Genshin Impact's Incense Burner Of Liyue. [24]

"Tsk, so how does throwing a random meteor and having a treasure chest appear even work? Or did the old man secretly give me some cheat code during resonance?"

Gu Sanqiu rubbed his temples in frustration. He had just searched three more areas, but without exception, they had all been looted clean by someone else, leaving nothing behind.

Maintaining a precise flow of elemental energy to crack these areas open, akin to unlocking safes, was a huge mental strain on the user. In the past, people surely had access tokens or something, making it far less cumbersome. But since Gu's family didn't preserve such items, he had to painstakingly try each spot manually.

"Ugh, spirit soil, spirit soil, where on earth am I going to find you?"

Plucking a Sunsetia from a nearby tree to replenish his water intake, he had already tucked away the map. When it came to detailed maps of all Liyue, aside from the Qixing's official departments, the Gu family's collection was second to none.

Once the Adventurers' Guild provided feedback on each region, Gu Sanqiu could immediately plot the most time-efficient route.

He was searching for one thing: spirit soil.

In Teyvat, spirit soil was just what the name implied—soil rich with elemental energy. With a bit of basic magic, it could even restore stamina for Vision-wielding warriors. Simply put, it served as a kind of natural health and mana potion, an invaluable asset that would quickly be driven out by counterfeit goods in the market.

Alongside talismans like the one Gu Sanqiu had already recovered, spirit soil was another item often stored in wartime reserves.

Of course, there's also the more likely theory that towards the end of some war, all recovery supplies were nearly exhausted, and there was more gear left than soldiers.

"Tsk, searching aimlessly like this is dumb, but it's the only way I've got right now."

The Gu family was familiar with several Adepti, but most were either busy with their own affairs or had long since passed. As a mere incense bearer, Gu Sanqiu couldn't exactly go bother them—or worse, dig up their graves.

As time passed, he had already planted over twenty Sunsetia seeds by the roadside, but still, no sign of the spirit soil.

"If worst comes to worst, maybe I should try digging near the Dragon-Queller Tree?"

Gu Sanqiu began entertaining some dangerous ideas. The area around the Dragon-Queller Tree was filled with rock ridges, and to make matters worse, the Azhdaha resided there—basically a giant earthworm (sort of?).

But gathering soil from that area might invite a meteor or some other divine punishment. Gu Sanqiu was now considering whether his small frame could even withstand a single hit from the boss, Zhongli.

"Hah! Foul demon, how dare you wreak havoc on Liyue's lands? Prepare to die!"

A fierce gust of wind blasted past Gu Sanqiu, shaking branches and scattering leaves everywhere.

"Hmm, looks like a big shot just arrived."

Gu Sanqiu extended the half-eaten Sunsetia in his hand, and it was promptly sliced in half by the sheer wind pressure.

Not far off, a middle-aged man in Daoist robes, his fingers forming hand seals, was chasing after a towering man nearly two meters tall, who was wielding a massive hammer.

The man in dark blue, purple-trimmed armor had a thin, violet-colored shield protecting him—this was the barrier deflecting the continuous magical strikes the Daoist was hurling his way.

"Oh, a Fatui soldier, huh? Looks like one of those guys operating in Minlin."

Gu Sanqiu watched the two, one running and the other chasing, with no intention of interfering. Although the Daoist looked fierce, as a fellow practitioner of mystical arts, Gu Sanqiu could tell that the man was pushing himself hard to keep up.

The Daoist was probably just trying to maintain his bravado by shouting, and he would likely retreat soon enough. However, if the Fatui hammer-wielding Vanguard was setting up an ambush, the Daoist might be in real danger.

"Judging by the direction they came from, could that mean there's some sort of settlement over there?"

Minlin was not only home to various Adepti who had settled there, but also a place where numerous Daoist sects had established their bases.

Of course, if one were looking to seek immortals and learn the Dao, they'd need a sharp eye and some good fortune to distinguish the truly skilled from the frauds hawking discounted trinkets.

"Guess I'll go check it out."

After "visiting" and scavenging several locations, Gu Sanqiu had collected quite a few valuable items. Trading some of them for spirit soil without revealing his identity as an incense bearer shouldn't be an issue.

After a while, following the path traced by the two from earlier, Gu Sanqiu finally found what appeared to be a makeshift marketplace.

Various people dressed in Daoist robes, armor, and even some bare-chested types were sitting on the ground, some holding fans or teapots, looking completely relaxed. Gu Sanqiu could almost mistake the scene for a rural plaza gathering at sunset.

"If it weren't for the fact that each of you has something laid out in front of you, I'd really think you guys were just here to gossip and kill time."

"Hey, is that a newcomer?"

A lounging young man waved lazily at Gu Sanqiu with a grin. "It's rare to see a new face. You interested in doing some business with me?"

"Got any spirit soil? I'll buy as much as you have, at a high price."

"Oh ho, seems like we've got a big spender here."

The youth perked up immediately. "Spirit soil, huh? That rare stuff? Unfortunately, I don't have any."

"Then why are you talking to me?"

Gu Sanqiu turned to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait, don't go, friend! I may not have spirit soil, but I know where you can get some. How about we make a deal?"

The young man plastered a flattering smile on his face. "All you have to do is buy everything I've got at my stall, and I'll tell you where you can find spirit soil for sale. How's that?"

He patted his chest confidently. "I'll even take you there myself, and if you can't buy any, I'll refund you right on the spot. I've got that much credibility."

Gu Sanqiu looked around, noticing that the others were just watching with amusement, not bothering to try and "steal" this customer. After a moment, he slowly nodded.

These folks seemed honest enough. This wasn't some scam ring's hideout, and even after hearing his terms, they all kept a "wait and see" attitude. It looked promising.

"I know the rules, so here's a down payment."

With a light flick of his hand, Gu Sanqiu placed two shimmering talismans in the young man's hand.

"That should be enough to buy your entire stall, right?"

"H-hold on, no no no, that's way too much! Boss, this stuff isn't worth nearly that much!"


The young man was visibly shaken, and even the onlookers who caught sight of the talismans had their eyes light up, clearly tempted by the high-quality items.

"Just one of these is more than enough to buy out my entire stall several times over!"

The youth scratched his head in frustration. Rare items like this weren't something you came across every day, and now his mind was in turmoil.

"How about this—you take me to the place selling spirit soil, and when I get some change, we'll settle the rest. How's that?"

Gu Sanqiu spread his hands. "After all, I don't have any small change on me."

( ̄□ ̄;)

The entire group fell silent. So this is how the rich talk, huh?

Damn it, I wish I could speak like that one day too!


If there are any mistakes let me know!

Read up to 25+ Chapters! []