Chapter 94: Ning Rongrong’s Surprising Attitude

"You can use your spirit abilities to assist yourselves. Now, go! Oscar, lead the way!" Flender ordered.

At this point, Su Ming couldn't stand it any longer and stepped forward again. He thought, In the future, neither Ning Rongrong nor Oscar would be running to train their stamina every day. Doing it just once without consistency is pointless. Even though running every day wouldn't help much either.


Flender's heart skipped a beat. What's this troublemaker up to now?

"Headmaster, I'm also a support-type spirit master. Shouldn't I be running alongside Rongrong and Oscar as well?" Su Ming asked with a smirk.

Everyone's lips twitched. Are you sure you're a normal support-type spirit master?

Flender was slightly annoyed. He had hoped to give Oscar some time alone with Ning Rongrong. His sharp eyes had already noticed that Oscar had feelings for her, so naturally, he didn't want Su Ming interfering. He replied, "Su Ming, your physical condition is already excellent. And are you even really a support-type spirit master? Only your fourth spirit ability is for healing, while your other three abilities are either defensive or offensive. You're quite the anomaly!"

Su Ming could only give a sheepish smile. He was technically a support-type spirit master, but he couldn't explain that.

Still, Su Ming played the rogue and insisted, "I don't care. I consider myself a support-type spirit master. Besides, running twenty laps around the village would be difficult even for battle spirit masters, let alone support-type ones like Rongrong and Oscar."

Flender countered, "Oscar's sausage spirit can help restore energy and stamina, so they might get tired, but they'll be able to finish the run."

But Su Ming wasn't buying it. "My fourth spirit ability also helps restore energy. And with my superior physical condition, I'm clearly the best fit to support them."

At this point, Ning Rongrong stepped forward as well. "Headmaster, since Su Ming is a support-type spirit master, it's only fair that he trains with us. Also, Oscar's sausage... well, I just can't bring myself to eat it."

Flender wanted to help Oscar but couldn't push too hard, so he waved his hand in resignation. "Fine, have it your way. But don't come complaining tonight, Su Ming, when your spirit energy is depleted. Our evening class involves some real danger."

With that, Flender walked off. He knew Ning Rongrong was the daughter of Ning Fengzhi, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan's master. As just a lowly spirit saint himself, Flender wouldn't dare push her too hard, or he'd be risking his life if her clan retaliated.

Given that Ning Rongrong was more mature than her original characterization, with her little "princess" tantrums and arrogance mostly gone, Ning Fengzhi hadn't written any letter instructing Flender to teach her a lesson. Her current demeanor and talent were already very satisfying to her family, so there was no need to put her through unnecessary hardships.

Oscar, watching Su Ming step in, realized that this was Su Ming's way of asserting himself. Su Ming won't give me a chance with Ning Rongrong. Looks like I don't stand a chance. Oscar's heart sank with disappointment.

With Flender out of the way, Su Ming grinned at Ning Rongrong. "Rongrong, let's run together."

Ning Rongrong smiled back and nodded. "Sure, thanks, Su Ming."

Her dimples appeared as she smiled, and Su Ming found it quite charming.

At this point, Xiao Wu stepped up beside Su Ming and said, "Brother, even though I'm not a support-type spirit master, I want to run with you."

Zhu Zhuqing stood silently beside Xiao Wu, her cold demeanor making her intentions clear.

This surprised Su Ming. Xiao Wu wanting to run with him wasn't unexpected, but Zhu Zhuqing too...?

Still, Su Ming considered this a good thing. It meant the three girls were getting along well.

Tang San, observing the situation, said, "If Su Ming and Xiao Wu are running, I'll join too."

In truth, if it had only been Su Ming running, Tang San wouldn't have joined. The main reason was Xiao Wu's presence.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was joining, Dai Mubai approached her and said, "Zhuqing, let me run with you."

However, Zhu Zhuqing completely ignored him, leaving Dai Mubai's face darkened with embarrassment.

Su Ming activated his fourth spirit ability, enhancing everyone's life energy and putting their bodies in an energized state, making the run easier.

However, as they ran, they realized they hadn't even finished the first lap, and the reality hit them. There's no way support-type spirit masters could finish this task on time. Ning Rongrong finally understood why her original self had lost her temper in the story. She had never been subjected to such grueling training back in her clan. No wonder she snapped—this training was just unreasonable!

Xiao Wu complained, "At this rate, when are we ever going to finish twenty laps? Can we even make it by lunchtime?"

Oscar gave a wry smile. "If you battle spirit masters give it your all without exhausting your spirit power, you might make it. But for us support-types? We'd be lucky to finish by dinner."

Oscar, trying to be helpful, said to Ning Rongrong, "Even if we don't make it back in time for lunch, I've got sausages. Want one?"

He quietly muttered his spirit chant, "I have a big sausage!"

A delicious-looking sausage appeared in his hand, which he offered to Ning Rongrong.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong blurted out a rather bold remark, "Eat your sausage? I've got two thick slices of bread, thank you very much!"

Everyone was stunned, not expecting such words from someone like Ning Rongrong, who usually carried herself with elegance.

Su Ming found it amusing. Now this is more in line with Ning Rongrong's little "devil" personality. As long as she wasn't being obnoxious, this contrasting behavior was actually kind of cute.

Ning Rongrong herself didn't know why she said such a thing. She had tried so hard to restrain herself, but when she thought of the first time she saw Oscar making sausages, and now seeing him again, she just couldn't stomach it. So, the words slipped out.

First impressions are important, after all.

Realizing what she had just said, Ning Rongrong blushed in embarrassment. She glanced at herself, then at Zhu Zhuqing's rather generous "assets" beside her. If mine are thick slices of bread, then what are hers? she thought, feeling even more embarrassed.

To avoid any awkward misunderstandings, Ning Rongrong quickly explained, "Ahem, I didn't mean to say that. It's just... I'm used to being spoiled at home, and sometimes words slip out that don't match my usual demeanor."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Laughter erupted.

Ning Rongrong turned to see Su Ming laughing, wiping away tears of amusement.

She glared at him and demanded, "What's so funny?"

Su Ming wiped his eyes and smiled, "It's just funny to hear someone as refined as you say something so unexpected. But honestly, I think this side of you is more authentic, more grounded in real life. It's a cute contrast."

"After all, Xiao Wu and I are commoners. If you always acted like a noble lady, it'd be harder for us to connect with you."

Xiao Wu nodded in agreement. This version of Ning Rongrong was indeed easier to get along with.

Ning Rongrong was hearing this kind of thing for the first time. Back in her clan, if she said something like that, her father might scold her, though he'd let it slide because of how much he doted on her.

But hearing Su Ming say it made her warm up to him a bit more. She found him interesting and felt more comfortable around him.

As for Su Ming calling her cute, she didn't mind at all. After all, she believed she was cute and beautiful—except in one area compared to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Since we're not going to finish this at our current pace, let's speed up!" Ning Rongrong said.

She then activated her first and second spirit abilities, boosting Su Ming, Tang San, and Oscar's speed.

The others, who had beast-type spirits and naturally strong physiques, didn't need her assistance.

Finally, they managed to complete the twenty laps just before lunchtime. The most exhausted of the group were, unsurprisingly, Ning Rongrong and Oscar. This training was extremely tough for them. Without Ning Rongrong's support and Su Ming's recovery ability, they probably wouldn't have finished until late afternoon.

Just a few seconds later, Flender appeared.

He was quite surprised that they managed to finish the twenty laps before lunch. The original intent behind this training was twofold: to see if Oscar and Ning Rongrong could grow closer and to temper Ning Rongrong's attitude, as she was a princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan.

But it seemed like neither objective had been achieved. Ning Rongrong appeared to be getting closer to Su Ming instead. As for her attitude toward Oscar, Flender could only describe it as indifferent—she even seemed to dislike the way he made his sausages.

Flender was frustrated. He had hoped to connect Oscar with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan. Since Oscar had been like a son to him, a connection with the clan would have been the best outcome. But things weren't going as planned.

Moreover, his second goal had also failed. Su Ming's assistance had prevented Ning Rongrong from experiencing the hardship he'd intended. Without Su Ming, she likely wouldn't have completed the run, and Flender could've lectured her and tempered her character. He didn't think Ning Fengzhi would be too upset over something as simple as running, especially in an academy setting.

Flender also noticed that, thanks to Su Ming's influence, the seven of them were starting to form a team. Though it was still in its early stages, it was promising. This would help with the upcoming group competitions.

But he couldn't help but feel embarrassed for his disciple, Ma Hongjun, who had run off and missed this bonding opportunity. Flender made a mental note to give him a good scolding later.

Flender gave a token word of praise to Su Ming and the others, then turned to Tang San and said, "Tang San, after lunch, come see me."

Tang San nodded, guessing that Flender wanted to ask about his teacher's recent situation.

The group headed to the Shrek Academy cafeteria, where lunch was already prepared.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were curious about the food. Would it be plentiful and nutritious?

To their disappointment, the meal was far from luxurious. It consisted of simple fare—rice, steamed buns, pickled vegetables, and a small portion of meat. It wasn't even enough to fill their stomachs.

Su Ming had expected this but couldn't help wanting to complain about Flender's stinginess. How is this supposed to provide the proper nutrition for a spirit master?

Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask, "Oscar, is this what you guys usually eat? This is fine for breakfast, but after all that training, this isn't nearly enough to replenish what we've lost."

Oscar smiled wryly. "Well, it can't be helped. The academy has limited funds. If you're really hungry, I can make some sausages—they're meat, after all."

Su Ming interjected, "Let's make do with this for now. We can head into the city for a proper meal later."

He then handed Xiao Wu a carrot. "Here, Xiao Wu. This should be enough for you, right?"

Xiao Wu accepted the carrot with a happy smile. As long as she had carrots, she was fine—she didn't eat much meat anyway.

If it were just Xiao Wu, Su Ming would've considered using a space talisman to teleport them to the city for a proper meal. But with so many people around, he didn't want to expose his secret abilities.

Meanwhile, at the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan, Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong stormed into the main hall, furious.

"Fengzhi, how could you let Rongrong go off on her own? What if something happens to her?" Chen Xin demanded.

Ning Fengzhi sighed, "Sword Uncle, Bone Uncle, don't worry. I've arranged for someone to protect her. She won't be in any danger."

Just as Chen Xin was about to argue further, a messenger arrived at the hall.

The young disciple knelt respectfully and reported, "Clan Master, I bring news. The young lady has successfully arrived at Shrek Academy and passed the entrance examination."