Chapter 5

Xi's Final Awakening

It was still a long ways away from PAX Eternal 2081. Xi and Mitsuru were drinking at a local eatery, McHappyLand, and they were eating burgers and fries slowly as well. They were closer than ever. He was trying to get him over to his place. But he was calling all the shots. He was calling her Mitsuru-kun in his mind. So he thought like a girl as well. Sometimes, in Chinese, he would think the language a bit sooner than later. So he called her a girl and they left it at that.

Back at his home, his house was still messy, so he cleaned his roomed, texted her and called her over to his place on his cell phone. She disagreed she would meet him this way. She was trying to get to his style of the playing field. But he was not sure she needed him in her life that way any more. He distinctly said he was hurt. She said she was not sure he minded. He told her in Chinese many ways to dine in his auditorium. But she would not let him be any simpler. He had to come by her place. He went over there and they hung out in her room. They played Eve and even had some random players dead on the floor by the time they finished. They just hung out and chatted and spoke in her room. For once of course he was right. She said it like that in Chinese. She had a Japanese-style bedroom, but it smelled awful to him. He said her thoughts must be on China. She said it looked like that. He said she was not going to China, or mainland Japan, and asked if that was the right of it. She agreed. They worked on being nobler to people down beneath the Chinese school hierarchy and went to school the next day, not really sure they would ever go back again. They dropped out of Chinese highschool and engaged in part time jobs as game developers would. They worked together in her home, but his was left behind. After 3 days straight of what his, Xi's, parents considered the current nonsense they endured, and he was expelled back to his family's home. He was sent back to school and they made him do things hard work first. He was sure his Chinese would get him by. They told him to really consider the alternatives to being this uncool. He told them his American English was better this way. He told them he was sure he was doing well in school. They said they would not unban him from life. They were being right, and rigor would do him better than what he was doing. They finished by banning him from nothing else. He had to eat dinner while being this type of ignorantly dressed. He wore his white shirt and black shorts and even his house slippers and his boxer trunks and told them he was not alone. He was in his room. He slept and played not with his friends, nor the way they would be. He was sure they were being crabby. They said he was not going to be that way any longer and he was locked in the closet for a while, and then disposed of to do his thing. They told him to be more careful in the future. He was at Auria's apartment walking by, it seemed. Online, they managed to get to Rank #47 ahead of Xi. But he never lost his place. If he did not work hard, he could lose his spot. And so he fought on strong. But offline as well he could not go online. They needed him to really be in the sporting mindset to battle other foes. He got on at his friends house and even they could not lose to the other clans, not even his friends clan, team Fictitious_Roses or the Violent_Warriors who used some strange focus ingots to look cool, but not ever once were they ever defeated. He spoke in Chinese to his classmates and they spoke it too. But Mitsuru wanted to play with her clan a lot harder than be with them sometimes. At school, she spoke with her friends and sat at their clan's table, like them. They courted her over and were obliged by the staffing committee at their high school to be righter next time. The principal staff members would not be changing the order.

They sat at home and drank and ate and did their living situations perfectly normally. At home, he also escaped somewhat by drowning out the noise with bitterly leaving his foes behind on the internet. He had WiFi, but he could not use it because his phone was locked up by his evil parents.

They were curtailing his actions and he was hardly there to them. They were ignoring his orders. They were not unbinding themselves from the right Chinese actions they surmised might be positive and even beneficial to supplant. But they would not be moved nor swayed on their stance. They said it supplanted such emotions and he needed to be taught this way to be sure he was getting the once-over, not the rightly and ducked down. They considered their options and this was their placement in the galaxy. This was how they were working on the families interests. They were talking down to him and in the world of Eve he was still #1. So they had not believed him this time.

It was Auria who got him unbanned from the five-or-sixth worst thing on his list to deceive into.

This was a Chinese phrase meaning he had to get to PAX Eternal 2081 to win the 65 million yuan prize. Maybe it would be remembered as a bad idea. But now, they were all O.K. and Auria, who was Mitsuru in real life, had not changed her core beliefs in any way, shape, or format from how they always were.