Chapter 35: Sending Jian Yiling Back to the Old Residence

It was no wonder Old Master Zhai felt compelled to arrange for his grandson to meet some suitable young ladies. Despite Zhai Yunseng's outward appearance of robust health, the truth was more complicated—his life hung by a thread, and a moment's carelessness could lead to tragedy. As the sole heir of the Zhai family, his loss would signify the end of a lineage that had thrived for generations. 

Unfortunately, while Zhai Yunseng had a penchant for various pursuits, he had no interest in women. His reputation was as pristine as a blank sheet of paper in that regard. Considering his age, it was normal for him to be single, particularly since Yu Xi himself had never been in a relationship either. Yet, Zhai Yunseng's unique situation complicated matters significantly. 

In Beijing, the Zhai family had made various attempts to introduce him to potential partners, showcasing a range of women with hopes of catching his interest. However, Zhai Yunseng remained utterly indifferent. Old Master Zhai had even made it clear that any woman who piqued his grandson's interest would be considered, regardless of family background, as long as she was from a respectable family with good morals.

"You handle this," Zhai Yunseng said, throwing Yu Xi a knowing glance.

Yu Xi wore a look of despair, fully aware that this directive wasn't about charming young women but rather about appeasing Old Master Zhai. "Lord Sheng, I have a feeling I'm going to end up dead at your grandfather's hands," he joked, though a twinge of seriousness laced his tone. He was left with no choice but to keep Old Master Zhai entertained with tales about his grandson while trying to smooth things over.


That evening, Jian Yiling was immersed in her studies in the study when both Jian Shuxiang and Jian Yun Cheng unexpectedly entered the room. The sight of both her father and brother together immediately signaled to her that something important was amiss.

"Xiao Ling, there's something your father needs to discuss with you," Jian Shuxiang began, his brows furrowing deeply, his eyes unable to meet hers. 

Nodding, Jian Yiling adopted a serious and calm demeanor, bracing herself for the conversation.

"Um… your third brother… is going to be discharged from the hospital," Jian Shuxiang continued, his usually authoritative tone faltering in the presence of his daughter.

"Let me take this," Jian Yun Cheng interjected smoothly. "Yun Nao is ready to go home, but his hand hasn't healed. We haven't found anyone qualified to perform the surgery yet. The hospital suggests he could benefit from a home environment for a while to help his morale."

"However, Yun Nao isn't quite ready to see you yet," he added, glancing at his father for support. "Dad and I discussed it, and before he fully accepts you, we thought it best to send you to your grandparents' house for a bit. I've already spoken to them, and they're expecting you. You can head back to the old residence right after school tomorrow. If there's anything you need to bring, pack it up today, and I'll help you take it over."

Jian Yun Cheng delivered the news, watching for Jian Yiling's reaction. Prior to this, he, Jian Shuxiang, and Wen Nuan had conferred at length about how to present the situation to her, fully anticipating her emotional response.

Jian Shuxiang dared not meet her gaze, remembering how he had previously declined Old Lady Jian's suggestion to have her stay at the old residence. Now, the circumstances that warranted this decision were far from what he had hoped for.

"Okay," Jian Yiling replied, her response crisp and straightforward.

Turning back, she began to gather her belongings without a moment's hesitation.

Jian Shuxiang and Jian Yun Cheng were utterly taken aback by her calm acceptance of their plans. They had anticipated tears, protests, and a display of emotions from her, but instead, she quietly complied.

As they watched their daughter's slender form moving about, her demeanor utterly placid, a pang of sorrow gripped their hearts. It felt as if they had been struck with a blunt object, the realization of her distress hitting them hard.

"Xiao Ling… if you need anything, please just let your dad know," Jian Shuxiang stammered, desperately trying to find words of comfort for her.

Jian Yiling merely shook her head, her young face surprisingly serene despite the circumstances. Her tranquility only deepened their sense of guilt and helplessness. 

Neither father nor brother could fully comprehend the emotional toll this situation was taking on her. All they knew was that they were trying to do what they believed was best, even if it meant sending her away. As Jian Yiling continued to prepare for her departure, the atmosphere grew heavy with unspoken words and a lingering sadness that would haunt them long after she was gone.