Chapter 103: Backyard Barbecue (Part 2)

"Mm," Jian Yiling replied softly and walked straight to the barbecue grill, getting ready to start cooking. Jian Yujie and Yu Xi flanked her on either side, a plan they had devised earlier while still inside. To avoid any potential accidents or surprises, they decided they would stick close to her for the entire barbecue.

"What do you want to eat first?" Jian Yiling asked, tilting her head to look up at Jian Yujie.

"How about the scallops with vermicelli?" he suggested eagerly. He had personally prepared the scallops earlier, and afterward, Jian Yiling had added minced garlic and vermicelli, finishing the seasoning.

Jian Yiling nodded, then turned her gaze toward Yu Xi. "And you? What do you want to eat?"

Yu Xi thought for a moment, then grinned. "I'll take ten lamb skewers to start!" After all, it had been his hands that threaded the lamb chunks onto skewers after Jian Yiling had sliced the meat into perfect cubes.

Jian Yiling wasted no time and started grilling the scallops with vermicelli, lamb skewers, shrimp, and corn simultaneously. The shrimp were meant for the old lady, while the corn was for Elder Jian. With multiple items on the grill at once, Jian Yiling moved methodically, showing a level of efficiency and professionalism that belied her age. She managed everything with practiced ease, not missing a beat as the smoke from the grill rose into the air.

From his seat just two meters away, Zhai Yunsheng watched the scene with displeasure flickering in his eyes.

"And what about me?" he muttered under his breath, his tone tinged with annoyance. Why hadn't she asked what he wanted to eat? She had asked Jian Yujie and Yu Xi, but had somehow managed to skip over him.

Yu Xi, sensing the tension, shot a puzzled look at Jian Yiling, who was busy at the grill. It was true that Zhai Yunsheng hadn't helped much in the kitchen earlier, but he had at least pitched in while they were out grocery shopping. In fact, he had personally carried bags for Jian Yiling, not even letting the bodyguards help! Surely that counted for something.

"You're eating vegetables," Jian Yiling stated firmly without turning to face him, her tone unwavering and matter-of-fact.

"Why?" Zhai Yunsheng stood up abruptly and strode over to her side, his sudden movement startling Yu Xi.

Uh-oh. The little bunny may have just made Zhai Yunsheng angry, Yu Xi thought nervously, stealing glances at Jian Yiling, who remained calm. Jian Yujie, on the other hand, immediately felt his internal alarms go off, his body tensing with newfound wariness.

Just as Yu Xi was about to step in and say something to diffuse the situation, Jian Yiling's calm, clear voice rang out, cold but precise. "You're supposed to avoid fatty foods, cholesterol, anything too spicy or stimulating, high-protein and high-calorie items, and anything overly hot or cold." She finally turned to look at Zhai Yunsheng, her expression serious, showing not even a trace of fear.

Zhai Yunsheng had a heart condition. No matter how normal and tough he seemed on the outside, the reality of his physiological frailty couldn't be ignored, regardless of his mental resilience or outwardly strong demeanor.

"Uh, Little Ling," Yu Xi jumped in, trying to explain. "You might not know this, but Zhai Yunsheng really isn't a fan of vegetables. He's gotta have at least a little meat, otherwise he'll lose it."

This had been a long-standing issue for the Zhai family. They desperately wanted Zhai Yunsheng to follow a lighter diet, but with his stubborn nature, he'd never compromise when it came to food. The family was constantly caught between worrying about the dangers of him eating high-cholesterol foods and the risks of upsetting his temper. Ultimately, they always ended up making concessions, trying to reduce the amount of high-calorie and high-cholesterol items he consumed, while avoiding outright confrontation.

Jian Yiling, however, didn't seem fazed. She continued addressing Zhai Yunsheng in the same steady tone, "I'll make you grilled mushrooms instead. They'll be delicious. I'm really good at it."

Certain rare mushrooms could rival meat in flavor, and some were even more savory than seafood. Jian Yiling lifted her head, her clear, bright eyes meeting Zhai Yunsheng's as she awaited his response. She wasn't being cruel or depriving him of tasty food. In fact, she had gone out of her way to ensure he would enjoy the barbecue. When they went shopping earlier that morning, she had specifically asked to visit a store known for selling rare and exotic mushrooms, though at the time, neither Yu Xi nor Zhai Yunsheng had thought much of it. They had assumed Jian Yiling simply had a craving for mushrooms herself.

But now it was obvious. She had been thinking about Zhai Yunsheng the entire time.

"Okay," Zhai Yunsheng agreed almost immediately, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he settled back into his seat, looking far more pleased than anyone expected. His usual stoic demeanor softened, and the satisfaction on his face was impossible to hide.

Yu Xi and Jian Yujie exchanged looks of surprise. Somehow, the usually headstrong Zhai Yunsheng had relented so easily. Jian Yiling's quiet authority had managed to pacify him in a way no one else had before.

As he sat there, contentedly waiting for his specially prepared mushrooms, Zhai Yunsheng's mood visibly lifted. The hint of a smile remained on his lips, a rare and almost boyish expression of delight playing across his face.