A Big Pair of Shoes to Fit

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Miles gasped as he looked at himself in the mirror.

But this actually wasn't the Miles Morales that everyone knew. No, somehow, through some unknown interference, a soul from Earth had found himself inside the body of the young Mile Morales.

"Alright, this has to be some sort of dream." Miles took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

That was the easiest way to explain this phenomenon that was happening before him. But as he was relaxing, Miles felt every hair on his body tingle before the door opened up.

"Miles, mijo? Are you awake?" A feminine voice called out from behind the door. Miles knew that the only person who would call him that had to be Rio Morales, Miles' mother.

Clearing his throat and shaking the feeling of his newfound spider senses away, Miles answered his mother. "Si, ma! I'm just changing my clothes."

"Alright, make sure you come out to eat. Hice tu favorito!" Rio said before walking away.

Miles felt weird, still not getting accustomed to his new enhanced senses.

Closing his eyes, Miles tried to remember what he could from the movies. "Damn, I shouldn't have done those mushrooms in the theater."

While Miles was regretting it now, he had to say that the experience was definitely worth it. The animations were too great to be seen normally after all.

"Alright, focus!" Miles slapped his cheeks, getting back on topic. "If I already have my spider powers and I'm sleeping at Miles' parent's house then that means...shit."

Spider-Man was dead.

Why couldn't he have been brought to this world a bit sooner? Hell, Miles would have probably gone and helped Peter fight Kingpin and The Prowler.

Alright, he most likely would have gotten his ass handed to him, but Uncle Aaron might have let him and Peter go had he seen his nephew there.

"Well, no use crying over spilled milk." Miles sighed, walking toward the closet in the room. He had to change and head out unless he wanted to worry Miles' parents.

Though a few minutes into changing, Miles couldn't help but whistle as he stared down below. "Lucky bastard."


"Mijo, is everything okay?" Rio asked, looking at her son who had barely touched his food and was obviously thinking about something. She could still remember the night before when they found he had snuck into his room during a school night. She could still feel him trembling when he went to go hug him and his father. Thinking about him, Rio turned to look at Jefferson and cleared her throat.

Jefferson realizing that his wife was asking for his help cleared his throat after taking a sip of coffee and turned to their son. "Miles, do you want to talk to us about what happened last night?"

Miles who was in his thoughts turned to look at both his parents.

"I uh...I witnessed a murder."

"What/Que?!" Both parents exclaimed, looking at Miles.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Jefferson questioned. He knew Miles wasn't the type to joke about something like this and as a cop, he had to report this.

"You see..." Miles started before he explained what had happened the night before, well technically from his movie knowledge.

"Spider-Man is dead?" Rio muttered, shocked at the revelation.

Jefferson however was a bit more agitated, staring at his son. "See, this is the reason why I tell you not to meet with your uncle." He said, tapping the table with his finger to emphasize his point.

Rio sighed, shaking her head. "That's not the point, dear."

"How not?" Jefferson asked, raising his hands. "Had Miles not been hanging with Aaron, he wouldn't have found himself in that situation."

"We'll talk about this later," Rio said, her eyes furrowing into a frown before they turned gentle as she glanced at Miles. "Listen, Miles. How about you stay home today? I'll make sure to call the school, okay?"

"Sure, gracias ma." Miles gave her a weak smile which caused Rio's heart to break a little at seeing her usually cheery and energetic son in such a state.

"Well, I'm gonna head down to the precinct and have them check out the spot Miles told me about. While I may not like Spider-Man, it doesn't mean I will let his murderer get away scot-free." Jefferson said, grabbing his police cap from the counter and putting it on. He gave Rio a loving kiss and Miles a salute, "I'll see you two later tonight."

"See ya, dad." Miles waved him off as he grabbed his plate and took it to the sink.

"I'll be leaving too, sweetie," Rio said, hugging Miles warmly. "If you need anything, make sure to call me, okay?"

"Of course, ma," Miles replied as he watched the older lady step out of the house.

As all was said and done, Miles couldn't help but let out a tired sigh. He hadn't expected his little spiel to have worked so well. Sure while he was feeling under the weather, it wasn't because Spider-Man had died. Nah, it was because all of Peter's responsibilities now fell on his shoulders.

Sure, he could just ignore his duties, but a glimpse into Universe 42 already showed Miles what a world without Spider-Man looked like.

But it was still too early to consider himself Spider-Man. He still hadn't even gotten used to his new body. But Miles knew there was someone who could help him.

A determined expression appeared on Miles' face.

"First thing first, I have to go meet Aunt May."