Chapter 352 Willingly Jumped Into A Never Ending War

  They would surely need to buy other materials for transport. Hardy quickly picked up the phone and called Colonel Adam Beach.

  "Beach, find out if the Jews have purchased any materials from the military," Hardy instructed.

  "Yes, Mr. Hardy," Colonel Beach responded promptly.

  It didn't take long for Beach to call Hardy back. "Mr. Hardy, the Jews have indeed placed large orders for materials and weapons from the military."

  Military orders were outside the scope of Hardy's post-war materials sales company; whoever made the sale earned the profit. That was the rule of business.

  "Beach, I have some contacts among the Jewish buyers. Reach out to them and see if they need more weapons. Our stock isn't outdated, and our prices are competitive. I'm sure there's plenty they still need. This could be a big order, so make sure to put in the effort," Hardy directed.