Simple Items

Asher glanced around for a moment before turning back to the dogkin worker.

"I'm looking to sell these…" He hesitated, trying to find a term for the magic scrolls that would be easier for the locals to understand. "Enchanted Papers. They're spell-infused sheets you can use to cast... well, a spell."

"Enchanted Papers?" The worker's confusion was obvious. "I've never heard that term before."

He half expected her to be confused; after all, it was a name he had made up on the spot. He had even kept it simple, hoping even someone stupid would understand how it worked.

'I need to convince her,' he raised his hand, muttering an incantation. A second later, a fireball formed in his palm.

It danced around his fingers, expanding and shrinking at will, a simple display of his mastery over the element of fire.