiyun frowned slightly, contemplating the implications of Zhu Sha's words. While she understood Zhu Sha's desire for revenge, she was also concerned about the potential consequences of such actions. "Do you think it's really necessary to escalate things like this? What if it just makes everything worse?" 

Zhu Sha rolled her eyes dismissively. "Come on, Shiyun! This is about justice for Jian Yunnao! He deserves to have his name cleared. Besides, Jian Yiling brought this on herself." 

The conversation between the two girls buzzed with tension and excitement as they exchanged theories about what would happen next. 

While Zhu Sha plotted her next moves, Jian Yiling was completely unaware of the storm brewing in her absence. She was focused on surviving the day, not knowing that the whispers and intrigues around her were only just beginning to unfold. 

As she entered the school building, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead, unaware of the extent of the animosity waiting for her in the hallways. Little did she know that her return would trigger a wave of events that would test her resilience and determination to rise above the shadows cast by her family's name.