Chapter 54: Let Ah Yin Become His Spirit Soul?

After descending the mountain with Xiao Wu, Su Ming pondered whether beating up Tang San like that would result in Tang Hao coming to beat him up in the middle of the night, just like when he attacked Zhao Wuji.

However, Su Ming quickly shook off the thought. Zhao Wuji was beaten by Tang Hao because he bullied younger ones, but Su Ming and Tang San were peers. Tang Hao wouldn't come after him just because of this, and besides, why would Tang Hao reveal his own strength to him?

Then, Su Ming opened his diary to record the events of the day.

"Today, Xiao Wu, Tang San, and I returned to Holy Spirit Village. Just like in the original story, Tang San wanted to make Xiao Wu his sister. I was furious!"

The female leads, seeing that Su Ming was writing in his diary, eagerly looked over, ready to enjoy the drama.

"Xiao Wu has been my sister for over a year, and through this time, our bond has grown deep and special. Everyone else can see it clearly—there's no way Tang San didn't notice. But even so, he still wanted to make Xiao Wu his sister, which really crossed the line!"

"To convince me, he boasted about using all his strength to defeat me. It was laughable!"

"His so-called 'full strength' was nothing but using hidden weapons—tools meant for stealth, yet he used them openly in a duel with me. Of course, he lost."

"He must have forgotten that in our previous fights, I never used my full power either. But today, with his hidden weapons, Tang San was feeling overly confident, thinking he could beat me. In the end, I beat him, and I beat him hard!"

"If it weren't for the fact that Tang San still has an important role to play, I'd honestly have considered ending him right there."

"I still recall his face turning blue and the way he desperately gasped for air afterward. It was so satisfying! Unfortunately, I was too angry at the time to record the scene."

"Oh well, missing one recording isn't a big deal. It's not like there's a reward for recording fights."

The female leads collectively had dark expressions. Su Ming might not get a reward, but they would have! One less reward for them just because Su Ming didn't record the fight!

Xiao Wu, however, didn't mind. The fact that Su Ming didn't record it just showed how genuinely angry he was. If he had still thought about broadcasting it at that moment, it would've felt strange to her.

After jotting down his diary entry, Su Ming took Xiao Wu back to Grandpa Jack's house. That night, Grandpa Jack prepared a feast for Su Ming and Xiao Wu, even including a lot of carrots since Su Ming had mentioned that Xiao Wu loved them.

But when it came time to sleep, there was a bit of a dilemma. The house was small, with only two rooms and two beds. Where would Xiao Wu sleep?

Su Ming, of course, suggested that Xiao Wu sleep in his bed, while he would take the floor. He had anticipated this and had prepared a soft mattress in his spirit storage device, which he could lay on the floor.

Seeing Su Ming's thoughtful preparation, Xiao Wu couldn't help but think to herself, We could just sleep together…

She quickly shook her head, feeling embarrassed. What am I thinking? We're only seven years old!

As Su Ming lay down on the floor, he started considering a bold idea. Should he sneak to the mountains and take the ten-thousand-year-old Blue Silver Emperor spirit bone that Tang Hao had hidden there? And maybe even take Ah Yin for himself?

After some thought, he dismissed the idea. Tang Hao had set up an array to protect the spirit bone, and if it were disturbed, Tang Hao would definitely notice. Plus, Tang Hao might still be lurking nearby. It would be suicidal to try such a thing now.

It would be better to wait five years, closer to graduation. And this task would be better done alone, without Xiao Wu, and definitely without letting Tang San know.

After all, wherever Tang San was, Tang Hao wouldn't be far behind, watching over him. Moreover, Su Ming hadn't yet decided how to handle Ah Yin. Taking her with him didn't seem ideal, as it wouldn't benefit her cultivation. Although Ah Yin wasn't able to cultivate much in the cave either.

Suddenly, Su Ming thought of a perfect solution: make Ah Yin his spirit soul. As his strength grew, Ah Yin's power would also recover, and she could even grant him a spirit ring—one that would grow in power with him.

However, Su Ming sighed again. While this was a great idea, he had no clue how to turn Ah Yin into his spirit soul. This would have to rely on the system. He had no other way to do it.

"System, can you give me a reward in the future that teaches me how to contract a spirit soul?"

[Ding! Host, I've told you before, rewards are random. Don't get your hopes up—everything depends on your luck.]

Su Ming didn't believe a word of it. He was sure that sooner or later, a reward teaching him how to contract a spirit soul would come his way. He just knew it.

System: I'm flattered you think so highly of me. How do you know you'll get that reward? Whatever, since you're so set on making Ah Yin your spirit soul, I'll make it happen. Consider it a little compensation, hehehe!

System: But, won't Ah Yin's spirit power grow over time? That could expose her… Six years from now, Ah Yin's age will be quite high. I'll need to prepare something to cover this up. Host, you have no idea how much trouble I go through for you. Hehehe!

At midnight, a notification rang out.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, for completing today's diary entry. You have been rewarded with the ability: Self-Healing.]

[Self-Healing: Increases the body's recovery speed after injury, without consuming spirit power.]

Seeing the reward, Su Ming was pleased. The self-healing ability would stack nicely with his wood element's passive healing, giving him the feel of an indestructible body later on. Even if someone could hurt him, his body would heal just as quickly, as long as the healing outpaced the damage.

Of course, pain would still be felt, and the wood element's healing required spirit power.

The female leads, having waited for Su Ming to write about his reward, were left disappointed when he didn't mention it. Perhaps the reward wasn't that great, and Su Ming didn't feel like writing about it.

And indeed, Su Ming had simply found it redundant to write about. The self-healing ability wasn't much different from his wood element's passive healing—there was nothing special worth recording.

[Ding! Today's most mentioned female lead is Xiao Wu, who has received the reward of a mental power increase.]

Xiao Wu was pleased. The mental power boost would help her second spirit ability, though she wasn't sure how much the increase would be.

As for the other female leads, they still had no idea what reward Xiao Wu had received.

A few days later, Su Ming and Xiao Wu were ready to leave Holy Spirit Village.