
The battle royale or the battle branch, that everyone expected to already be in the hands of The Boar who roars, unexpectedly was won by The Lightning Bringer.

A feat that would have been normal if this was the Olympiad, but the winter Tournament… those electric kid should be at their weakes now.

"I'm sure everyone is shocked, but don't give in to vanity. It was only natural for us to win."

I was back in our camp, the chicks happily narrating the events of the day to the golden eagle that was gleefully snuggling against my chest. And I was getting bored.

Is there really a need to tell everything?

I was sure this overcuddly eagle already knew, but I decided to let all the chicks have their fun while I rested, but then I remembered something.

"Fuck, we don't have food."

Everyone looked at me confused, but Andreas quickly recovered and informed me that there was no need for us to bring our food.

"I guess you wouldn't know since you always cooked that meat, but the divine beast is responsible for our necessities… you can just ask…"

I quickly looked at the Eagle that stopped his every movement.

"You made me waste so much meat when you could have just given us free food?!"

"You didn't ask… and I can only give you normal meat. Nothing mana infused…"

This bastard.

"This fucker. Should we cook divine beast for dinner? This little beggar ate the most of my lion's meat."

Achante and everyone else's eye started to tremble, not because I might have offended a divine beast, but because I could very well do it.

"There's no need brother… let's order something from my hometown…"

Andreas was trying to diffuse the situation, I respected that, but I couldn't let this little fucker get away with this shit.

"Of course we will order something. We will order something infused with as much mana as the little fucker ate."

"But i can't…"

"But you will. And of course, my dish will be a little different. Right?"

"Of course."

I had successfully subdued a divine beast. Achante couldn't believe was she was seeing. Nobody could ever convince the divine beast to their bidding, sure the situation was a little different since the eagle had indeed stolen their mana infused meals, but to give back when asked… and then here I was leisurely giving orders as if I was born for it.

That night, the image of me giving orders to a little eagle etched on everyone's memory.


[Welcome to the specialty branch of the winter tournament.]

The dark circles under my eyes were anything but welcoming.

"Brother what will you do for the specialty?"

"Kill Odysseus probably."

That bastard had conditioned my sleeping pattern, It didn't help that his body was always cold, a perfect balance to mine, but he even went as far as being happy about it.

"Surely you're kidding…right?"

"Yes Achante, I'm joking. By the way, can we show up two skills?"

"Uh? Sure, but why would you need to?"

I didn't answer and just blinked in front of Odysseus as soon as he appeared. I was angry at the bastard and a beating was necessary, but after seeing how he too donned dark circles under his eye, I calmed immediately.

Serves you right.

"Dimitris. Let's just ask your mother to put us together, we can't keep going like this."

I nodded and just blinked us both back to my giggling brothers. The arena was transformed in a theatre like fashion. The participants were moved to another subspace and that left Odysseus out in the tribunes alone.

[welcome to the specialty branch. Each participant can showcase up to three talents. The reward for the winner: a skill book; will be given out during the closing ceremony.]

[the order of exhibition will be decided by the winner of the combat branch since he too is present.]

[you have 10 minutes to decide]

Bless the Records for being so smart.

I rose from my seat and faced everyone. These demigods were looking at me with a conflicted stare. The first to make a move was someone from Aphrodite's house.

"We from the realest hourglass figure would-"


That was enough to silence everyone who would try to tell me when they wanted to show up, I didn't know if it was because of my track record or my sleep deprived face, but everyone shut up and I appreciated that.

"The Lightning Bringer will go first, you can decide between yourself where you want to be put and tell Achante here. Now I'm going to rest. I hope you know what it means."

It means do it silently or I'll beat all your asses.

I didn't know what face everyone was making, nor did I care. I was tired and desperately needed to sleep.

We'll go first and then I'll get my human blanket to do its work.

In the meantime I started to meditate and cultivate the Blood of the GodKing. It had been some time, my Archana was already at a level to create my 4th circle, but there was something missing.

The circle is just a point of view my ass.

I was deep in thought, considering various possibilities: ellipses, ovals… even semicircles, but there was something wrong with all of those. My train of thought was interrupted by Achante that had the finalised list which I gladly communicated to the Records. Those pigs fools put themselves right after us, thinking our swordplay would be inferior to theirs.


[the specialty exhibitions will now begin.]

[1st up, the Lightning Bringer.]

[Dimitris Damocles]

Yes, I had put myself before everyone else, I really just wanted to end this bullshit and leave.

I quickly made my way on the stage and looked up to the audience to find a smiling Odysseus waving his hand at me.

[please tell what you need.]

"I need someone possessed by an evil spirit to cast a spell against me. I also need and harp."

[recorded. Searching for a possessed mage at your current rank.]

[producing harp.]

Murmurs started to diffuse between the onlookers. Me asking for someone possessed was strange enough, but for it to be a possessed mage? They all thought I had a death wish.

After a few minutes of searching someone finally appears in front of me. It seemed like a possessed mage was something rare.

A woman with jet black hair and a flowing gown appeared on the stage.


Oh Korean.

"Greetings esteemed mudang. You have been transferred here on my request."


I straightened my back and snapped my fingers, a fire lily was sent to the shaman queen, a flower that was easily disposed of.


She immediately started to cast her own magic and I happily stole the opportunity. I raised my voice as much as I could and announced:

"This is the first talent."

My Archana invaded the runes in the circle that was forming under the mudang's command, it was a spell I knew all too well.

To think she'd attack with a fire lance.

As soon as the circle was completed, my Archana finally invaded it fully, gaining authority over the spell. Of course it manifested, but just like before, it stood there, unable to attack me.

Everyone witnessing the scene thought the same thing: elven abilities. The mudang was particularly shocked.


I could see almost all the demigods frown, I already knew this kind of ability would have not looked good, Merlin had told me, but I didn't care.

"This is a skill I developed with my master after observing mana flow, I'm not an elf, but I don't hate them."

I dismissed all the looks of hatred directed my way, it was none of my business, and took out the harp. The sound of the Lost Ballade started to flow and I directed my gaze back to the evil spirit.

"I may not be an elf, but that shouldn't be any of your concerns. Who I am however is a different story. In this world, I'm the first Onmyoji."


The song of the lost souls, the ballade to banish what shouldn't be there started to echo loudly in the arena.

"All love, all life, all hate, all death,

Are lost in this dark night.

All might, all fear, all beat, all breath,

Meet in you, chained by fright.

How dear and sweet the traces of life,

To have you succumb to sin.

How sad and mad this cutting knife,

To claim others for your win.

Come dance with us,

We will lead you to rest.

Forget the past,

We never jest.

To eternal peace and evermore damnation,

We'll lead your souls to the unending nation."

The otherworldly screech of the evil spirit engulfed the arena, all the spectators had pure shock and fright in their eyes. Nobody could understand the words of my song. But everyone knew what I was performing.

Spirit arts.

I quickly took out a piece of paper from my internal space, bit my forearm and drenched it with my blood. The spirit that was trying its best to resist the exorcism was finally forced to release the shaman queen and be captured inside the paper full of vitality. Not beating around the bush, flames quickly engulfed the paper, consuming the evil spirit within and when they finally turned completely black I made my decree.

"To the 72 thrones."

Once again full silence reigned supreme around me. Ignoring everyone, I approached the mudang and helped her standing to then turn around matching the audience gaze.

"That was my second talent."

I then looked at the lady I thought was an elderly woman, but was instead a young girl. And in fully fluent proto-Korean, or what I thought it was, started to speak to the girl.

"Young miss, the exorcism is completed, do you need some time to get back to your senses or can we send you back?"

She couldn't even talk. Her sobbing was so loud that nobody moved. Spirit arts were of course a shocking revelation, but the pain this girl must have suffered, the heartbreaking though of never being able to live again while witnessing all the atrocities an evil spirit possessing you could do… everyone had goosebumps on their skin. A crawling fear of what could have been them was clenching their hearts and at the same time everyone started to be afraid of me.

A nobody, someone who should be at his weakest, not only had won the combat branch of the winter tournament, but also performed two skills he shouldn't be able to perform.

The girl finally stopped her crying and faced me with bloodshot eyes. Black irises, but everything else was red.


She was weakly asking for my name.

"There's no need young miss, we live at polar opposites so we'll never meet again. You can thank the Records for deciding to bring you here."

She clenched my sleeves with as much strength as she could, that was honestly abysmal, and asked for my name again.


"Please, I will not use your name I just want to know."

"Fine. I'm Dimitris Damocles, but I don't want to know your name."

I stood up and was ready to leave.

I want to sleep.

A weak voice followed behind me.

"The 1st Onmyoji…"


"Records, please. If the young lady is fine send her back and invite the next participant."

Not even a second later, the shaman queen was teleported away and I blinked until I finally reached Odysseus. He stood up, I sat down and soon after he was back on my lap.

"You caused quite the ruckus…"

I pushed my face deep between his neck and shoulder, basking in his scent and coldness.

Haaa I feel like I can breath again.

"I don't care, I just need to win and send the pig investigating."

He chuckled at my answer, but didn't say anything else. I soon fell asleep. Not even sparing a glance at the people looking at us nor those trying to get closer. The silence after witnessing my exhibitions continued to stay. Nobody gave a flicker of attention to any other talent showcased.

Their eyes were on me happily sleeping and Odysseus gloriously taking on anyone who dared to approach me and disturb my sleep.

Everyone had only one thought in their mind.

A spirit artist was born. And he belongs to the Lightning Bringer. Fuck.