Chapter 7

Dead End's

Otter_44351147 and Auria went to the safe haven in the first district together. There, they engaged in a duel, but this only dropped the player who lost, superficially, to 1 HP, and did not end their ranking advantages. He, Xi, whose player name in the game of Eve, which was a Chinese-language player-versus-player massively multiplayer online role playing game on virtual reality consoles only, and was in the Chinese language only, and Eve was even written in the Chinese language, not in English or American English or something Yankee Doodle Dandy might or was likely to say in an advantageous situation, was Otter_44351147 online today as well. He was playing with his friends in another world, a zone called The Circus of Pengai, and it was a snowy village like the terrain was frozen in the steps of another lifetime ago, but the world was still fresh. The community had not been popularly utilizing this zone, which was a later one in the game, chronologically in playing order from low levels to high ones, as they were all gated, a mechanism that was to stop high level players from admonishing too high level zones, and it was pretty much abandoned. They fought other clans here and ganked monsters as they gained loot drops and money from fudge pits and old women's homes in the back ridges of an awesome city. The homes had people who gave you money for pelts. They were from werewolves. The wolves in the zone were called werewolves in the Chinese language. They looked like real wolves. But they were not very tough for Nocturnal, the clan Xi and his friends were in, which was not actually all of them as some were in others, like Fictitous_Roses, which was the clan Mitsuru, whose player name was Auria, and she played a mystic woman fellow who flung roses on the defeat of the opportunistic and vulture greedy player base. Auria was not here right now. But Otter_44351147 was and Zero_Nocturnal, whose player in real life had not been discovered, and would not be handed out just like that, the community delegation contacted support over this what they termed countless times and had no good reason to believe he was still around anymore, but here he was, ganking fellow players apocalyptically. A completely awesome playing field was wrecked by this havoc seeking player. They contacted support immediately, but he was not disappearing. They were all furious and looking to distract themselves with this hoof print of a fellow player they considered as a group and as a community to be absolutely distressing to their individual natures as Chinese citizens and Chinese-language speaking players and even their citizenship said they must be allowed better. They were disparaged and morose, they said as a community, and the support staff, the dev team they critically needed in a community-wide binge whinefest, Zero_Nocturnal spoke on the chat pane, that he needed to be disposed of right away, and not a second too soon. Zero_Nocturnal stood victorious and countless players lined the flat snowy ground as his victims, the player base, were even shocked to discover, that even on the forums, he was being noticed. He was criticized by the community, which he replied was not being resourceful and he, they wanted, to banned. He was killing all of the fools he said because they were unable to not disparage themselves, in action, he spoke to the world as an evil fellow. But he cinched that he was not interested in their, what he termed whinefest, as a community he was a part of, his standing ovation was that they should include him in the positive aspect of the client side relationships, because this, which they termed obvious because it was being seen, and termed right before their eyes as well, was not what the majority wanted. He was displaying his powers. He was stating through effect that it was, because it had to have happened that he wanted to do so, and was allowed to do so, and he was eventually the cause of a complete panic attack on the communities part. Zero_Nocturnal just stood there, and moved about some, as people were ganked. He was not being deleted. Xi was angry. He had taken off his headset and put the controllers on the floor. He went to Auria's house, who was Mitsuru in real life, and she had a Japanese-style bedroom, and was on the floor playing her game, and asked her if she was a part of the gank fest. Her character lay dead as well on the snow-covered ground. He looked at her situation in her game world, then took his out and they contacted support staff. They could not get through to them. They went to the developers citadel castle, the corporate address having been listed on their website at, which was a business location based in Zuizxhang, China. They found it at 1231 Midfield Street, Wa, Zuizxhang, China. It was an old office building, but they went inside. Inside the base of operations, there was a lady secretary sat at a podium an official would use in an operating center for a space agency or something. She told them they could meet with the boss quite soon. They were interested in fixing the problems Zero_Nocturnal was active on the game Eve, which this place, the location they were in, said was the developers hide out. The chances of them finding anything out did not seem to be that actually fun to discover, so they left, and outside, asked an executive or someone else who was getting in to their car outside the black palace and it was a red sports car, so they knew they were top brass. The official said they could come in and look around with them, spectacularly, so they went inside the top brass officials top brass palace structure and found a new computer to hide in. He used the online mode of the headset and the game was programmed on his computer screen. He was seeing it first hand. His character was not being a part of the mess. He told Xi and Mitsuru what they could do was finance the instruction of leaving right now. Zero_Nocturnal was still in the snowy wasteland and their players were also instructionally disposed of in the action. They considered it a big, bad to their communities feelings, mess that the company should fix, and right before it had ever been a commonplace restricted advance on the community. They wanted Zero_Nocturnal and his involvement to be erased. And their play to be restored to better than what they had earned.