Chapter 19: Blue Silver Grass—Control, Life, or Hidden Weapon Flow?

Wang Sheng said, "Anyway, let's stop talking about this and go eat." Just then, Master (Yu Xiaogang) appeared nearby and spotted Tang San. "Little San, you're here to eat as well? Want to join me on the second floor?"

"Hm? What happened to your face? It's so swollen."

Tang San replied awkwardly, "Teacher, I'll explain later. It's complicated right now."

After a moment's thought, Tang San continued, "Teacher, I think I'll eat with my classmates for now. I'll come find you after dinner."

Yu Xiaogang nodded approvingly. "Good, you're not isolating yourself. Come to my office after you finish eating."

Once Yu Xiaogang left, Wang Sheng, with some curiosity, asked, "Tang San, did you just call that man 'Teacher'?"

Tang San nodded, slightly confused. "Is there a problem? He is my teacher."

Wang Sheng hesitated but continued, "Well, the thing is, Master doesn't have the best reputation, and generally, people only take one teacher…"

Before Wang Sheng could finish, Tang San's gaze hardened as he stared at Wang Sheng. Sternly, he said, "Wang Sheng, I don't want to hear you say anything like that again. Otherwise, I won't be polite about it. He is my teacher!"

With that, Tang San turned and headed off to eat, leaving Wang Sheng awkwardly standing there, unsure why Tang San had reacted so strongly. Everything he said was the truth. With a sigh, Wang Sheng shrugged. "I said what I needed to say. Let's eat."

A short while later, Su Ming and Xiao Wu finished their meal. As expected of a rabbit, Xiao Wu really loved eating carrots.

When they returned to the dormitory, only Wang Sheng and the others were there. Upon asking, they found out that Tang San had gone to meet with Yu Xiaogang.

Su Ming started organizing his things while thinking about what might be happening. Yu Xiaogang likely wanted to see Tang San's second martial soul and discuss his future development. Tomorrow, Tang San would probably go hunting for his first soul ring.

Suddenly, an amusing thought struck Su Ming, and he felt the need to record it in his diary.

[After dinner, Tang San went to meet with Yu Xiaogang. If I'm right, Yu Xiaogang probably wants to see Tang San's second martial soul and plan his future development.]

[This brings me to something I've always wanted to criticize: Yu Xiaogang's decision to develop the Blue Silver Grass as a control-type martial soul is just ridiculous.]

[Blue Silver Grass is inherently weak, and even if you add control skills to it, its base strength is just too low. If it weren't for the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline within Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, the whole thing would've been a waste of time.]

[Even with the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, focusing on control is still a waste. Tang San even considered switching to the Clear Sky Hammer later on, despite having the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline.]

[According to some of the more insightful readers in my past life, the Blue Silver Grass would have been better suited to an auxiliary or life-based path. We can see this from Ah Yin's ten-thousand-year soul bone, which had an incredibly powerful healing ability.]

[It could restore limbs and bones, fully healing injuries. Many fans speculated that Ah Yin herself followed the life-flow path.]

[Tang San was a special case—he was a former assassin from the Tang Sect, and being a support-type fighter would've been too limiting for him, lacking any offensive capabilities. But he could have chosen another path: the hidden weapon flow. He could have gradually added various attributes to his soul rings, using Blue Silver Grass as a tool for launching hidden weapons.]

[I remember in the original story, during the finals of the Spirit Master Tournament, Tang San couldn't use weapons due to the rules, so he used fragments of his external spirit bone, the Eight Spider Lances, as hidden weapons. If the Blue Silver Grass had followed the hidden weapon flow, he wouldn't have had this issue.]

Xiao Wu was also settling her new blanket on her bed. This time, unlike in the original story, she didn't push her bed together with Tang San's. Having read Su Ming's diary and now understanding the differences between boys and girls, she didn't want to do something like that. Even though they were still young, Su Ming's influence, coupled with what she knew about Tang San, made her hesitant.

As for sharing a bed with Su Ming, Xiao Wu feared he might get too handsy since he clearly had perverted tendencies.

Most importantly, being too close to Su Ming could make it easier for him to notice the unusual rewards she was getting from the diary.

As Xiao Wu read Su Ming's latest diary entry, she realized his reasoning made a lot of sense.

Meanwhile, Hu Liena, reading from the Spirit Hall, was shocked. She didn't care much about the path Tang San took, but Su Ming's diary hinted that Spirit Hall would lose in the upcoming Spirit Master Tournament!

Doing the math, Hu Liena realized that this was her tournament! How could that be?

In all previous tournaments, Spirit Hall had always emerged victorious. The idea of an unexpected defeat during her generation was unacceptable. She resolved to train even harder starting now.

Bibi Dong, noticing Hu Liena's reaction, coldly remarked, "Nana, after today, you must work harder in your training. I do not want to see that outcome happen."

Hu Liena quickly responded, "Yes, Teacher!"

From Bibi Dong's perspective, Hu Liena's tournament was supposed to be another victory for Spirit Hall. As her disciple and the future Holy Maiden, this was also an opportunity to award Hu Liena a spirit bone in the open. The fact that Tang San's team would win instead was infuriating.

Back at the office.

When Tang San arrived, Yu Xiaogang didn't immediately ask to see his second martial soul. Instead, he started by checking on him, not wanting to rush things.

"Tang San, you probably didn't eat enough downstairs. I brought you a roast chicken leg—eat it first."

"At your age, you need proper nutrition to grow. Look how thin you are!"

Tang San thanked him and quickly ate the chicken leg, not wanting to make his teacher wait long. It wasn't that he hadn't eaten enough before, but the food on the first floor lacked much meat, and what little there was was expensive. Most of his meal had been vegetables and rice.

Though Old Jack had given him ten silver spirit coins, Tang San knew he needed to be frugal. He was still young and had no way to earn money yet. Who knew how much he might need later for his martial soul training?

A minute later, after Tang San had finished eating, Yu Xiaogang handed him a cup of water and then asked, "Tang San, show me your second martial soul. I'll analyze it for you and help plan your future development."