Genshin Impact's Incense Burner Of Liyue. [12]

"Sanqiu... this food..."

"I told you, swallow your food before you speak."

It was early the next morning, and the two of them were strolling leisurely along the main road. Hu Tao still had a plate in her hands, filled with the roasted meat that Gu Sanqiu had prepared that morning.

Gu Sanqiu carried his fishing rod, while the fishing line trailed behind, hooked onto neatly cut and packaged Ugada giant-legged chicken. After all, carrying the whole thing openly into Liyue Harbor would probably cause panic, and in that case, not even his title as a fragrance-bearer could save him.

"Sanqiu, what do you think the Millelith will do about all this?" Hu Tao asked. "I mean, they didn't really see much of what happened. From a regular person's perspective, I'm a little worried if they'll even find the mastermind."

"They don't need to," Gu Sanqiu replied calmly. "Whether they find the mastermind or not doesn't matter much."

"As long as we've disrupted their plan, then our actions were successful."

"Besides your people from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the Qixing definitely have their own surveillance setup in Wuwang Hill. It's not that they don't know something's there—they just usually don't interfere with Wangsheng's affairs."

"Disrupting the plan serves as a warning. From now on, the monitoring of Wuwang Hill will be stricter, to guard against anyone trying to stir up trouble again."

"And if they can't find the culprit, all the better. Just blame it on those guys from Snezhnaya. It's an easy out."

Gu Sanqiu smiled at Hu Tao. "The Fatui and the Northland Bank have been causing trouble in Liyue. If this wasn't a nation that values contracts so highly, those guys would've been quietly dealt with already."

"Blaming them for things gives Liyue a bit of leverage in diplomacy and helps keep people more alert. It's a win-win."

"I'm starting to dislike you—you're such a shady guy."

"Then please spit out all the roasted meat this shady guy made for you."

Gu Sanqiu shot Hu Tao a sideways glance. "I'm telling you this to warn you: those Snezhnayan folks aren't as simple as they seem."

"If you don't encounter them, great. If you do, just stick to formalities and don't engage with them more than necessary."

"Got it, got it. Geez, Gu Sanqiu-jie, you're so naggy."

(ˉ▽ ̄~)

"I think you're asking for trouble."

Gu Sanqiu quietly pulled out a long knife. "Take this!"

"Hee-hee, no way! Catch me if you can!"

With a burst of fluttering butterflies, Hu Tao threw her empty plate at Gu Sanqiu's face and dashed away in a golden flash toward the still-distant outline of Liyue Harbor.

"Ahh... suddenly, I feel lazy."

Gu Sanqiu let out a big yawn, stowed his knife away, and glanced at the meat hanging behind him.

"Looks like it's going to be another busy day."

Liyue Harbor was as bustling as ever, with streams of people and carts filling the streets. Amidst the constant noise of the marketplace, Gu Sanqiu wheeled out a rather old-looking cart from his house.

Headscarf? Check.

Rags? Check.

Ingredients? Check.

Item: Cart of Irresistible Ramen

Origin: A simple world.

Note: For one father, this cart was his only source of income for tuition fees, rent, food, and everything else.

Special Note: After using the cart three times, perhaps the lingering spirits attached to it will finally find peace.

The rattling of the cart stood out amidst the busy city sounds, as if it was a noise from another world. People instinctively stepped aside, making way for Gu Sanqiu.

"Yo, Icheng! Patrolling Feiyun Slope again today?"

"Gulp. Heh, Gu Xiangjun, nice to see you! Yes, I'm doing my rounds today, as usual."

"Icheng, listen to me—get yourself in shape and find yourself a rich lady. No one else could ever afford to feed that bottomless pit you call a stomach."

"Heh, Xiangjun, you're too kind! Surely a rich lady would prefer someone like you, a fine gentleman."

...Was that supposed to be a compliment or a curse? Gu Sanqiu chuckled and handed Icheng a food box. "Here, have this after your shift. It's a special recipe from my family: leg meat and bone broth noodles. It won't fill you up completely, but it'll hold you for a while."

"Heh, thanks, Xiangjun!"

Icheng gratefully accepted the food box, but as he did, he caught sight of the dark-gold Vision hanging from Gu Sanqiu's waist.

"Wha—? Oh! Xiangjun, you've finally passed your family's trial and earned your Vision's recognition?"

Gu Sanqiu's smile froze momentarily, but he nodded.

Where did this nonsense come from? Who's been spreading stories that make it sound like some kind of epic trial? What's next, are they going to say I unlocked my Vision after three years of waiting, and now all of Liyue belongs to the Gu family?

"Heh, congratulations, Xiangjun! I have to continue my patrol, so I'll be on my way."

Icheng saluted Gu Sanqiu and continued his patrol, diligently following his route with his weapon in hand.

"Getting recognized by the Vision was bound to be found out eventually. It's better that I reveal it myself than have others snooping around. At least now, I can sleep easy at night."

Gu Sanqiu leisurely pushed the ramen cart along until he reached a quiet corner of Feiyun Slope.

It was a corner in name only—nearby was Yujing Terrace's garden and the famous Bubu Pharmacy. This place could easily be called prime real estate.

However, the buildings here seemed a bit dull and gray compared to the vibrant, lively architecture of the main part of Feiyun Slope.

It wasn't in disrepair, but it lacked the decorative flair of the more well-maintained areas.

Gu Sanqiu didn't mind, though. He carefully tucked his hair into his headscarf, folded his rags neatly to the side, and donned a mask dyed with floral extracts.

The broth in the large pot began to bubble and boil, sounding like several Ichengs swimming inside.

(; ̄д ̄)

The odd image in his mind made Gu Sanqiu pause. He seriously considered dumping the whole pot of broth out.

"Wow, it's the cart man this week!"

Gu Sanqiu snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at the little girl peeking out from her doorway.

"That's right, it's cart man this week."

The girl politely bowed to him, then stared wide-eyed at the big pot, drooling slightly.


Gu Sanqiu put on his gloves. "Since you're already hungry, saying anything more would be an insult to the ingredients."

"This time, it's noodles. Big, meaty ramen."


T/N: "Xiangjun" is a noble title, that's why certain people refer to him as that instead of his name.

If you spot any mistakes let me know so I can fix them.

Read up to Chapter 30! []