Chapter 86: Wood Release: Total Binding Technique, Su Ming’s True Power

The three girls and the other female protagonists watching the livestream were stunned by Su Ming's wood dragon. Is this Su Ming's trump card? It's so cool! Even Tang San watched the wood dragon with a serious expression, wondering if it was a soul skill or a self-created ability.

After all, Su Ming had activated all four of his soul rings earlier. Tang San knew that the first ring was for defense, and the fourth for support, but he still didn't know the second and third soul skills. This wood dragon must be his third soul skill, Tang San thought. He couldn't believe Su Ming had such talent to create something like a lifelike wood dragon from scratch.

Zhao Wuji was equally astonished. "Kid, which soul skill is this wood dragon?"

Su Ming calmly replied, "Third soul skill."

Tang San nodded, confirming his suspicions.

Meanwhile, the female protagonists struggled to hold in their laughter. Is it really okay to deceive others like this? They knew very well that this wood dragon was a self-created skill, not his third soul skill.

Zhao Wuji asked curiously, "Then, what kind of soul beast did you hunt to get this soul ring? A dragon-type?"

Su Ming smiled wryly, "Teacher Zhao, I haven't even enrolled yet. Isn't it a bit too much to ask such detailed questions?"

Of course, the wood dragon wasn't actually his third soul skill, so Su Ming had no clue what kind of beast to claim. He figured he'd just make something up when people asked later.

Zhao Wuji felt a little embarrassed but brushed it off. "Alright then, let me see what you're truly capable of!"

Su Ming nodded and commanded, "Wood Dragon, attack! Bind Teacher Zhao!"

Upon receiving the order, the wood dragon swiftly launched itself at Zhao Wuji.

This wood dragon had drained half of Su Ming's soul power to summon, and he had only managed it thanks to the simultaneous activation of four soul skills and Ning Rongrong's three soul enhancements. Its power and speed were formidable, on par with a Soul Emperor.

Zhao Wuji wasn't intimidated. He couldn't believe that a third soul skill from a forty-something-level soul master could really pose much of a threat.

"Second Soul Skill: Great Strength Vajra Palm!"

Zhao Wuji's right hand surged with power as he charged at the wood dragon's head.


The wood dragon's head shattered halfway, sending splinters flying, but within a second, it regenerated, fully restored.

Zhao Wuji was stunned. What insane regenerative ability is this?! Could Su Ming's fourth soul skill be affecting the wood dragon?

Furious, Zhao Wuji realized he had to destroy the wood dragon completely. Otherwise, he'd lose face as a teacher at Shrek Academy.

"Third Soul Skill: Gravity Enhancement!"

A massive pressure descended on both the wood dragon and Su Ming, as Zhao Wuji attempted to restrict their movements.

"Second Soul Skill: Great Strength Vajra Palm!"

Zhao Wuji unleashed another flurry of powerful palm strikes, determined to smash the wood dragon to pieces.

Dust filled the air, obscuring the battlefield. When it finally cleared, everyone saw broken wood and fragments of the dragon's body scattered on the ground. A heavy silence followed—had Su Ming's wood dragon been defeated by Teacher Zhao?

"Brother…" Xiao Wu called out anxiously.

But Su Ming gave her a reassuring look.

Suddenly, the wood dragon's body was whole once again!

Everyone was shocked. How was that even possible?

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened in disbelief. "What kind of monster are you?!"

Su Ming shrugged. "Teacher Zhao, just because you can't beat the wood dragon doesn't mean you can start cursing."

Xiao Wu burst into laughter, and Ning Rongrong couldn't help but giggle while Zhu Zhuqing's usually stoic expression softened into a small smile.

In reality, the wood dragon had indeed been unable to withstand Zhao Wuji's relentless attacks. But as Zhao Wuji attacked, the dragon continuously regenerated, and by the time the dust had settled, it had almost fully healed.

Zhao Wuji's face darkened. He hadn't felt this frustrated since facing the Soul Emperors of the Spirit Hall years ago. And now, he was losing face in front of a bunch of students. He briefly considered using his Martial Soul True Body, but the cost was too great. Besides, if he resorted to that, he'd really lose all his dignity, and it might scare these prodigies away from enrolling.

He sighed, realizing that he couldn't waste time fighting the wood dragon any longer. He had to go after Su Ming directly.

With a wicked grin, Zhao Wuji activated his fourth soul ring: "Fourth Soul Skill: Homing Beacon!"

As the skill activated, Su Ming detected a faint honey-like scent in the air.

Dai Mubai quickly warned, "Su Ming, be careful! This skill locks onto your position. Since Teacher Zhao can't destroy your wood dragon, he's targeting you instead!"

Zhao Wuji shot Dai Mubai an annoyed glare. Can't you keep quiet?!

Homing Beacon, huh? Su Ming smirked. Time to show you something even better.

He stomped his right foot, activating his second soul ring. "Wood Release: Total Binding Technique!"

Su Ming's second soul ring was a cover; he wouldn't normally need to activate it again after already using it. However, after the previous battle, he had recovered enough soul power to go all out again. He channeled a large amount of energy into the ground, summoning several massive wooden hands from the earth.

Tang San was astonished. Is this Su Ming's second soul skill? It looks like some kind of control skill, summoning giant wooden hands from the ground.

Zhao Wuji, too, was taken aback. What use would a control skill be at this point? He can't possibly think he can restrain me, can he?

But Su Ming's goal was exactly that—to grab Zhao Wuji. The Total Binding Technique was highly mobile, striking unpredictably from the ground.

Just as Zhao Wuji locked onto Su Ming's position and leaped into the air, one of the giant wooden hands shot up, grabbing him mid-air. More hands followed, piling on and constraining him further.

What the hell?! How are these wooden hands so fast?!

Zhao Wuji had lost count of how many times Su Ming had surprised him today. This was the first time his Homing Beacon had ever been interrupted!

Su Ming flashed a devilish smile, sending shivers down Zhao Wuji's spine. He had a bad feeling.

"Wood Dragon, attack! Bite Teacher Zhao!"

The wood dragon obeyed, coiling around Zhao Wuji, its massive jaws clamping onto his head. Terrified, Zhao Wuji instantly channeled all his soul power to protect his head.