Chapter 478 War Is Coming

  The streets were lined with bustling businesses and stores, seemingly in better condition than those in Hong Kong.

  "It appears to be doing well," Hardy said with a smile.

  Duncan explained, "It's only surface level. Japan's economy is currently in a severe slump. Inflation is rampant, the currency has devalued, factories aren't running, and workers are unemployed. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's statistics, the economy is only a fifth of what it was before the war."

  "Food shortages are also severe. Japan used to import food from China and Southeast Asia, but those channels are now closed. They've implemented a rationing system, limiting daily food intake for each person."

  "There's significant unemployment now, so the government is hiring people for urban reconstruction, clearing the remnants of the bombings and dumping construction debris in Tokyo Bay to create reclaimed land."