Chapter 38: Is Yu Xiaogang's Martial Spirit Mutating Positively or Negatively? (Two-in-One)

[Fortunately, Tang San, with his Tang Sect skills and hidden weapons, managed to kill the Datura Snake. As expected, Tang San's first spirit ability for his Blue Silver Grass should be Entanglement, with the added effect of a little paralysis poison.]

[But I have to say, what's the point of this Entanglement skill? If you have strong control over your martial spirit, can't you just naturally achieve an entangling effect? That tiny bit of paralysis poison is negligible, and it definitely wouldn't affect me!]

The female protagonists recalled Su Ming's earlier remark about "Mom's Entanglement," realizing this must be what he was referring to.

[Then there's Yu Xiaogang. Perhaps because of the bad luck talisman, while he was unconscious from the poison, his...well, let's just say his 'important part' was hit by the Datura Snake's poison. Unless some heavenly treasure or a top-tier healing spirit master intervenes, his 'ability' might be gone for life.]

[Even if it gets healed, the functionality will definitely be far worse than before.]

[I wonder what Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong will think if they find out about Yu Xiaogang's... unfortunate injury. If they knew where Yu Xiaogang was, would they come looking for him?]

The female protagonists finally understood what had happened to Yu Xiaogang. Based on Su Ming's references to his "important part" and "inability," they pieced together the general idea of what transpired.

The person with the most complex feelings was undoubtedly Liu Erlong, followed by Bibi Dong. However, even though Liu Erlong might be anxious, she knew now wasn't the right time to meet Yu Xiaogang—she certainly didn't want to experience the diary's effects again.

As for Bibi Dong, she had long known that Yu Xiaogang was hiding at Notting Academy. Initially, after being violated, she felt unworthy of Yu Xiaogang, despite her deep obsession with him. She didn't dare to approach him and instead silently watched over him.

But now, after Su Ming's descriptions and her own reflections, Bibi Dong was slowly letting go of her obsession with Yu Xiaogang, focusing more on the growth of Spirit Hall.

[I really don't understand why Yu Xiaogang, with such weak power, would insist on taking Tang San into the Spirit Beast Forest to hunt a spirit beast alone. His martial spirit, Luo San Pao, only farts—was he planning to use his farts to suffocate the spirit beasts to death?]

The female protagonists laughed, finding Su Ming's sense of humor sharp and hilarious.

[Yu Xiaogang was clearly too overconfident. If he had brought a rank 30+ assault-type spirit master with him, none of this trouble would've happened.]

[Now, let's talk about Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit, Luo San Pao. It's unclear whether Luo San Pao is a positive mutation or a negative one, because Luo San Pao actually possesses a trace of the Golden Holy Dragon's bloodline. However, due to Yu Xiaogang's innate half-rank spirit power, he's unable to fully tap into it!]

The female protagonists were intrigued. Why did Su Ming claim that this pig-like martial spirit had the bloodline of a Golden Holy Dragon? Its appearance didn't resemble a dragon in the slightest!

[According to some fan theories, some say that Luo San Pao might be a baby Light Holy Dragon, because the Golden Iron Triangle's martial spirit fusion technique is the Golden Holy Dragon. Isn't that strange? Three martial spirits that seem to have no relation at all can combine to summon a powerful Golden Holy Dragon? That's always puzzled me!]

[Moreover, the Golden Iron Triangle's fusion technique is entirely centered around Luo San Pao. This suggests that Luo San Pao likely possesses the bloodline of a Golden Holy Dragon, and Liu Erlong and Flender only channel their martial spirits to bring out the dragon's power from within Luo San Pao!]

Bibi Dong, who was well-versed in martial spirit theory, found Su Ming's theory plausible.

Performing a martial spirit fusion required a high degree of compatibility between spirits, and a strong bond between the spirit masters. While Yu Xiaogang's Luo San Pao might have some connection to Liu Erlong's Fire Dragon spirit, it seemed entirely unrelated to Flender's Owl spirit. So, how could they execute such a powerful martial spirit fusion?

It didn't add up. Su Ming's theory gave Bibi Dong a reasonable explanation.

[Fan theories suggest that Luo San Pao could one day evolve into a true Golden Holy Dragon with proper nurturing. But Yu Xiaogang's half-rank spirit power held it back. Adding on two incompatible spirit rings, Luo San Pao only farts now, making it practically useless. Yu Xiaogang is stuck at rank 29, unless some heavenly treasure helps him break through!]

[Reading this, I can't help but laugh. Yu Xiaogang calls himself a theoretical master, yet he couldn't even figure out his own martial spirit. He's completely wasted it.]

[What's even funnier is that Yu Xiaogang feeds Luo San Pao white radishes to stimulate its farting, which makes it even worse. At the very least, he should be feeding it meat! His martial spirit is in such bad shape, and yet he doesn't even think of ways to improve it!]

The female protagonists found Su Ming's analysis amusing and surprisingly logical.

[After ranting about Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit, let's talk about the effect of that bad luck talisman. It worked even better than I expected. I thought it would just make him a little unlucky, but this level of bad luck is something else, hahaha!]

[Even so, I don't feel sorry for Yu Xiaogang. Losing that part of him is for the best. Yu Xiaogang is a scumbag—weak, spineless, and unworthy of the love Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong gave him.]

[Saying this might seem hypocritical, though. Sure, Yu Xiaogang's a scumbag, but if we're being honest, I'm no saint either.]

[After all, what man doesn't love beautiful women? I'm no exception. But unlike Yu Xiaogang, I don't force anyone. It's all about mutual consent.]

[And second, as long as a woman is mine, I'll do everything in my power to protect her. If I can't protect her, there's only one reason for that—I'm dead.]

[I'm not like Yu Xiaogang, who's weak and cowardly. If it were me, even if I was weak, I'd give it everything I had to fight Qian Xunji. Even if it meant losing, I'd at least try. That's better than doing nothing.]

The female protagonists nodded in agreement. Su Ming might be fond of beautiful women and not entirely faithful, but unlike Yu Xiaogang, he wasn't cowardly or irresponsible.

In this world, polygamy wasn't uncommon. If a man was powerful or had immense authority, he was entitled to multiple wives. Yu Xiaogang, however, was weak and still thought he deserved two incredibly strong and beautiful women. In truth, he was just a toad lusting after swans.

[Speaking of which, I remembered something amusing. Yu Xiaogang avoided Liu Erlong for years, but due to various reasons, they eventually reunited. At that point, Yu Xiaogang couldn't escape.]

[But even though Liu Erlong still loved him, Yu Xiaogang couldn't accept her love because of societal norms. After all, their relationship was... complicated.]

[Flender, the third member of the Golden Iron Triangle, suggested they have a "spiritual relationship," which I found absolutely ridiculous.]

[Now that Yu Xiaogang's 'important part' is gone, a spiritual relationship should suit him just fine, right?]

[What exactly is a spiritual relationship? It's when you don't do anything physical, just live together and look at each other. What's the point? That's torture for both people. If he can't handle it, he should just end things.]

Liu Erlong never imagined that Flender would come up with such an absurd idea. A "spiritual relationship"? It was almost laughable.

And as Su Ming pointed out, Liu Erlong had even agreed to it at one point—absolutely absurd!

[In reality, even with their complicated relationship, there's no reason why Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong couldn't be together. Marriages like theirs aren't uncommon in this world. It's just that people might gossip about it.]

[In my previous life, noble families in ancient times often intermarried within the family to keep the bloodline pure. It wasn't a big deal.]

Su Ming's explanation resonated with Liu Erlong. She didn't care about the societal stigma of her relationship with Yu Xiaogang, since it wasn't all that uncommon. But Yu Xiaogang was too concerned about his reputation.

[However, if they do choose to marry, they should be prepared to deal with the negative consequences of their relationship.]

This statement made all the female protagonists anxious, especially Liu Erlong!

After all, many of them had some knowledge of these types of relationships. In noble circles, such marriages weren't rare, but the risks were significant.

[When two people in such a relationship marry, there's a higher chance they carry the same recessive genetic disorders. This increases the likelihood that their children will inherit diseases, leading to issues like early death or severe disabilities.]

[Simply put, if two people in this kind of relationship have children, the odds are high that the kids will have some sort of serious problem.]

Upon hearing this, Liu Erlong felt like she'd been struck by lightning. She didn't fully understand terms like "genetics" or "recessive diseases," but the last part was clear to her.

Such relationships often resulted in children with significant problems!

She had vaguely heard of this before but thought it was just superstition or fate's punishment. Now, she realized the actual reason behind it!

The other female protagonists also took note. Some of them came from noble backgrounds, and they had heard similar stories—like a prince born with mental disabilities or a noble's child who died young.

Bibi Dong quietly made a mental note. When Spirit Hall became strong enough to unify the continent, she would ensure a law was passed to ban such relationships.

For now, though, Spirit Hall wasn't powerful enough to impose such rules; it was still focused on balancing the two great empires and advocating for the common people.

But even when it came time to issue such laws, how many generations should be restricted from these types of relationships?