Genshin Impact's Incense Burner Of Liyue. [20]

"Come on, let your great master check if there's anything strange going on with you."

Gu Sanqiu flipped Shadowhawk's wings back and forth, inspecting the bird until it protested loudly several times. Only then did he give up the idea of continuing the examination.

"You think I'm just petting my pet, huh? Well, if that's what you think, you're sorely mistaken."

Gu Sanqiu spoke with mock seriousness, "Do you really think that black mist from earlier was your own power? Come on, even with your bird brain, you must realize that's impossible. I have to check if you've been infected by something."


Shadowhawk tilted its head, looking at Gu Sanqiu with a very human-like expression of doubt.

I suspect you're messing with me, it seemed to say.

"Hey, I've been feeding you all those precious pills, haven't I? And they weren't cheap! How about showing a little trust in your great master?" Gu Sanqiu glanced at the bloody mess around him and sighed.

"Forget it. Since we've sent those people to meet the afterlife, I guess I won't be getting any decent sleep tonight. How about you come with me for a little walk?"

Shadowhawk flapped its wings and soared into the sky as Gu Sanqiu casually strolled out of Liyue Harbor, his lone shadow cast under the moonlight, adding a tinge of loneliness to the scene.

"Phew, not a soul in sight along this road. Guess Teyvat's nightlife isn't all that lively."

"This spot… if I remember correctly, should be a teleport waypoint."

Gu Sanqiu glanced at the ground where he sat, his Geo Vision pulsing with energy like boiling water.

"Doesn't seem like it's detecting anything. I was hoping this thing might help me teleport over to Mondstadt to grab someone for fun."

He sighed in disappointment. Using the waypoint for easy travel was trickier than he'd hoped.

"Maybe when that guy shows up, I can slice off an arm or a leg for research. As for the bratty little sister, we'll see."

He laid out a few drinking vessels on the ground and fed another pill to Shadowhawk.

"If no one from Yuehai Pavilion comes to bother us tonight, let's pull an all-nighter. It's been too long since I tried to push myself to the brink of exhaustion, gotta relive the old days."

"You'd just give such a precious pill to your pet? The Fengxiang Clan must be quite wealthy."

A voice came from the shadows, and a figure wearing a large wizard's hat stepped forward. The way their eyes hungrily stared at the pill made Shadowhawk shiver. The bird quickly grabbed its snack and ran to the other side, seeking protection from its master.

Attempting to find refuge with master.JPG

"Astrologer Mona Megistus."

"This is our first time meeting, isn't it, Master Gu?"

"…I came out here just for a casual all-nighter, and you're telling me astrology can predict even such small matters? Feels like I should accuse you of invasion of privacy."

"The stars indicated that heading in this direction would help me achieve a recent goal. So, I followed the signs, but I didn't expect to run into you."

Mona's tone was sharp. "The famous Fengxiang master, wandering in the wilderness at this hour, isn't that a bit unbecoming?"

"As a Fengxiang master, whatever I enjoy, those who covet my family's secrets must accommodate me. Even if I wanted to hide away in Minlin and sing folk songs, they'd have no choice but to praise my elegance."

Mona paused for a moment. "That… was not the response I expected."

"Haha, plans and predictions often deviate. So, Miss Mona, esteemed astrologer, what brings you to me today? Were you the one gathering information on me recently?"

"Yes, I was planning to help you with a problem to build rapport, but it seems you handled it yourself before I could."

Mona's gaze sharpened. "That stone you found—what exactly does it do? If you don't mind, could you tell me?"

"I'd advise you not to pry into that. It's a secret of the Gu family," Gu Sanqiu's voice turned cold. "Astrologers, like the practitioners of the Xuan Sect, should understand the value of knowing when to retreat. Don't bring trouble upon yourself."

"Since it's a sensitive matter, I'll let it go. However, I do have a favor to ask of you."

"If you can help me uncover the mastermind behind that stone incident, I'll assist with your request."

"That's impossible with the limited information I have. My astrology isn't that advanced," Mona's eyes flickered with a competitive spark. "But as the heir to the Fengxiang tradition, you must be quite skilled in divination, right? I'd like to see how it compares to my astrology."

"We were the head of the Xuan Sect, once upon a time. Is this really why you came to find me?"

Gu Sanqiu looked at her, perplexed. He'd expected her to talk about "guidance from the stars" or something cryptic like "special person in this world," but it seemed much simpler than that.

"Yes, that's exactly why. But before now, it was difficult to find a legitimate excuse to approach you. Establishing contact with the Gu family can be... complicated."

Mona's tone was matter-of-fact. "Liyue is on the verge of change, and the Gu family will undoubtedly be under heavy scrutiny. I didn't want to bring unnecessary trouble upon myself."

"Well, since you put it that way…"

Gu Sanqiu put down his drink and casually pulled three Mora from his pocket.

"What's the question?"

"No need to make it complicated. How about this—let's predict when the next big discount event for all merchants in Liyue Harbor will happen?"


Gu Sanqiu blinked, a question mark practically hovering above his head as he glanced at Mona.

You can ask something like that?


"What are you looking at! Hurry up and start divining, or are you planning to lose to me on purpose?"

Mona was flustered under his gaze and sat cross-legged across from him, spreading her grimoire on her lap.

"Oh, alright. Let's begin, then."

Leaning on one hand, Gu Sanqiu shook the three Mora in his other, letting them fall to the ground. After noting the outcome of each toss, he repeated the process six times.

"Hmm, I've got my answer. What about you?"

"I'm ready too."

Mona closed her grimoire, looking at Gu Sanqiu with a serious expression.

"Ready to compare results?"

"This feels like copying homework the day before a holiday ends," Gu Sanqiu shrugged. "You first?"

"The next big sale for all merchants will be in about ten days, timed around a special festival marked by a significant number."

Mona spoke confidently. "What about yours?"

"As for me," Gu Sanqiu smiled, "it's tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" Mona was shocked. "That can't be right. Tomorrow is supposed to be an ordinary day—nothing special should happen!"

"True, nothing significant is scheduled for tomorrow—yet."

Gu Sanqiu casually sipped his drink. "But tomorrow, a purchasing group from Qingce Village might arrive in Liyue for a major buying spree. There's also the possibility of a tourist group from Mondstadt, and Beidou's fleet preparing goods for their next voyage."

"If I want, these events could all happen. And they could easily become catalysts for a city-wide sale. These are factors you can't see in divination."

( ̄△ ̄;)

Mona, now in a state of shock, gaped at Gu Sanqiu, who grinned maliciously.

"Girl, times have changed."


If you spot any mistakes let me know so I can fix them.

Read up to Chapter 40! []