Chapter 143: Yiling’s Friends (3)

Could Jian Yiling really have such an opportunity? Jian Yunao's gaze settled on her for the first time, observing her intently. It was a moment laden with complexity, stirring emotions within him that he couldn't quite decipher.

Around him, Jian Shuxiang, Wen Nuan, and Jian Yuncheng were also looking at Jian Yiling, their expressions a mixture of words unsaid and thoughts unvoiced. While it was a comforting revelation that their daughter had found a caring friend to visit her in the hospital, the uniqueness of this friend was undeniably intertwined with their family's most pressing concerns. This made it hard for them to feel completely at ease.

Meanwhile, the old matriarch of the Jian family regarded the situation with gentle surprise. After the initial shock faded, a wave of relief washed over her. The worry she had harbored about her granddaughter seemed to be resolving itself. It appeared that her decision to encourage Yiling to engage in gaming was turning out to be the right one after all.

However, Jian Yumin's focus was drawn more toward Cheng Yi, who had been answering questions. To him, this man seemed sophisticated yet carried an air of ambiguity, reminiscent of individuals he had encountered during his time in the entertainment industry—those who looked impeccable in a suit but revealed themselves to be entirely untrustworthy when the façade dropped. Although such cases were rare, they were not unheard of.

Hong Baizhang, standing nearby, wore an expression of confusion and astonishment. "Is it true? You mean the Dr. from your institute who's been making waves recently?" His curiosity was piqued; he had heard much about this particular doctor, known for publishing groundbreaking research papers and academic articles that had garnered significant attention.

Just recently, he had seen Professor Xu, who was typically reticent on social media, share multiple screenshots of this doctor's work, expressing a sense of regret for not having connected with them sooner. This made Hong feel both envious and incredulous at the same time.

"Yes, that's the one," Cheng Yi confirmed, a soft smile lingering on his lips. 

With this confirmation, the atmosphere in the room thickened with a complexity that surpassed mere surprise. 

Outside the room, Jian Yunao felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him, akin to being placed on a roasting spit. The realization that Jian Yiling was connected to this mysterious surgeon filled him with dread. What would she do? Their relationship had been fraught with conflict lately; how would she respond to this revelation? 

In that instant, Jian Yunao felt as if his fate was entirely in Jian Yiling's hands. The weight of this feeling was both terrifying and disconcerting. He wanted to ask her something—anything—but the words caught in his throat. Fear held him back, and he hesitated, uncertain whether his inquiries would yield answers he wished to hear or provoke a response he could not endure. The thought of angering Jian Yiling sent a chill down his spine, as the consequences of such a confrontation were more than he felt capable of handling.

His anxiety and worry were visible on his face, easily discernible not only to his family but also to Cheng Yi and Luo Xiuwen. The only person in the room who remained blissfully unaware of the Jian family's intricacies was Hong Baizhang, whose mind was still occupied with thoughts of the distinguished doctor.

"Wait, you met through gaming as well?" Hong Baizhang pressed on, eager for more information from Cheng Yi.

"Something like that," Cheng Yi replied with a smile, unconsciously pushing his glasses up his nose in a habitual gesture.

"What game? I want to play too!" Hong Baizhang blurted out, displaying an unexpected enthusiasm that contrasted sharply with his age. At over fifty, the idea of downloading a game designed for younger audiences excited him.

"Dr. Cheng, how about you bring me along to play that game sometime?" he suggested, his eagerness palpable. Who knew? Perhaps he could also forge a friendship with the brilliant surgeon through gaming, just like Jian Yiling had. 

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere shifted from one of tension to that of curiosity and connection. It became apparent that this unexpected alliance between Jian Yiling and her newfound friends had the potential to alter the dynamics of their family's struggles. 

In that moment, Jian Yiling realized that her network had broadened unexpectedly, giving her more strength in navigating the challenges ahead. She understood that the bonds formed through shared interests could pave the way for deeper relationships, transforming adversities into opportunities. 

Thus, the day unfolded, not just as a visit to a friend in need, but as a gathering that might very well rewrite the narrative of their lives—a story that intertwined hope, friendship, and the undeniable strength of human connections.