
A black car sped into the garage. Dressed in a casual denim matching Jean outfit and sun shades covering those impressive eyes, Damien stepped out and headed towards his house.

"Welcome home sir" his gate guard greeted but he didn't get a response, Damien was too fast.

Damien; dark haired, tall and graced with a smooth tanned skin and an admirable physique, was/ is the Successor of his late parents. He was currently the owner of Taylor Enterprises. One if the renowned enterprise in the whole of America and beyond. He walked into his new home and surprisingly he had guests. He scanned them. All business. His guests were flustered, especially the ladies, at his beauty. Of course, he was six feet tall with virile good looks, he had charisma, money , fame, razor- sharp wits and fame. He had it all and it showed.

" Mr Taylor!" One of the Men voiced. They shook hands. ' Slender yet a tad to hard' the Men thought.

Damien smiled his killer smile - he had clean teeth.

" Aah...Mr...Solomon isn't it?"

" Yes...yes..you remembered" the Man grinned

How could he forget, on the night of his return, this Man gave him nuts.

" I'm sorry" he said looking at the rest of them, noticing how the Young secretary blushed as their eyes met.

" Let's do this another time, I have an urgent meeting with the Mayor now" he said calmly. A standard lie.

" The Mayor.... really... we'll come another time" the Man said excitedly gesturing to the others. They believed it.

" There's my card... I'll drop by anytime you call" . Damien nodded and took the card.

They left. Clasping his hands,he looked around, saw some maids, then he decided he needed his space.

"Where's my room?"

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

" If you come home later than 7 pm... you're gonna get it... Unless you bribe me with it ehn?" He began to draw nearer.

" I'll be back before seven" she accepted, although her closing time was seven,feeling suffocated,

" Bitch, you never give it to me" Anderson whined pushing her out, she stumbled but held herself from falling down. Quietly she left.

A short stout girl entered the house justas she left. She lives next dooer. Anderson popped up as he saw her and grabbing her waist he led her to bed,

"You got it??" he asked

" No...Andy I don't have it" she replied playfully and he paused. " You're killing me" he begged kneading her ass and she produced a sachet.

Hurriedly he grabbed it.

" You're alright??" She asked. He coughed.

" never felt better baby"

She pulled down her shabby clinging gown, revealing huge breasts.

" Then get on with the program baby"

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

As she entered the house, Hillary prayed that her first encounter with her boss won't be a bad on as, her intial boss had said he would check in today. Unusually the maid's quarter was empty. And locked. She went to the gatehouse and luckily Rese, the gate guard was there.

" Um, good morning, Rese"

" Morning, I didn't see you pass...you are late again!" He said knowingly. He was a man in his late thirties and was a good friend of hers.

She nodded shyly." Where are the others??"

" Your co- workers... dismissed, the new boss... dismissed you all"

" Fired??" She exclaimed.

" No, not actually, he said you're suspended"

" It's the same"

" Lucky you...He gave you'll an allowance, go get yours"

" I'm late, will he??"

" I'm sure he will if you put on a smile"

- - - - - - - -

" Brother" Xavier greeted swirling around in his seat, he was at the office.

" How's it going?" Damien asked business- like

" Boring, I'm tired, I need a vacation, pls swear in!"

" Well, not yet" Damien said thoughtfully.

" Then I'm running, abandoning everything" Xavi joked.

" Better" came the reply. A heavy slience.

" Brother" Xavier called remembering something,

" Tina's wedding is tomorrow" he said.

" Hmm, I heard" he replied then ended the call.

He looked around, his cousin had a great taste, he thought as he looked around his room. He had a knock and pursed his brow, he had believed he was alone now. He reached for the door. It was a woman. A drop- dead gorgeous woman.

" Umm, ah, good morning" she greeted, looking at his chest, afraid to meet his eyes.

Damien raised her chin gently and he was fascinated, whoever she was, she was a rare beauty, and with no Make up.

" I'm sorry..who are you??" For a moment she was speechless, she had heard from Rese that he was a fine young man she never excepted it to be Damien Taylor!