A New Pair of Gadgets

Once classes had ended, Miles returned to his dorm room where he found Genki tinkering with a Spider-Man mask at his desk. But Miles could tell that it wasn't his as this one was all red with black spider web lines across the face.

"Yo, what's good?" Miles greeted him, throwing his school stuff on his bed.

"Sup, Miles." Genki nodded, keeping his focus in front of him. "How were classes?"

"Fine, but I gotta work on my sleep schedule." Miles yawned, sitting on the edge of his bed. "So, what have you been working on?"

Genki smirked, turning around to look at Miles. "Catch."

Miles' hand caught a small object. Looking down at it, he could tell it was an earpiece.

"I managed to create an end-to-end encrypted channel. This means that only you and I can communicate without having our conversation tapped into. I was hoping you'd be willing to test out the earpiece when you go out on patrol."

Miles whistled, placing the piece into his ear. "I gotta say, Genki. You've been putting in work."

"It's the least I could do." Genki shrugged, typing something on the laptop. "I've also got some work done on the lenses of your mask."

"Word?" Miles' eyes widened. He stood up and walked over to the desk. 

"I can't take all the credit," Genki said, shaking his head. "Peter had some blueprints made out already. Looks like he was planning on doing something along the line."

"Still, you're doing a lot for me, man. I appreciate the dedication." 

"Yeah, well I do happen to enjoy working with tech, especially when it comes to helping out Spider-Man." Genki chuckled, passing Miles his mask. "Want to check out the new lenses?"

"Hell yeah." Miles quickly grabbed the mask and pulled it over his head. Already he could tell a difference, being that he couldn't see through the lenses. "Uh, are they supposed to make me blind?"

"Yeah, you gotta wait for a bit. The system should be booting up."

"System? Booting up? What are you talking about?" Miles didn't have to wait for an answer as the lenses lit up, showing him his surroundings. There was also a Spider-Man logo in the middle and a loading circle below it with the words 'System Booting'.

"Damn, Peter must have been from the future or something?"

"Tell me about it! When I was looking around Peter's hideout with Aunt May, we managed to find a few versions of the system, but they were all buggy and unstable." Genki said, turning to look at Miles with a smug look on his face. "I managed to get the most recent update and ran it on my laptop. A few sleepless nights later and I present to you the Spider-Hud V.1"

"Man, I don't know what to say," Miles replied. He genuinely didn't know what to say. If anything, he had to thank the late Peter Parker. Cause without him, there was no way that Miles or Genki would be able to create any of the inventions that Peter had created. But one thing was certain. These new gadgets were going to help him be a better hero. "I wanna test this stuff out, dude."

"Hey, don't get too excited." Genki stopped him, "The Spider-Hud is still early in development. The last thing I want is for it to stop working while you're out saving the day. Plus, I've seen how you come back every night."

"What do you mean?"

"You always come back with your suit all in tatters. We only got like a dozen or so chips left, ya' know? I wanna try to re-engineer and give them a little bit of that Genki flavor."

"Yeah, you're right." Miles deflated, taking the mask off and passing it to Genki. "Guess I'll go on patrol in my normal outfit."

"Don't worry, in about a week we should be able to take out the Spider-Hud for a test drive," Genki said, placing the mask on his desk. "Guess I'll see you in a few?"

"Doubt there's going to be any commotion tonight. I kinda toppled a whole organization last night." Miles said, walking toward the bathroom.

After a few minutes, he came back out in his suit while still holding his mask in his hand. "Right then, I'm gonna head out."

"Good luck," Genki waved him goodbye, not bothering to look at him as his focus was on his computer.

Turning invisible, Miles leaped out of the window and started swinging through the streets of Brooklyn.

That was when he heard his phone ringing. "Man, I barely left!"

Finding a spot to land, Miles checked on who was calling him. To his surprise, he found that it was Aunt May. Without a second thought, he answered the call.

"What's the matter, Aunt May?"

"Miles, I need you to head to the Brooklyn Museum."

"Yeah, sure, but do you mind if I ask why?" Miles said as he leaped off the edge of the roof, still holding his phone up to his ear. 

"MJ was going to report the unveiling of the reconstruction of the Brooklyn Museum, but it was soon attacked by a group of armed robbers." Aunt May explained, worry evident in her voice. "They currently have everyone held as hostages and are trying to negotiate with the police."

"Don't worry, Aunt May. I'll make sure to save MJ and everyone inside."

"Thank you, Miles, and be safe."

"I'll try my best," Miles said, ending the call. His focus was now on getting to the museum as fast as possible. There were innocent lives at stake, as well as the life of a person he knew. "And here I was thinking it was going to be a quiet night."

(Author's Note)

How's it going y'all?

I was chilling over the weekend and a thought came to my head. I was thinking if I do a crossover for Miles before Across the Spider-Verse, No Way Home would work out pretty well.

Now hear me out. When Miguel and Gwen are talking about the multiverse, Miguel references Doctor Strange and Tom Holland's Peter Parker. So I'm thinking that when Doctor Strange is doing the spell that brings all the villains over to that universe, I can have it so that a portal appears before Miles as well. Cause if I remember correctly, the spell pulled in people who knew who Peter Parker was and Miles was one of those people. Hell, I could make it so that Gwen also appears and the two meet for another moment.

Oh but then I would have to think about her interactions with Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man. That would be kinda tough but interesting at the same time.

Anywho, this was just a little thought I had while cheefing it up late at night. You guys let me know if you fuck with it or not.