
"You been dealin' with scammers and thieves right??"

Damien nodded.

"They are probably sending a message or they want to induce a spy into the company or school"

Damien paused. Magnus was right.

"Why hadn't he thought about this??'

"Xavier needs to be careful...buh i think you ain't that bad no more" Magnus said forking down his eggs. Damien had fixed him Grilled fish, Scrambled eggs and pea rice, just the way he liked them.

"I wanna feel myself again but I'm just not ready yet"

Magnus nodded, remembering his previous condition.

"I'd think, you be careful with hiring a new model, maybe a selling all your species to ya opponent"

The door swung open, Xavier.

"Here already??" He said to Magnus.

"Haven't seen you in a while?" Magnus greeted. "Home already??" Damien asked.

"Yea, it's friday" Xavier said making hinself comfy. Damien didn't get the connection.

"Your Men are huge" Xavier complemented looking at the window and tugging at his tie.

Magnus smiled," they feed good"

"How's the studio going??"

"How else...I'm the owner" he smirked.

Magnus' narcisissm was beyond.

"I need a massage" Xavier complained.

"Fling yourself, into my luxurious pool" Damien suggested filling a plate.

"Don't think I'm not gonna do it"

***         ***          ***          ***        ***        ***

Cubia finally realized her phone was missing. Her third phone actually.

"Why, that thief!!

She picked hee car keys.

" I'll ask again, where is my phone??"

" I ain't got it"

Cubia sighed trying to find out if he's saying the truth.

"Get me outta here" he whispered.

She raked him a look, he looked pale and somewhat lean. He was once the pride of their parents. Rylan Taylor and his wife had given her little attention but here they were.

"Got any booze??" Anderson asked, while Cubia looked around his ward- room- whatever.

She couldn't remember where she had dropped it, that phone was just four years old.

"Didn't you hear me, don't ignore me like I'm some shit on the road"

That's exactly, what you are Andre, a worthless-" Smack.

Cubia held her face - Anderson had slapped her.

He was hysterical screaming and emptying her purse.

The wardens rushed in.

She fled.


******** ******** ******* ******** **********

Hillary didn't know what to feel. She had just received a call from Cubia. After a degrading sarcasm, she had learned that Anderson, for his betterment was in a Rehabiliation Center.

And she felt...happy.

She put on music and slowly began baking a cake.

The window began open and she became scared. It was her first time alone for a whole day, it was unusual especially as she was always at work.

She had never lived alone and it dawned on her. Anderson wasn't coming back anytime soon.

Horrific things began playing in her head.

She cleared the ingredients and wearing a jacket, she left the house; deciding to take a walk. Get some air. Clear her mind.

"Momma M" she muttered," I owe you one"

" All done?"

"Yes ma'am"

The lady nodded."Good...Our target is smart he would get the point soon"

Her companion bowed then left.

She smirked crushing her cigarrette she turned to her personal assistant,

" How's Clara??"

"She's good, ready to go"he replied.

"Send her over once he starts accepting applicants"

"Yes Boss"

"You may leave" she dismissed. He nodded amd left.

She pressed a button and her wheelchair swirled.

She headed into her building.


Xavier walked in. Wearing a skin boxers that showed supple amount of his hidden treasures. "Woah" he exclaimed, startled at height of one of Magnus men.

"I'm in for business" Magnus was saying as Xavier walked up to them, still at the dining. Ziki, Magnus Personal Assistant.

"You might wanna wear something, Ziki here is gay" Magnus hinted.

Damien laughed.

Xavier picked out a chair, ignoring Magnus Comment.

"Ya both live together??"

"Sort off-" Xavier replied.

"What ah reply, you both have the same women??" He mused.

Damien picked his laptop, Xavied picked a plate.

"You have a got a big problem"Xavier said forking eggs into the plate.

Magnus roared,"the only big problem I've got is my dick"

Both Damien and Xavier laughed.

"Hey...if this is going to be a reunion, throw a goddamn party...where are those maids??"