Chapter 88: Oscar’s Awkward Chant and Su Ming’s Advice

Oscar glanced around hesitantly and then unwillingly chanted, "I have a big sausage!"

In an instant, his hand glowed, producing a fragrant sausage. Tang San and the three girls now understood what Dai Mubai had meant earlier. The sausage itself wasn't the problem—it was the bizarre chant that made them feel queasy.

Su Ming had known from his past life that Oscar's chant was strange, but experiencing it firsthand, with the sausage right there, it was hard to even think about eating it.

Zhao Wuji didn't care about the chant. He snatched the sausage from Oscar and, while chewing, mumbled, "Sausage and a small sausage, too!"

His speech was slurred, not just because of the food, but because his tongue had swollen from Tang San's poison.

Oscar sighed and once again recited his peculiar soul chant.

"I have a big sausage."

"I have a small sausage."

Though Oscar's face was covered in stubble, he didn't look particularly sleazy at first glance. But when he chanted, the whole atmosphere changed, and he seemed like the epitome of sleaziness.

Zhao Wuji didn't hesitate and quickly ate both the big sausage and the small sausage. Almost instantly, he felt much better.

Dai Mubai, trying to stifle his laughter, moved toward Zhu Zhuqing, only to be stopped by her cold glare.

Su Ming, unable to hold back any longer, finally asked Oscar, "Oscar, can't you make the sausages without reciting that weird chant every time?"

Oscar, surprised by the question, looked at Dai Mubai with a puzzled expression.

Dai Mubai quickly introduced Su Ming and the others to Oscar.

Oscar was stunned. A twelve-year-old Soul Elder? That's terrifying! He was fourteen and still only at the 29th rank. Granted, food-type soul masters had a harder time advancing, but Su Ming's talent was still intimidating.

Oscar replied with a wry smile, "I know my chant is strange, but there's nothing I can do. I've tried making sausages without it, but I can't. For some reason, food-type soul masters must chant these strange phrases to use their skills."

Su Ming thought for a moment and then suggested, "Have you tried silently reciting the chant in your mind or saying it softly? If that works, it might reduce the embarrassment."

Oscar's eyes lit up. Why didn't I think of that before?

"Good idea! Let me try it now."

Oscar first attempted to silently chant the phrase in his mind while making a sausage. It failed, producing only a half-formed sausage.

Then, he tried saying the chant softly under his breath. To his surprise, a fully formed sausage appeared in his hand. He was overjoyed.

Seeing the result, Su Ming nodded. At least the second method works.

Oscar was thrilled. Who would've thought that something so simple could solve this awkward problem? Why hadn't anyone come up with this before?

Grabbing Su Ming's hand, Oscar said excitedly, "Thank you so much, Su Ming! You've saved me from a lifetime of embarrassment. Here, have a sausage!"

Su Ming recoiled slightly as Oscar held the sausage out toward him. "Uh, no thanks. I'm feeling fine right now, no need for healing."

Oscar blinked and then looked over at the three girls, hoping one of them might take the sausage. However, they all pointedly ignored him—they had no intention of eating it.

Feeling a bit dejected, Oscar sighed.

Dai Mubai chuckled. "You guys might be avoiding Oscar's sausages now, but we're all part of the same academy now. Sooner or later, you'll have to eat one."

Oscar nodded enthusiastically.

Su Ming sighed, "Maybe we'll get used to it in time. If I hadn't heard that chant, I probably wouldn't hesitate to eat it. After all, I do love meat."

Internally, Su Ming wondered if there was a way to help Oscar make sausages without chanting at all. While chanting quietly helped, it still seemed inefficient in battle. If Oscar had to make seven sausages in a row, chanting each time would slow him down. Moreover, some sausages had a short shelf life and had to be made on the spot.

Su Ming felt inclined to help Oscar. Among Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun, Oscar seemed the most reliable and normal. His only flaw was that making sausages could make him seem sleazy, though that had improved a bit now.

Oscar, after all, had innate full soul power for a food-type soul master—a rare talent. If Su Ming could help him, Oscar's potential would only increase. However, Su Ming knew he couldn't help Oscar too much yet; they weren't close enough, and he had no immediate solutions. Perhaps the system might provide a reward related to Oscar in the future.

After eating Oscar's sausages, Zhao Wuji felt much better and instructed Dai Mubai, "Take them to their dorms. Tomorrow, we start class."

With that, Zhao Wuji walked off, clearly embarrassed by his earlier defeat.

After Zhao Wuji was gone, Oscar leaned close to Dai Mubai and whispered, "What's up with Teacher Zhao today? Did he get his period? Why is he being so hard on the new students? I thought you were supposed to oversee the fourth test."

Dai Mubai shot him a look. "Why don't you say that a little louder so Teacher Zhao can hear you? He's in a bad mood and could use someone to take it out on. And for the record, you're the one acting like you're on your period."

Privately, Dai Mubai was grateful that Zhao Wuji had taken over the fourth test. If he'd been the one fighting Tang San and Su Ming, he'd probably be in the hospital by now. Tang San's weapons and Su Ming's wood dragon were no joke.

He suddenly realized just how versatile Su Ming was. His first soul skill was defensive, his second was for control, his third summoned a wood dragon, and his fourth was for support. Is this guy really a support-type soul master?

Moreover, Su Ming's abilities were overwhelmingly strong. Even Zhao Wuji had been unable to break free from his second and third skills. Dai Mubai, who had once been attracted to Su Ming's sister, Xiao Wu, now thought better of it. He didn't want to end up on the receiving end of Su Ming's powers.

Dai Mubai led the group to the dorms. The girls' dorms and boys' dorms were on opposite sides of the campus.

When Su Ming saw the boys' dorm, he was stunned by how shabby it was. The entire building was made of wood and looked ready to collapse. Inside, the room was small, only about ten square meters, and two people had to share it.

Oscar winked at Su Ming and said, "Su Ming, why don't we share a room?"

Oscar had taken a liking to Su Ming, preferring him over Tang San as a roommate.

Su Ming shoved Oscar's face away, feeling a bit annoyed. "Sure, we can share, but can you act normal and stop giving me those weird looks?"

Oscar scratched his head sheepishly and chuckled.

With Su Ming and Oscar rooming together, that left Tang San with a room to himself.

Dai Mubai left the group to settle in, reminding them that classes would start tomorrow.

Once inside the dorm, Su Ming looked around and frowned at how small and broken-down it was. He turned to Oscar and asked, "Do you have a soul tool to store your belongings?"

Oscar, confused about Su Ming's intentions, sighed, "I'm too poor. I wouldn't be selling sausages in town if I had money for a soul tool."

Su Ming realized his oversight. He tossed a storage ring to Oscar. "This ring has 20 cubic meters of space. Consider it a welcoming gift since we're roommates now."

Oscar's face lit up with gratitude. "Really? That's amazing!"

But then, after a moment of thought, he became serious and said, "No, Su Ming, this ring is too valuable. We've only just met, and I don't have anything to give you in return."

With visible reluctance, Oscar tried to return the ring.

Su Ming was amused by Oscar's change of heart. If this were the Oscars, you'd win an award for acting.

He was starting to appreciate Oscar's character. He decided, "Today, you're keeping this ring."

Su Ming said firmly, "Oscar, think of it as an investment from me."

Oscar looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

He didn't see what he had to offer. He was a commoner with no wealth or exceptional strength.

Su Ming continued, "You got into Shrek Academy, so your talent must be good, right? What's your innate soul power? How old are you? What's your current rank?"

Oscar responded without hesitation, "I'm a food-type soul master with innate full soul power. I'm 14 years old and at the 29th rank, but I'm pretty close to breaking through to 30."

He didn't mind sharing this information since everyone would know eventually.

Su Ming smiled approvingly. "Exactly. You're already at the 29th rank at 14 years old, even though food-type soul masters have the hardest time advancing. Your talent is impressive!"

Oscar laughed awkwardly. "But Boss Dai said you're only 12, and you're already at the 43rd rank. I'm nowhere near that."

Su Ming shook his head. "You can't compare yourself to me. I have my own reasons for advancing so quickly. But trust me when I say you have great potential."

Oscar's eyes brightened. "Really? You think a commoner like me can achieve great things?"

Su Ming nodded. "Absolutely. I'm good at reading people, and I believe in you. If you stick with me and train hard, I guarantee you'll become at least a Titled Douluo one day."

Of course, even without Su Ming's help, Oscar's potential could have led him to become a Titled Douluo. But Su Ming knew how to inspire people.

"And don't worry about the whole 'following me' thing. I just want us to be brothers. I'll be the older brother, and you'll be the younger brother, even if you're older than me. I like being the big brother!"

Oscar paused, then responded seriously, "Su Ming, I'm willing to recognize you as my older brother, but we've only just met. I need more time."

Oscar was surprised by how much Su Ming's words had moved him. There was something about Su Ming's confidence and charisma that made him believe anything was possible.

He finally put the ring on his finger and admired it. "This is great! I finally have my own storage soul tool!"

Su Ming smiled, watching Oscar's joy. Though Oscar joked around a lot, those who knew him understood that he had a deep sense of pride despite his humble background.

Su Ming was confident that Oscar would eventually accept him as a true big brother. After all, Oscar was destined to become a powerful food god, and his sausages would be invaluable in the future, both to Su Ming and Xiao Wu.

As for Dai Mubai, with his debauched lifestyle, and Ma Hongjun, with his violent tendencies, Su Ming had little respect for them. They're always visiting shady places—disgusting.

But Oscar was different. Though a bit cheeky, Su Ming believed Oscar wouldn't stoop to that level. If he had, he wouldn't still look so scruffy and disheveled despite Dai Mubai's influence.