Chapter 63: The Research Institute (Part 4)

Inside the research institute, Professor Xu finally came face to face with the person he had been eagerly anticipating for nearly half a month: the mysterious "Dr. F.S."

"Cheng Yi... you're telling me she is Dr. F.S.?" Professor Xu's voice trembled slightly, his face a portrait of disbelief.

At fifty-three years old, Professor Xu was a seasoned scientist. His hair was graying, and his thinning hairline hinted at years of hard work and stress, though he hadn't yet succumbed to full baldness. Nevertheless, he retained the composure of a distinguished academic—until now. This revelation had clearly shaken him.

Cheng Yi, standing beside him, nodded earnestly. "Yes, Professor. She is Dr. F.S."

Professor Xu raised a hand to his forehead, clearly overwhelmed. "I… I just…" Words failed him. How was he supposed to describe his feelings in this moment?

Cheng Yi poured him a glass of water, offering it to his stunned mentor. "Take your time, Professor. I was just as stunned a little while ago. It took me a good while to process it."

Professor Xu gratefully accepted the water and took several long sips, allowing the cool liquid to calm his rattled nerves. After a moment, he finally looked back at Cheng Yi and asked, "Are you absolutely sure? No mistake?"

Cheng Yi nodded once more, with certainty this time. "Absolutely. We talked on the way here from the gate. Other than her age being younger than expected, everything matches up perfectly."

There was no doubt. No impostor, no misunderstandings—this girl standing before them was indeed the person they had been corresponding with online for almost two weeks. She was the real Dr. F.S.

Professor Xu, despite his age and experience, found himself truly shaken by this discovery. He had been through many storms in his long career, but this was a different kind of surprise. Still, after the initial shock, his mind began to settle. He was, after all, a man who had long ago accepted that the world was full of exceptional talent. He knew better than most that geniuses could emerge from the most unexpected places.

He took another long breath and looked back at Jian Yiling with renewed admiration. In his eyes, it was as though he had just discovered a hidden gem of extraordinary value.

However, there was still protocol to follow. Regardless of how impressive Jian Yiling's reputation as Dr. F.S. was, the research institute required a thorough evaluation of anyone who joined their ranks. It was like a job interview, but far more rigorous—after all, this wasn't just any job; it was a position at one of the most prestigious medical research institutes in the country.

The selection process involved a series of tests and practical examinations. Every candidate had to prove their knowledge and abilities in various fields. Typically, this evaluation took an average of four to five hours to complete.

Jian Yiling, however, finished in just two hours and eight minutes.

By the end of it, Professor Xu was practically bursting with excitement. He had to restrain himself several times from jumping up and down with joy. 

"Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! You're exactly the kind of talent we've been looking for at our institute!" Professor Xu's voice was filled with energy as he extended an official invitation. "I sincerely invite you to join our research institute, Dr. F.S.!"

Cheng Yi, who had been watching the proceedings with a grin, added with a chuckle, "Looks like we're going to have a new, adorable female colleague joining the team!"

It was worth noting that in the entire Huiling Medical Research Institute, there were only two women on staff. One worked in administration and wasn't involved in the research itself, while the other was... well, female in biology alone, without contributing much to the team's diversity. If Jian Yiling joined, she would be the institute's first true female researcher.

Professor Xu was practically beside himself with excitement. "Whatever conditions you have, just name them! Our research institute offers excellent benefits, and our facilities are state-of-the-art—some of the best in the world!"

Huiling Medical Research Institute had an extremely high bar for recruitment. Very few people could meet their rigorous standards. However, for those who did, the institute spared no effort in ensuring their compensation was equally outstanding.

Jian Yiling, though, remained calm. She wasn't particularly concerned with salary or benefits. Her goals were different. "I don't have any special requirements regarding compensation. The only thing I need is access to all the equipment I require and the relevant certifications for my research."

Her request was simple. Unlike most people who sought out prestigious research institutes for lucrative salaries or career advancement, Jian Yiling's primary motivation was purely scientific. She needed the right tools and resources to continue her work.

Professor Xu didn't hesitate for a second. "No problem at all! Absolutely no problem!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. Everything she had asked for was well within the institute's capabilities. In fact, they didn't even see it as a condition—it was a given that she would have access to the best equipment and any certifications she needed.