"My name is Mister Negative." Energy surged from Mister Negative's body. Raising his hands, he shot an arc of energy right to Miles. "Die!"
Miles flipped over the arc, narrowly missing the attack. The energy crashed behind him, creating a hole in the wall.
"Yo, you really cool destroying the FEAST shelter like that?"
Mister Negative's face scrunched up, "Why should I care?"
"I wasn't talking to you, homie," Miles said, staring Mister Negative down. Mister Negative couldn't help but click his tongue.
"You're starting to get on my nerves." Mister Negative said, his body exploding with energy.
Miles felt his spider senses tingle, but before he could move, Mister Negative tackled him out of the building. The two crashed on the side of another building where Miles tried to free himself from Mister Negative's hold.
But before he could try, Mister Negative swung Miles around and sent Miles crashing down to the streets with a blast of negative energy centered at his stomach.
Miles quickly shot a web at a nearby stoplight as he fell and recovered before landing on top of a parked car. His eyes scanned the sky, looking for Mister Negative. That was when he saw that he was making a run for it, using his negative energy to traverse through the air.
[Hey man, how are you doing?]
Miles heard Genki say from his earpiece. He took a moment to look at his stomach. There was now an open spot showing his bare skin, which was currently bruised. It didn't help that Miles could feel a burning sensation at the same time. "I'm fine. I just gotta find a way to put an end to this fight before Martin Li goes on a rampage."
[I already got the police arriving on location. You just make sure not to die.]
"I make no promises." Miles sighed, swinging after Mister Negative. Hot on his trail, Miles called out to him. "What's the matter? You scared to fight me?!"
"I suggest you stop this, Spider-Man. Unless you want to end like the last one."
"Sorry, but I've already got a strike on my record. I'm not going to let someone else escape me."
"Fine, your funeral." Mister Negative said, shooting streaks of energy at Miles.
Miles had to maneuver himself to evade the constant attacks while still keeping his momentum going. As he swung, Miles waited until he reached right over Mister Negative before he shot a web right on his back, which he used to pull himself toward him.
With the momentum he had gathered from swinging, Miles managed to dart right to Mister Negative, where he delivered a powerful kick that knocked him right to the ground.
The two crashed into the ground before Miles jumped and landed before Mister Negative.
Mister Negative growled, his face stuck with an ugly scowl. His body flickered from the negative filter to his normal skin color before it returned to being fully negative. Slamming his hands together, Mister Negative separated them, revealing a sword made out of negative energy floating before him.
Grabbing the sword's hilt, Mister Negative brandished it before pointing it at Miles. "I'm going to enjoy killing you."
"You're not the first person to say that." Miles retorted as he dodged away from a shockwave attack that released from Mister Negative's sword. The attack left a crack in the street large enough for a person to fall into.
'Alright, I'll make sure not to get hit by that.' Miles made a mental note as he swung toward Mister Negative.
Once in close quarters, Miles started to throw punches and kicks at Mister Negative, making sure to jump around him to keep him disoriented.
But no matter what he tried, Mister Negative was getting affected by his attacks.
"Get off me!" Mister Negative yelled, his body exploding with negative energy.
Miles clicked his tongue as he landed safely away from the blast radius. "My normal attacks ain't working."
But what if he added some spice to it?
Miles began charging his body with electricity while he dodged Mister Negative's attacks. Once he had a decent amount of charge, he zipped toward Him and delivered a punch straight to his face,, which sent Mister Negative rolling back.
As Mister Negative rolled back, he used his sword to slow himself down, cutting through the pavement.
"I can tell that you were shocked by that one!" Miles taunted, preparing to attack once more.
"Lucky strike," Mister Negative replied.
"Heh, right," Miles smirked. He started to swing toward Mister Negative, but his spider senses began to ring.
As he moved out of the way, right where he was moments ago, a burst of negative energy emerged from under the ground. It wasn't the only one as one by one, columns of negative energy shot out from underground, chasing after Miles.
While difficult, Miles managed to evade all of the beams as he landed before Mister Negative. The two began to fight in close quarters with Mister Negative on the offensive. With the help of his spider senses, Miles would evade the attacks and retaliate with one of his own.
Mister Negative could tell that fighting Miles hand-to-hand wasn't going to work, so he kicked him off of him and jumped back to create space where he returned to attack Miles from a distance.
"This guy's starting to get on my nerves," Miles grumbled, rolling away from a beam.
[Why don't you use your electric ability?]
"I'm working on charging up. It doesn't help that I'm getting constantly attacked."
[Hey, have you thought about absorbing electricity?]
Miles took a moment to think about it. He hadn't really thought about that absorbing energy. It was one of those things that you sometimes forget, but Miles could absorb electricity. Hell, he had done it in his standalone game. Though that ended with him blowing up, so Miles hadn't thought of it as a viable option. "Now that you mention it, no. Usually, I just gather the electricity already in my body."
[Well, there happens to be an electric company right beside you. You could try to borrow some energy.]
"Show me the way." Following Genki's directions, Miles arrived at the electric company's power grid.
Mister Negative saw Miles swinging away and decided to chase after him.
Miles stared at the power grid. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed a hold of the nearest box, ignoring the warnings that said that touching it would prove fatal.
His body jolted from the sudden surge of electricity. Miles' instincts were telling him to let go but he didn't budge.
'Usually I push the electricty out of my body, so now I have to do the opposite.' Taking a few breaths here and there, Miles began to absorb the electricty from the power grid.
Miles' body began to glow with blue lightning engulfing his body. Clenching his fist, Miles had to take a moment to take everything in. Absorbing all that energy seemed to have given him a massive power boost.
A ringing in Miles' head warned him of an incoming attack. Not even bothering to look, Miles jumped out of the way, only to see Mister Negative drive his sword straight into the power grid.
Sparks shot out from the machine as all the power in the area began to go down.
"You think just because you charged yourself to full, you can defeat me?"
"Yeah...I think I do." Miles said, blitzing Mister Negative. Thanks to being overcharged, Miles felt himself moving and thinking faster than usual. When he was right below Mister Negative, he hit him with a rising uppercut that launched Mister Negative off of his feet. As he floated in the air, Miles had already arrived above him.
Using his webs, he pulled himself toward Mister Negative. All the electricity he had gathered had been located toward his fist.
"Take this!" As Miles' fist landed on Mister Negative's chest, a roar of thunder sounded through the air as all the energy in Miles' body was transferred to Mister Negative.
Mister Negative cried out in pain as his body couldn't contain all the foreign energy, and as Miles put more power into his punch, Mister Negative shot straight down. A crater formed with a loud explosion right where he landed.
Miles landed in front of the crater. He could see Mister Negative lying down on the ground, barely remaining conscious. With his webs, Miles restrained him before he took a moment to squat before Mister Negative. "Sorry, Martin Li, but it seems like your finished."
"You think this is over?" Mister Negative asked through gritted teeth.
"You're stuck in my web, and I hear the police already arriving, so, yeah?" Mile said, shrugging his arms. "While we wait for the police to get here, why don't you tell me the reason for bringing your demon friends to New York?"
"You must be an idiot if you think I will speak just because you ask me."
"Hey, it was worth a try. Don't worry though. I'll make sure to check out your little secret man cave while you get processed."
Miles waited a few more minutes until he saw the police arrive. Around a half dozen cop cars arrived at the scene.
"It's nice to see you guys," Miles waved at the officers. "Make sure not to touch him. He has this weird ability that messes with your mind if you do."
"Again...How is it that you know that?" Mister Negative growled. This was the first time that he was dealing with this kid, so how was it that he happened to know so much about him? He was starting to believe that there was a mole in his operations.
Miles chuckled before speaking. He actually felt a bit bad for the guy. It was kind of a cheat knowing all of your enemy's abilities while they had no clue about yours. "Unlike a certain merc in red, I'm not too keen on letting you know how I know the things that I do."
"Don't worry about it, Spider-Man. We'll take it from here." One of the officers said, making sure to be extra careful while handcuffing Mister Negative.
After Mister Negative was apprehended, Miles made sure to check in with the officers. Once he made sure everything was okay, he bid them farewell.
"Good, I'm going to head home. Put a light in the sky if you ever need my help." Miles said, swinging off into the distance.
"What's he talking about? We don't have a light for Spider-Man, do we?"
"I don't know, let's just get this criminal locked up and call it a night."
Mister Negative looked out of the police car window. His eyes didn't leave Miles until he was out of sight.
"I swear on my life that you will die by my hand, Spider-Man."
(Author's Note)
So ends Miles' battle with Mister Negative. Now don't worry. This isn't the end for the two. I'm going to make sure that the two have a rematch very soon. There are just some things I want to set up for their second battle.
I don't want to make the mistake of rushing things just to get to the time skip. But I also don't want to drag it out so long to the point where you guys are like ten chapters deep with nothing to show for it. It's a weird balance you gotta find for these types of things.
Anywho, I'll see you guys on Friday. Have a good day, homies.