Welcome to the Family Business

Miles sat on the roof's edge, drinking a nice hot cup of coffee. As he went for another sip, he heard a metallic thud behind him.

Turning, he saw Aaron in his Prowler suit walking over to him. 

But upon closer look, Miles could see that the suit had gone through some changes. No longer was Aaron wearing the skin-tight suit with the cloak. Instead, it was replaced with an armored-plated suit that looked pretty high-tech.

As Aaron walked over to Miles, the helmet retracted back towards the suit. "How's it hanging, nephew?"

"Same old same old. But I gotta say, the new suit's looking real nice, Unc." Miles whistled, checking out the new design.

Aaron smirked, shrugging his arms. "Had to get an upgrade since someone fried my old one."

"I wonder who that could be?"

"Hey, I'll have you know, this one's resistant to electricity."

"And here I was thinking of using some on ya." Miles joked, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Since when do you drink coffee? Last time I gave you some, you said you hated it."

"Yeah, well-" As Miles was going to say something, a memory flashed through his mind, stopping him mid sentence.


"This tastes horrible, Unc!" Miles groaned, pushing the mug away.

Miles could tell that he was much younger. Probably around 12 to 13.

"Hey, I told you it wouldn't be to your liking, nephew!" Aaron chuckled, drinking from his own mug. "That's one hundred percent columbian."

As Miles looked at him, he could tell that Aaron was a lot younger. Hell, he even had hair on his head.


"You good, Miles?" Aaron's voice brought Miles back to reality. "You zoned out there for a minute.

"Yeah, I'm good." Miles nodded, "Just remembering when you served me that coffee at your place that one time. You know, you still had hair on your head."

"Hey, I chose to go bald. Makes the ladies go crazy." Aaron huffed, pointing at his head before his eyes landing on Miles' head. Even if he was wearing the mask, Aaron could recall his nephew's hairstyle. "What about you? If you want the ladies to notice you, you have to get a fresh trim. Hell, if you want I could twist up some locs for you. Used to do it for yo daddy when we was younger."

"You know, that doesn't sound too bad. Might have to take your offer."

"Believe me, I'll have you looking like a new man, son."

"You better not mess me up though," Miles chuckled, shaking his head. He stood up, and walked over to Aaron. "So, what do you have for me?"

"Peep this," Aaron took the opportunity to bring out his phone and showed Miles a set of pictures. They were mostly of some nobody thugs raiding warehouses and businesses.

"I have a few connections that used to work for Kingpin. After he went under, they decided to go their own way and take over whatever hidden property Kingpin had that the police didn't know about." Aaron said, swiping through the pictures until he stopped ona video featuring the men wearing the Oni Masks. "One of the security cameras caught this footage."

The video played and Miles saw as the Oni masked thugs barged into a warehouse and gunned down the ex-Kingpin thugs before raiding the place.

"These guys seem to have some sort of training."

"Yeah, I fought against a group of 'em about a week ago. They were armed pretty heavy." Miles added before turning to look at Aaron. "I don't know who they're working for but I won't let them go on a killing spree across New York. You have any clue where they could be heading next?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Aaron said, his equipment glowing with its signature purple. "What do you say you and I go and introduce ourselves to our new friends?"

"That sounds like a great idea," Miles smiled. However, that smile went away as he placed his hand on Aaron's shoulder. "But before we head out, I need you to give me your word that you won't kill anyone."

"You and your boy scout rules." Aaron snorted, rolling his eyes.

"I ain't playing, Uncle Aaron. We're supposed to be the good guys here. Can't have you killing these fools even if they deserve it."

Aaron sighed, putting his hands up in defeat. "Alright, I won't kill anyone."

"Thanks, Uncle Aaron. I gotta say, I am kinda excited to be working with you."

"Yeah, if we get yo dad here, we could really make it a family busuiness." Aaron joked, and with a mechanical sound, his helmet began to shift back onto his head. "Now, make sure you follow me. I won't be slowing down, kid."

After he said that, Aaron leaped off the building and into the alley where he burst out in a black motorcycle.

Miles could only see the bike turn into a purple blur, due to his suit, as it zoomed through the streets.

"Man, that's cheating!" Miles grumbled, jumping off the edge, his web stuck to the nearest building as he swung after his uncle. 

Miles chased after Aaron as he zipped and zoomed through traffic. 

'It's a good thing that Aaron is an excellent driver,' Miles thought.

The way Aaron was driving was fast and efficient, cutting through cars before they could block his way. It must have been from years working as the Prowler.

Miles would be lying if he said that it didn't look like fun.

"Should I get a bike?" The idea came to Miles' head, but he decided to put it on the back of his mind. Right now, he had to catch up to his uncle.


Miles and Aaron arrived at what looked like an abandoned restaurant in between a set of buildings. The place felt like it was deserted as there was no sign of life across the whole block.

The restuarant itself looked torn down and most of the letters on the sign had fallen off. All of the windows were boarded up and the walls were covered in graffiti. For a second, Miles thought Aaron had gotten the wrong place, but that was only until he took a closer look.

Upon closer inspection, Miles noticed some activity toward the back of the restuarant

"I see two moving trucks towards the back of the restaurant. They must be loading up whatever Kingpin had stashed in there." 

"So, how do you want us to do this, Hero?" Aaron asked, looking over at Miles. 

"Let's drop in and show them who really runs this town." Miles said, putting his fist up.

"I like the sound of that." Aaron chuckled, bumping Miles' fist.

The two then leaped into action, Miles' body began to charge with elelctricity while Aaron's body glowed a bright neon purple.

If there was any time to feel sorry for a group of thugs, right now would be one of them.

(Author's Note)

I saw that most of you guys agreed on having a set schedule. So starting next week, I'll begin doing Monday and Friday releases and if I have nothing else to do, I might drop an extra chapter during the weekend.

As for the story, I'm going to have Miles try his best to bring Aaron to the good side. It won't be easy for him as Aaron's already been trained as a killer but as Vinny said, the power of family is strong, or something like that.

As the chapters's come out, I'm going to start introducing more characters into the universe but don't worry, I'm going to try my best to flesh them out before moving onto the next.