New Faces, New Problems

A few days have passed since Miles faced off against the robbers at the Brooklyn Museum. After his encounter with Felicia, he spent most of his time patrolling looking for her. Sadly, she seemed smart enough to lay low for the time being.

Miles sat at the edge of his bed. Staring at his mask, he couldn't help but let out a contemplative sigh. The eyes were no longer the same white color as before. Now they were thick black screens that cast a reflection of himself onto them.

"You still beating yourself up over that criminal you let escape?" Genki asked, cracking open an energy drink.

"Eh, kinda? She's the first criminal that managed to evade me." Miles replied as he stood up, turning to look at Genki. He flashed him a smile as he patted Genki's shoulder. "But don't worry, she won't get lucky a second time."

"Good, that's the Miles I know." Genki nodded. He turned to look at his laptop, which showed a custom operating system with a Spider-Man logo.

"You did a good job repurposing Peter's tech.

"Yeah, well, Peter was one hell of an inventor." Genki sighed, shaking his head. "Such a shame to lose someone as smart as him."

"I feel you," Miles couldn't help but think about Peter from his universe. From what he could tell, Peter was supposedly the perfect Spider-Man. Were he had been able to live, there was no telling what Peter could have done for the world. Unfortunately, they didn't live in such a world.

But what could you do about it? 

For Miles' part, he was going to try to honor Peter's name the best he could. And there was one thing on his mind that could be a good start.

"How do you feel about taking the equipment on a test drive?"

"Everything should be in order."

"Great!" Miles said, taking off his clothes.

Genki groaned, covering his face. "Geez, man. Can't you change in the bathroom?"

"No need; I got the suit underneath everything." Putting on the mask, Miles could see the system in the lenses boot up. This time, it was a lot faster.

"How's everything looking?" 

Turning to look at Genki, Miles saw a video of him appear at the corner of his eyes.

"Damn, I didn't know they could do that."

"Yeah, this was a little something I cooked up. Now we can talk to each other, and I can see everything you see. Who knows, maybe I can see something you don't while you're out being Spider-Man."

"No, yeah. That's pretty sweet." Miles couldn't help but be amazed by Genki now. This guy was one hell of a coder. To be able to figure out Peter's technology and make it his own was something in and of itself. After he made a mental note to reward Genki for his help, MIles turned to look at Genki and asked, "Any last-minute things I need to worry about or am I free to go?"

"Everything's looking good from here," Genki replied. "I'll be able to see everything you see with your eyes on my laptop."

"Alright, I'll be leaving now," Miles said, turning invisible before he jumped out the window.

Once he was a few blocks away, Miles deactivated his cloaking powers and started to swing through New York.

Everything seemed to be working fine, and Miles was impressed by how well the lenses were working. While his eyesight was already pretty good, the addition of the lenses made it so much better.

[Oh god, is this what you see every time you're swinging?] Genki's voice could be heard from Miles' earpiece.

"What's the matter, Genki? Don't tell me this is too much for you. I haven't even started doing my flips and shi." Miles laughed, thinking of playing a prank on his friend.

[Please don't! At least not until I can get used to what I'm looking at.]

"You don't have to worry. I don't want you puking all over the dorm room."

While the two talked, Miles felt his spider-sense ring. Looking around, he noticed a lady screaming as a man ran away with a purse.

"You ready to see me in action?" Miles asked.

[No, not at all.]

"Too bad!" Miles replied, doing a backflip before he dove towards the mugger. Once he was close to the ground, he swung beside the man and grabbed the man from his shirt. When he landed, he threw the guy down to the ground and webbed his free hand to the ground. 

"I doubt this purse belongs to you, man. Besides, teal is not your color." Miles said, pulling the bag off the mugger's hand. 

"Screw you, Spider-Man!" The man cursed, flipping Miles off.

Miles was surprised for a moment. Not because of how he had been flipped off, but the fact that as Miles looked at the mugger, a bunch of information began to appear before him. Like the man's name, height, weight, and things like that. It also had his most recent offenses and a threat meter.

"Dude, you're seeing this? Where did all this info come from?" Miles asked out loud, causing the robber to look at him with a confused expression. Miles noticed and shot a web at him, sticking him to the ground. "Don't worry about it. I'm not talking to you."

[I should be able to explain that. See, Peter used to have a close relationship with the police. That meant that all the information that they had on record, we have as well.]

"You don't say." Miles hummed with a nod. "You don't mind calling the police for me, would you?"

[Not at all. I've got your location tracked, and I've already alerted the police in the area.]

With that taken care of, Miles brought the lady back her purse and twhipped away, looking for the next in need of Spider-Man.

The day happened to be pretty eventful for Miles as he went on to save a family from a burning apartment, stopping a few robberies, and even helping a man set up his food stand. Well, it wasn't all excitement, but it was the job that Spider-Man did best. Helping his community.

Miles sat at the edge of a billboard, overlooking Time Square. He had just finished eating and was going to continue his patrol.

[I can see why you're always so tired every day.] Genki whistled in amazement. [If it were me, I probably would have given up ages ago.]

"It's not the easiest job, I can tell you that," Miles said, looking at the screens playing their advertisements. That was when he noticed one of them playing an ad campaign for a homeless shelter located in Chinatown. Miles' eyes narrowed as he continued to watch. 

The man in the ad was a young Asian man wearing a suit talking about helping the homeless problem in New York.

[Hello, my name is Martin Li, and I'm the owner of F.E.A.S.T., a safe place for those less fortunate. If you or someone you know is struggling, please make sure to send them our way. Our doors are open at F.E.A.S.T. All you have to do is take the first step.] After he finished saying that, it showed an address along with a picture of the F.E.A.S.T. building.

Miles felt like slapping himself. How could he forget something so important? Had he remembered that Martin Li was the owner of the homeless shelter, he would have gone there to confront Martin Li from the get-go.

"Hey, Genki."

[Yeah, Mile?]

"Are there any files on this guy?"

[What, the guy who owns F.E.A.S.T.? I've heard nothing but good things about him.]

"I don't know; something seems odd about him," Miles said, making sure that he didn't sound too sure of himself. While he knew Martin Li was a villain, he couldn't explain how. It's not like he could go up to Martin Li and attack him, with the reason being that Miles knew he was a villain from the comics. That wouldn't work in court!

[As of right now, he's clean. But I'll see what I can find.]

"Keep me posted. I'm going to head on over to that homeless shelter and have a look around."

[What are you trying to find?]


(Author's Note)

Sup guys, sorry for the late upload. Inkstore, the thing I use to upload to WebNovel, was geeking on me.

I saw most of you guys agree with me regarding Miles' look in No Way Home. Nice to know that I wasn't the only one who thought about it. For right now tho, imma be working on having Mr. Negative being the main villain of this arc. I'm thinking I might do a little time skip from when Miles is 15 to when he reaches 17 since I don't think that there's much Miles can learn in just a year. I'll still make sure to show important parts if I need to, but I don't see much happening to Miles while he's still only sixteen. 

And since Miles will be around 17, I'll be able to start messing around with the possibility of romance. Make it some sort of YA novel-type shit. But I'll make some sort of poll or something to see if you guys fucks with it or nah. However, that won't be until the time skip, so you guys have time to think about it.

Besides that, I've started playing that new Marvel Rivals game. As you could guess, I kinda chose to main Spider-Man. Obviously.

He was a tough cookie to learn, but after a few games, I started to understand his play still. I've even been getting MVP or SVP as him mostly every time I play him in ranked.

I wanna know your guy's thoughts on the game. Do you like it or not?

P.S. Jeff's ult goes stupid