Chapter 101: Conversation Between Jian Sr. and Jian Shuxing

While everyone was busy preparing the ingredients, Jian Shuxing took the opportunity to visit his father in the orchid room.

"Speak up, what's the matter?" The elder Jian, noticing the frown on his son's face, immediately guessed that something serious was going on.

"There's something I'd like to ask for your help with."

"We're family. No need for formalities. Just tell me what it is. Even though I'm retired, I still care about family matters. Go on."

Jian Shuxing nodded, and with a serious tone, he explained, 

"We've found a doctor who can perform surgery on Xiao Nao (Jian Yunzhao), but the doctor says we'll have to wait. We're concerned that this might just be a way of stalling, so…"

A few days ago, they had received a response from the potential surgeon. The doctor hadn't refused but hadn't agreed outright either, merely saying that more time was needed. But waiting meant a risk—Xiao Nao's chances of a full recovery would diminish with each passing day.

The elder Jian nodded slowly, considering the situation. 

"I understand. I'll reach out to some of my friends and see if they can help move things along."

This issue was also something that weighed heavily on him. After all, it concerned the harmony within the family.

"Thank you, Dad!"

"No need to thank me for things like this. But, tell me, I've heard you've been sending people out of town recently, investigating something?"

Though officially retired, Jian Sr. was still remarkably sharp and aware of much that happened within the family.

Jian Shuxing hesitated before responding, 

"Yes, we've been looking into something."

"Is it serious?"

Taking a deep breath, Jian Shuxing relayed what Jian Yuncheng (Jian Yunzhao's older brother) had told him just a few days earlier. 

"Yuncheng suspects that one of our household staff might have had a hand in the accident between Xiao Ling (Jian Yiling) and Xiao Nao."

"You mean Yuncheng thinks a servant interfered during the incident between Xiao Ling and Xiao Nao?"

"It's just a suspicion at this point. There's no concrete evidence yet." 

They had reviewed the surveillance footage, which showed that Aunt Mo, one of the family's longtime maids, had been watching from a distance when the conflict between Jian Yiling and Jian Yunzhao occurred. But that alone didn't prove anything. Aunt Mo could easily claim that she had come looking for one of the children and just happened to stumble upon the scene without daring to intervene.

It wasn't certain if digging deeper into the videos would yield anything useful.

The elder Jian's voice took on a grave tone, 

"Shuxing, you need to remember that the key issue here is that Xiao Nao personally accused Xiao Ling of pushing him."

The crux of the matter still lay with Jian Yunzhao, who had firmly pointed the finger at Jian Yiling. No one else had made this accusation.

"I know," Jian Shuxing's face remained tense, his tone heavy with concern. "Yuncheng and I aren't sure if further investigation will actually help with resolving the situation between Xiao Nao and Xiao Ling. But something went wrong, and I don't want to leave any possibility, no matter how small, unchecked."

"That's fair enough. Investigating thoroughly is a good idea. Even if it doesn't directly help Xiao Nao and Xiao Ling's situation, it's important to know exactly who's working in the household. Any servant with ill intentions should be removed quickly. If someone in the house really did something harmful, don't show any mercy."

Though the elder Jian spent his days tending to flowers and playing with birds, he was still more than capable of being ruthless when the situation called for it. He wouldn't hesitate to take decisive action if the family's well-being was at stake.

"By the way, Dad," Jian Shuxing continued, "how did Zhai Yunsheng end up spending time with Xiao Ling?"

He knew everyone was familiar with Yu Xi, who was a good kid. There was no problem with Yu Xi hanging out with Jian Yiling. But Zhai Yunsheng—that was another story. Jian Shuxing couldn't help but worry. He feared either that Xiao Ling might pick up bad habits from him, or worse, that Zhai Yunsheng had ulterior motives.

"I've spoken with young Mr. Zhai," the elder Jian replied calmly. "His personality is a bit unusual, but he's not as bad as the rumors make him out to be. Xiao Ling is playing with Yu Xi, and it's through him that she's had some interactions with Mr. Zhai. You needn't worry. Yu Xi is a sensible boy."

The elder Jian had faith in Yu Xi. If anything were to happen to Jian Yiling, Yu Xi wouldn't be able to face the Jian family. Therefore, he trusted Yu Xi to be a positive influence and a safeguard around Jian Yiling.