Chapter 17 - Mermaid's Escape

"Don't joke around!"

Gawain said firmly, shaking his head without hesitation.

Saint Mjosgard felt like the sky had just collapsed—he hadn't expected Gawain to reject him. For a moment, he didn't know how he would face the poor mermaids now.

Just as he prepared to kneel again, Gawain smiled, waving him off.

"Mjosgard-sama, I'm not the kind of person who would use the safety of dozens of mermaids as a bargaining chip for wealth. I won't take your money. But rest assured, I will work with you to make sure these mermaids return safely to the Ryugu Kingdom, ten thousand meters beneath the sea."

Gawain patted Mjosgard on the shoulder. As Mjosgard let out a long sigh of relief, Gawain turned to the tense group of mermaids and gave them a warm smile.

"Girls," he said gently. "You can all relax now. Pack up your things and make sure your friend's body is properly prepared. Once you're ready, Mjosgard and I will take you home."


"Do we really still have a home?"

"This is amazing! We can go home—I trust you, Lord Gawain!"

"Gawain-sama is so kind!"

"Hurry, let's prepare Bluebell's body!"

"Get ready to go home! We're going home!"

"But… I don't want to leave now! How do we repay Gawain-sama?"

"Gawain-sama, do you need a little bubble-blowing mermaid for your estate?"

The naïve, innocent mermaids, carefree as ever, floated around in their little air bubbles, giggling as they hugged each other.

Watching this cheerful scene unfold, Gawain smiled deeply. Fish-Man Island... what a wonderful place. With someone like Jinbei of the Seven Warlords of the Sea there, along with Poseidon—one of the ancient weapons—it was truly a land blessed with power.

To Gawain, kindness was never the only thing that mattered. But if kindness brought greater benefits, why not go with it?

He turned back to Mjosgard with a light chuckle.

"You should prepare as well, Mjosgard-sama. After all, this is a journey—you'll need to bring some things, right?"

"Of... of course!"

But unlike the mermaids—no, even worse than them—Mjosgard began trembling uncontrollably. He broke into tears, pulling his hands away from Gawain and once again dropping to his knees.


Mjosgard sobbed as he shouted. "Your arrival is like a cool breeze under the scorching sun—I have no words to express my gratitude!

I… I don't even know how to repay you! From now on, besides Queen Otohime, you will be the second person I respect most!

**Please, I beg you not to refuse the offering I wish to give you! If you reject it, I will have no choice but to see it as an insult!

The money in my hands can only save them for the moment, but in your hands, it will bring long-term help to these poor mermaids!

Gawain, please accept my entire share of the Heavenly Tribute! Use it to do what I couldn't… and put an end to the regret I've carried for so long!"**


Gawain let out a soft sigh. He hadn't exactly said he didn't want the money. All he meant was that he wouldn't accept it by putting the mermaids' safety on the line.

In fact, in his own plan, he intended to wait until the mermaids were truly safe before securing the funds through cooperation with Mjosgard. After all, he wasn't some saintly savior!

If he was determined to bring a new era to the world, he would need a lot of money to build and expand his future influence. Whether it was recruiting followers or investing in research and development, his own weekly 2.8 billion Beli share of the Heavenly Tribute wouldn't be nearly enough.


Mjosgard's insistence saved Gawain some time and effort. Seeing Mjosgard adopt the stance of "I won't get up unless you take my money," Gawain had no choice but to keep nodding and offering him a hand until the Celestial Dragon—who now regarded wealth as mere dirt—was finally back on his feet.

As Gawain supported him, a sudden thought flashed through his mind.

Although the Celestial Dragons each have their own vile tendencies—some are lustful, others take pleasure in owning slaves, and most indulge in wanton slaughter—they all share one thing in common: none of them value money. Having grown up constantly receiving shares from the Heavenly Tribute, they never developed any sense of its worth.

Seeing Gawain's nod of approval, Mjosgard wiped away his tears and sat down on the couch, only to leap back up a second later.

"Wait! I can't just sit around! What did you just say? Yes! You said I can start preparing to leave!"

His face lit up with joy. "This is the best news I've heard in five years! Finally, I can bring Queen Otohime's people back to her homeland! I've dreamed of this day for so long! I'll start preparing right away!"

Just as Mjosgard was about to rush out, he noticed the mermaids still bouncing around, overflowing with excitement. Even he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight.

He clapped his hands loudly and called out:

"Alright, girls! Stop jumping around! You are just three days and one island away from your home! Go gather the gifts I've given you over the years and bring them along. Once you're all ready, Gawain-sama and I will take you home!"


The room erupted in cheers from the 46 mermaids as they sprang into action. Gawain rose from the couch, watching the mermaids flutter around, packing their things. As he passed by them, their eyes filled with admiration, and Gawain made his way over to Mjosgard.

"Today is certainly a special day," Gawain remarked. "Though there are some regrets, seeing all of this has lightened my heart."

"Yes, Gawain, you really understand how I feel! It's incredible to fulfill both someone else's dream and my own at the same time."

"Indeed," Gawain nodded. "It feels good, but we don't have time to dawdle. I'll speak to my men and leave instructions for my head maid to manage the family estate. After that, I'll meet you all in the hall."

"Got it! Don't worry, Gawain, we'll be ready soon!" Mjosgard grinned, gesturing toward the cheerful mermaids packing around them.

Seeing their eager faces, Gawain smiled as well, then exited the chamber. Retracing his steps, he made his way back to the grand hall, which had already been restored to its former glory by Mjosgard's efficient servants.

He walked to the entrance and summoned his guards, issuing a few quick instructions: some would accompany him on the journey out of Mary Geoise, while the rest would return to his estate and inform Porgy of his departure.

With his orders given, Gawain returned to the couch in the hall and quietly rested, sampling the food brought by Mjosgard's servants. His guards, moving far faster than before, launched themselves toward the Gawain estate using Soru and Geppo.

The wait wasn't long. About fifty minutes later, the sounds of excited chatter echoed from the corridor. The noise grew louder until Triss, a red-tailed mermaid, burst into the hall with glee.

"Gawain-sama! We're all set! Mjosgard-sama wants to know—should we leave through the secret gate belonging to the Donquixote Family?"

Hearing this, Gawain muttered to himself, "Looks like Mjosgard is still worried about the situation in Mary Geoise." Then, he waved his right hand toward Triss.

"Tell Mjosgard-sama that he doesn't need to worry. With me here, the situation in Mary Geoise won't get bad enough for him to be concerned!"

"Got it!" Triss's eyes sparkled with joy as her tail swished excitedly, scattering bubbles that floated around her waist. She sped off down the corridor.

A few minutes later, the gates of Mjosgard's castle swung open, and out marched all 46 dazzling, lively mermaids. The sight was enough to stop anyone in their tracks.

At that moment, the other Celestial Dragons resting in nearby castles, along with their slaves, caught sight of the mermaids.

Suddenly, the air was filled with howling—long, loud calls that echoed endlessly through the area.