Chapter 23: Asking the Teacher for Help

The disciplinary director was fuming inside. What was the point of bringing this candy to school? Was Jian Yiling doing it just to make trouble? She must have planned this, he thought angrily, to toy with him and waste his time. This girl was certainly trouble.

After a moment of grinding his teeth, he finally spoke, "Well, since it was all just a misunderstanding, everyone can return to their seats. Class President, please get the morning reading started!"

There wasn't much more he could do about it. Shenghua High's rules didn't specify that students couldn't bring candy to school, so he had no grounds to discipline her. He was ready to leave when Jian Yiling spoke up again.

"Also, my books were thrown to the back of the classroom."

Her voice was soft and her tone measured, as if she were merely stating a fact rather than making an accusation.

The director's eyes followed her gaze to the scattered books lying in the back of the room. He knew he should investigate, but he really didn't want to get involved. However, ignoring it would be irresponsible, especially in front of the entire class. It would damage his reputation as the school's disciplinarian.

Reluctantly, he addressed the class, "Who threw these books? I'm giving you a chance to admit it now. If I have to find out on my own, there will be severe consequences."

The classroom fell silent. Everyone knew it was Qiu Jie who had done it. Many of them had been there when she tossed Jian Yiling's books aside, so the truth was obvious. Standing behind the director, Qiu Jie swept a warning glance across the room, daring anyone to speak up. She silently threatened retaliation against anyone who betrayed her.

Even Jian Yiling's deskmate, who had earlier hinted about Qiu Jie's involvement, now avoided looking up. The fear of Qiu Jie's revenge was too much, and so everyone remained silent.

Seeing no response, the director appeared somewhat satisfied to let it go. He muttered, "Since no one seems to know, we'll leave it at that for now. But if anyone remembers anything or finds out who did it, come to my office."

That was as good as burying the issue entirely. Qiu Jie smirked, tossing a smug glance toward Jian Yiling as if to taunt her, reveling in what she believed was her victory.

But Jian Yiling wasn't finished. She addressed the director again in her calm, unhurried manner, "The incident happened within the last seven days. Surveillance footage is kept for at least a month. We could check the cameras to find out who did it."

Her tone was unflinching, clear, and direct. She didn't sound angry, nor did she seem the least bit intimidated.

At these words, Qiu Jie's confidence wavered, and she felt a surge of panic. If the director actually decided to check the security footage, she would undoubtedly be exposed. She silently cursed Jian Yiling, thinking, *This girl really is a piece of work, always a step ahead.*

The director also knew what she suggested was entirely feasible. But he had avoided mentioning it for a reason: he didn't want to waste time over such a trivial matter. There were far more pressing concerns than a minor spat over books.

However, Jian Yiling's measured suggestion put him in an awkward position. It felt like she was subtly challenging his authority, forcing him to act.

He turned back to her with a stony face and replied, "Do you think I need you to tell me that? Of course, I know we can check the surveillance footage. But I wanted to give the person responsible a chance to come forward voluntarily."

Jian Yiling simply nodded, acknowledging his point. "If that person doesn't step up, please remember to review the footage, sir."

The director gave her one final glare, his annoyance barely concealed, and then stormed out of the classroom. His reluctance to involve himself in the petty squabbles of students had backfired, leaving him with no choice but to take action if Qiu Jie didn't confess. And from the look on Jian Yiling's face, it was clear she would hold him accountable if he didn't follow through.