Chapter 30 -

"Hahaha! Do you think I don't know? You were an admiral candidate!"

Mjosgard laughed heartily and continued his enthusiastic invitation toward Gion.

"How about this? Once I return from Ryugu Kingdom, I'll petition the Five Elders together with Saint Gawain to create a fourth admiral position for the Navy! Since pirates now have a Fourth Emperor, the Navy should have four admirals to maintain balance, right?"

With those words, Mjosgard led Gion and Gawain into the banquet hall.

The large, round tables were arranged in neat rows, and the gaps between them were surprisingly spacious. Beside the tables, Mjosgard's servants were constantly replacing the dishes and wine, while mermaids sang and danced joyfully in the open spaces. The air was filled with cheer and festive energy.

When the mermaids noticed Gawain's return, they immediately stopped dancing, their tails pausing mid-sway. Pointing at him, they cried out excitedly:

"Saint Gawain is back!"

"It's Lord Gawain!"

"Quick, pour the wine!"

"His pants are wet! Bring the ones the maid prepared for him!"

Amid the excited chatter, a group of mermaids led by Triss hurried off to the bedroom to retrieve the clothes prepared by Poppy.

Another group of mermaids swarmed around Gawain, eagerly asking about his journey and his relationship with Gion.

Gion, caught off guard, felt overwhelmed. It had been far too long since she encountered so many enthusiastic women at once. Surrounded by their cheerful chatter, she bit her lip, fighting the urge to draw her sword and cut something—though it was just a fleeting thought.

In truth, she found herself oddly nostalgic, as if these young women had given her a fleeting glimpse of her own youth.

Meanwhile, Gawain made his way toward the bedroom with the mermaids trailing behind. Soon, Triss and her group arrived, carrying his fresh clothes.

"Lord Gawain, do you need help changing?"

"We can assist! We've never done it before, but we'll figure it out!"

"Need a hand?"

"No, no!" Gawain shook his head, declining their overenthusiastic offer. He quickly changed in the bedroom and returned to the banquet hall.

Upon seeing him, Mjosgard beckoned warmly. "Over here! Sit down—I have so much to talk about with you."

"Mm," Gawain nodded and took a seat next to Mjosgard, with Gion following and settling on his other side.

As Mjosgard raised his glass, he began chatting with Gawain.

"I picked out our ship while you were at the Navy base. It's a heavily fortified tower ship. It's not that I love big ships, but... I once survived a shipwreck, you see. A larger ship increases the odds of survival if we run into trouble, doesn't it?"

He clinked his glass with Gawain's. Gawain took a sip, noting that the drink tasted remarkably similar to champagne from his past life—except it was green and carried a faint herbal aroma. Intrigued, he downed the drink in one gulp, and a maid promptly refilled his glass.

One cup followed another, drink after drink, and after four or five hours, Mjosgard was noticeably drunk.

With a heavy sigh, Mjosgard leaned back, lost in thought, and began to speak.

"Vice Admiral Gion, you probably don't know why we're going to Ryugu Kingdom, do you? Sigh... Five years ago, the member states of the World Government collaborated on a special summit. Although it wasn't a World Council year, they convened an extra meeting to discuss making Ryugu Kingdom a member nation.

"At the time, I hadn't yet met Queen Otohime. Back then, I was just like any other Celestial Dragon—foolish and cruel.

"I not only sided with other Celestial Dragons in opposing the government's decision, but I was also so extreme that I planned to exterminate every last fish-man in the Ryugu Kingdom. I had my ship coated and set sail, planning to kill King Neptune myself.

"But on the way there, we encountered a massive Sea King. The beast destroyed both our ship and the protective coating. All my guards died in the shipwreck, and by some strange twist of fate, I was swept into Ryugu Kingdom.

"Even though I was badly injured, I still held a gun in my hand, ready to kill any fish-man who came near me. Naturally, they wanted to kill me, too. And I understand why—they had every reason to.

"Some of them had likely been insulted and humiliated by me before. Others may have been slaves rescued by Fisher Tiger. The thing they hated most in the world was Celestial Dragons. And frankly, I didn't deserve to hate them back."

Mjosgard clenched his fist, the memory weighing heavily on him. "I should've died there. They even shot at me. But... I never imagined that Queen Otohime would show up out of nowhere.

"She shielded me with her own body—this beautiful queen, using herself to protect a monster as ugly in spirit as I was."

Mjosgard slammed his glass onto the table with a loud clink. Luckily, the lively music and the laughter of the mermaids drowned out the noise, and the dancers were not startled.

However, the servants watching nearby were terrified. They hurried over to clean up the shattered glass. As they gathered the shards, Mjosgard wiped his hand on his clothes, smearing a bit of blood in the process. But the cut wasn't serious, and he endured the pain without flinching.

With solemn determination, he looked at Gawain and Gion.

"This time, when we go to Ryugu Kingdom, I intend to do more than just return the mermaids. I will fulfill the dream Queen Otohime once had."

He continued with a trembling voice.

"After saving me, the queen spoke with me at length before sending me back to Mary Geoise. I gave her what she longed for—an experimental treaty approved by the Five Elders, granting Ryugu Kingdom alliance status.

Her dream was for fish-men to live on land, side by side with humans, and see the sunrise and sunset every day.

When I brought her that treaty, I thought we were on the path to saving each other—to achieving new dreams under the same sun.

But just days later, I heard the news—Queen Otohime was dead, the treaty was gone, and Ryugu Kingdom lost its chance to reach the surface."

Mjosgard, swaying from the alcohol, leaned heavily on Gawain's shoulder, gripping it tightly. Gawain winced from the pain, his brow furrowing. Seeing this, Gion's nose twitched slightly, and she gave the table leg a light kick.


The sudden jolt startled Mjosgard, loosening his grip on Gawain. Taking the chance, Gawain raised his glass.

"Such painful memories, my friend. I can feel your sorrow and rage. Let's drink—to Otohime!"

"To Otohime!" Mjosgard toasted, and they drained their glasses.

Gawain refilled his cup and raised it again.

"Rest assured, my friend. You will have your chance for revenge. I promise.

This drink is for the vengeance you will one day achieve!"

"I will avenge Otohime! Cheers!"

They clinked glasses once more. Gawain poured another drink and continued:

"For lost friendships and shattered dreams—for those who deserved better lives, and for the kind souls who were taken too soon."

"She deserved it... If only I weren't already married… If only she hadn't been someone else's wife... If only… If only I could go back five years... I would have saved you, Otohime..."

With that, Mjosgard collapsed, completely drunk.

With the melancholic man dealt with, Gawain cast a hazy gaze around the room. The mermaids were also quite drunk, tangling their tails together and whispering among themselves. The musicians and performers, exhausted from hours of revelry, were beginning to tire.

Gawain stood and clapped his hands.

"Mjosgard is out, and so am I. There's no need for more performances tonight—let's all drink to our hearts' content."

Amid the drunken cheers, Gawain didn't linger. He turned and walked toward the estate's garden, with Gion following closely behind.

Standing in the fragrant garden under the starlit sky, Gion broke the silence.

"So, this journey... There's more to it than I realized. Queen Otohime's death—there's evidence the conflict was internal, among the fish-men."

"I know," Gawain replied, smiling deeply at her.

"Ryugu Kingdom lies between the Grand Line and the New World—it's the only real passage between the two. Controlling it means everything.

Gion, though you've just joined me, there won't be much time to rest.

When we reach Ryugu Kingdom, I'll meet with my allies. Meanwhile, you'll investigate the truth behind Otohime's death. We must immerse ourselves in the kingdom's politics.

That kingdom has flown Whitebeard's flag for too long. I need control of that route for my peace of mind.

What do you think?"

"Of course!" Gion's eyes gleamed.

Her master's ambition was vast, and in just one night, he had already revealed a glimpse of it.

Taking control of the pirates' gateway to the New World… What more could he possibly desire?

Gion could hardly wait to find out.

Would it be... the entire world?