Chapter 41: Jian Yujie's Ambition

Jian Yiling sat at the table, diligently enjoying her meal. No matter what He Yan said beside her, she remained unfazed, focused entirely on her food. Her ability to concentrate in a noisy environment was impressive, a trait that served her well in her often chaotic family life.

As He Yan continued to talk, her frustration mounted. It was as though she were performing for an audience, the only one not entertained by her efforts. Yet, she found herself unable to confront Jian Yiling directly about her demeanor. 

After the family finished dinner, they moved to the courtyard to enjoy tea, a habit established by the patriarch and matriarch of the family. It was customary for younger family members visiting the ancestral home to join them in this ritual, taking the opportunity to appreciate the elder's beloved orchids.

The courtyard had originally been designed in a European style, but after the old master announced his retirement, he became fascinated with growing orchids. To accommodate this new passion, he carved out a section of the courtyard and constructed a Chinese-style garden, which, while somewhat at odds with the European aesthetics, was filled with precious orchids. This area featured traditional redwood tables and chairs, along with elegant tea sets.

"Yiling, look at my hands. Don't they seem empty?" Jian Yujie said, extending his long, slender fingers for her to inspect.

He showcased the front and back of his hands before making a magical gesture. Suddenly, a red rose appeared in his palm, astonishing Jian Yiling. With a twist of his wrist, the rose caught fire, flames dancing briefly before extinguishing. To her amazement, a charming keychain, shaped like a little unicorn, materialized in its place.

Jian Yujie handed the keychain to Jian Yiling. "This is for you!" 

She accepted the cute, pastel-colored accessory, murmuring a soft, "Thank you." Although she wasn't particularly fond of pink items, she appreciated the gesture. 

Seeing her reaction, Jian Yujie smiled with satisfaction. It seemed he was convinced that she suited such cute and delicate things. "Next time, I'll have to buy more gifts like this for you!" he promised, imagining her delighted face.

Old Lady Jian chuckled at her grandson's antics. "Your hands have become increasingly skillful, Yujie. You truly have the makings of a magician!" 

Magic was indeed Jian Yujie's passion; he aspired to become a magician. He had mentioned this dream to his family several times, and both his grandparents supported his interests, believing that it was important for him to pursue what he loved. 

However, He Yan was less enthusiastic. She often dismissed the idea, citing concerns about his age and emotional development. "What if he loses interest? He might not only fail to become a magician but also fall behind in his studies." 

Old Master Jian, however, was supportive. "If you really enjoy it, work hard at it. Once you graduate high school, I can help you find a suitable teacher." 

Hearing his grandparents' encouragement filled Jian Yujie with joy. "Thank you, Grandpa!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

But He Yan's expression darkened immediately. "Dad, Mom, Yujie is doing exceptionally well in school. Letting him pursue magic would be such a waste of his talent!"

He Yan had three sons, and the first two had shown little interest in finance or business—areas she deemed vital for success. With her eldest sons already in their twenties and unambitious, she couldn't allow her youngest to pursue what she considered a frivolous path.

"How much money can a magician realistically make in a year?" she questioned, her voice tinged with concern.

Old Lady Jian responded thoughtfully, "Being a magician requires intelligence and creativity; it's not just about sleight of hand. His good grades lay a solid foundation for his future. Pursuing his passion isn't a waste." 

She understood He Yan's worries but firmly believed that what truly mattered was the child's happiness. Yujie had expressed his desire to be a magician for years now; if it were merely a passing whim, he would have moved on long ago.

As the conversation continued, Jian Yujie felt the weight of their expectations and the tension surrounding him. He wanted to prove that pursuing magic didn't mean abandoning his studies; rather, it could be a complementary pursuit that enriched his life and brought joy to his family. 

With every passing moment, he became more determined to show them that he could excel in both academics and his passion for magic. As the evening wore on, he resolved to practice harder, to impress not just his grandparents but also his mother, and perhaps change her mind about his dreams. 

In the warm glow of the courtyard, surrounded by the laughter of family and the beauty of the orchids, Jian Yujie found inspiration. He silently vowed to follow his dreams, no matter how impossible they seemed to others, hoping that one day he could share the magic of his journey with those he loved most.