Chapter 15: Su Ming: Thank You, Xiao Wu Wife, for the Reward!

The female leads: Su Ming, you pervert! You were about to say "train," weren't you? You're even targeting a six-year-old! How disgusting!

Xiao Wu had already gotten into her fighting stance, but after seeing what was written in the journal, she could barely hold it together.

You jerk! Let's see how Big Sis Xiao Wu teaches you a lesson. I've never been so socially humiliated before!

At that moment, Su Ming stepped forward. "Hello, Xiao Wu. I'm Su Ming, the leader of this dorm."

Although Su Ming already knew Xiao Wu well, he had to pretend like he was meeting her for the first time. After all, Xiao Wu didn't know him yet.

Xiao Wu shot Su Ming a fierce glare. Keep pretending! Let's see how long you can keep this up!

Su Ming was baffled. Why is Xiao Wu glaring at me for no reason?

Although Xiao Wu knew that Su Ming was proficient in hand-to-hand combat—so much so that even Tang San wasn't a match for him—she still wanted to test herself. She liked being the leader, and Su Ming was really getting on her nerves!

With that, Xiao Wu bent her right leg and kicked toward Su Ming's side, her speed astonishingly fast!


No wonder Xiao Wu's true form is a rabbit—her speed is insane! But still, that's no reason to aim for my side! If she hits me there, it'll affect my future... happiness!

Although Xiao Wu's attack was fast, it was child's play to Su Ming. He raised his left arm and easily caught her leg.

Then, Su Ming subtly squeezed her leg before letting go. Feels pretty nice...

[My dear Xiao Wu wife actually tried to kick my side first! If I get hurt, what happens to our future happiness? Luckily, I'm strong enough to block it. Still, I need to train her well. Happiness is a lifelong matter!]

[But wow, Xiao Wu's leg feels really nice. So soft. Good thing no one saw this, or I'd be socially dead!]

The female leads: Hahaha, we can't hold it in! This is too funny!

Xiao Wu nearly stumbled after reading the journal, her face growing redder by the second. She was so embarrassed, she felt like her face was about to melt!

This jerk! How can he be so perverted?!

We're in the middle of a fight, and this is what he's thinking about?

In her mind, Xiao Wu thought, With your skills, there's no way my kick would land. I should've kicked you harder, you pervert!

That's it! Time for my ultimate move to decide this once and for all!

With lightning speed, Xiao Wu hooked one leg over Su Ming's shoulder, using it as leverage to swing her other leg over his opposite shoulder.

Su Ming stood still, letting Xiao Wu execute her moves. This had to be her grappling technique. And why would Su Ming dodge? He didn't mind a close-quarters "reward" from his Xiao Wu wife. Hehe.

Their positions were strange. Xiao Wu's legs were wrapped around Su Ming's neck, her upper body arching backward as she grabbed his arms, using her flexibility to flip and deliver a double kick toward Su Ming's stomach!

Thankfully, Xiao Wu wasn't wearing a skirt, or this would have been even more awkward...

To be honest, the move was impressive. At the same level, almost no one could block it.

But Su Ming wasn't just anyone.

He concentrated his strength into his abs, tensing his muscles until they became hard as iron. In the next second, Xiao Wu's feet collided with his rock-solid stomach.

Xiao Wu had expected victory, but when her feet struck Su Ming's stomach, it felt like kicking a wall of steel. It was so hard that her move lost all its power!

The two of them were now in an odd position: Su Ming stood still while Xiao Wu's feet were pressed against his stomach, her body arching backward with her hands gripping his arms. It looked quite bizarre.

[Xiao Wu's grappling technique is impressive! I could've dodged it, but why would I? Opportunities to get this close to Xiao Wu don't come often. Please, reward me more, hehe!]

Xiao Wu could no longer bear it. She quickly released Su Ming's hands. If she didn't, who knew what else he'd write in that journal!

[But honestly, Xiao Wu's grappling technique is really formidable. Most people wouldn't be able to escape. At the same level, she's practically unbeatable!]

[Still, I don't want my Xiao Wu wife using this technique on other men. This kind of move should be reserved for me—no rewarding the enemy!]

[After all, Xiao Wu is going to be my wife someday. I can't have her getting this close to anyone else. I'll need to train her properly!]

[Sure, the technique is meant to defeat opponents, but it's too... suggestive. I don't want to see Xiao Wu in such intimate positions with others. She should stick to more straightforward techniques like the Exploding Eight-Stage Drop—no unnecessary contact, and it leaves the opponent wishing they were dead!]

Xiao Wu's face turned crimson as she read the journal. I'm not your wife yet!

But she had to admit that Su Ming had a point. This kind of grappling technique really wasn't suitable for use on men. What if they took advantage of her? She'd have to be more careful in the future!

Seeing that Xiao Wu had let go, Su Ming thought to himself, Did she want me to keep holding on? No, Su Ming, remember—you're only six years old. You've got time. Let's wait until later.

Su Ming smiled at Xiao Wu. "So, do you want to keep going? If we continue, I won't hold back."

Xiao Wu immediately admitted defeat. Her best technique couldn't do anything to Su Ming, and he hadn't even started attacking yet. If he did, she'd really be in trouble. She didn't want that!

The other members of Dorm 7 were stunned. They hadn't expected Xiao Wu to be so strong, and even less so that Su Ming could defeat her so easily!

They were thrilled. With Su Ming as their leader, they'd never have to fear being bullied by the other dorms again!

Wang Sheng then loudly declared, "From now on, Su Ming is the leader of Dorm 7! Does anyone object?"


"No objections!"

The dorm echoed with the unanimous voices of its members. Only Tang San stood quietly, watching Xiao Wu, lost in thought.