Tarou's Journey, Chapter 3

The System of Authority Explanation Chapter

Tarou and Alyssa leapt onto the train to the 10th district, where Mrs. Malorie lived in her mansion. They got to her home and were let in by the staff members who were taking care of it for her.

She met them and they commenced a good destressing in her good care. They were in the maze garden playing games as school children are wont to do when the principal arrived to take them away. He had caught Tarou, Alyssa and Mrs. Malorie, but did not know that Mr. Mac was involved as well. Tarou and Alyssa were separated, and Mrs. Malorie was educated in the art of playing it off coolly. She was let go and returned back to her mansion in the 10th district of the System of Authority. They were all pawns in the system. The principal left and Tarou had managed to escape his confines, but not his confinement as well. He unlocked the door with a piece of wire and escaped into the dungeon master's quarters where he saved his sister Alyssa as well, before they ran away to the System of Authority's outskirts. The city contained 14 districts, all named for their attributes and not what they granted. It had a 15th district as well, where the royalty and the classes combined for festivals and other such fun occasions like shopping sprees and dance festivals, amidst the lights of the neon sky, which was lit by a ball beacon, because the lights had gone out long ago. The sun was destroyed. In its place was a husk called the Phanterloon, where people could fly to, but not play about in without restrictions, because it required that you get ordained by the order of the knights of the roster for the System of Authority's game. They were in the temple where the Sister Mother Marcylivich was displayed as a neat statue to adore. Though tall and unwieldy to be there, it could not be carried out because it was chained to the floor by hard, metal locks and under scrutiny by the watch guardians who cleaned the church and the balcony police, who Tarou and Alyssa were disturbed by once or twice while looking for Uncle Lun. Uncle Lun was a System of Authority police officer with the Ministry of the System of Authority's 3rd district retreat, the 10th district being their home away from home when they left the Phanterloon, where they usually hung about doing dirty deeds like scrutinizing victims of the various classes and their work orders were to keep the peace for the System of Authority's elite declarations only.

Tarou and Alyssa were working in the outer reaches of the Abeldecta Factory when they were found by the principal and Mrs. Malorie, almost. They learned here that the food was distastefully prepared. It was made from the marsupial species Tilmegnus Compound Y, and the species were known as Tillyleis, which meant sub-species in the Angolan dialect. Angola Profica or Profecta was they were now known as, as they had managed to escape notice by changing into a System of Authority worker's party who promoted decency and doing your best, was an ancient class of sub-people in the System of Authority's working class. The Tillyleis were large-eared herbivores and hardly an unlovable species to most of the world. The System of Authority were now cracking down on owning Tillyleis, and were disposing of them, they promised, in double-marked bins. Instead they had been using them to make the nutrition feed ExaDelta Delicious Food which was the main staple diet of the people of Class A Cloud City, where the System of Authority was feeding its people with waste products and poisoning the populace with greed and malnutrition in other districts, who were not so lucky and not so treated with respect and decency like those in the 9th and 10th districts of the System of Authority's premier cloud city, Classic Angelia, where there was an idyllic life planned but none of ever actually transpired to become the ideal of the people who lived there.

The Tillyleis species was adopted as their coat of arms.

Tarou picked up the Quaid Sword and Alyssa preferred the Quaid Bow. These things were metal arms that used a reactor quaidbit in the center of their design, which aligned with their magical energies to produce quaid reactant pollution, which allowed them to utilize their superpowers on such occasions as they had the means to do so. Tarou used fire magic, and though he preferred to hold people to their word, he also used a sword and a stick to ignite foes from time to time and again he preferred to do good, and not cause the people to suffer, which evolved into him becoming the Warrior of Produce, Quaid Lariot, who would save the world from the genocide cult of the System of Authority's third district, who wanted to do harm to the world under the guise of protecting it from the ones who wanted to see it come to harm. Alyssa as well was a Warrior of the Third District, a Quaid Produce, which meant she used her abilities the same as her brother. They were considered noble warriors and decently disposed of multiple branches of the System of Authority's evil superpowers squad committee, the Branches of Nothingness. The branch members were notable only because they were powerful super warriors that were controlled by their own determination.

Tarou and Alyssa now had fought none of them to a fast and quick deposition, and their stalemated opponents were now out to get them.

The principal and Mrs. Malorie were speaking back at St. Augustine's Holy Academy for the Unenduring World, in classroom 3-A, which was darkened by the lack of any sunlight or light features being present for them, except for the lantern that Mrs. Malorie kept, and the small candle on a brass dish of uncertain use that the principal had used to comb the darkness and find classroom 3-A, which had Mrs. Malorie already seated at a desk within its dark and stimulated ether.

They spoke of the things with which they wanted to talk about. The principal showed Mrs. Malorie a Quaid Stone, which produced Quaid energy and she remarked that it looked beautiful. But he quickly took it out of her hands. She was not supposed to be in the school, nor was the principal, the leader of the school and the System of Authority's puppet, and Tarou and Alyssa, who were dressed in their Quaid uniforms, found out how that was a deciding factor to the System of Authority's branches.

The soldiers who fought Tarou and Alyssa were quickly dispatched, but they outnumbered the heroes by millions to one, almost seemingly using tactics derived from the nuances of torture like using shock prods and leather whips to produce scared sounds and actually made Mrs. Malorie stand in between the two parties to proffer an agreement that would do both sides good. She wanted them, she said, to stop fighting. They took her down and Tarou and Alyssa had to fight the Dark Soldier, a 1st-ranked hitman captain of the System of Authority's brainchild operation, Sculanova, the police force which ruled the city from the Phanterloon. The ruling class opposed such actions, but Sculanova had a debt to society and was felled in an instant once what they sought was no longer possible to obtain. On the Phanterloon, Lun saw that the Dark Soldier, whose name was Lun Operative A on the big screen, was defeated. His life signs were depleted and Tarou and Alyssa escaped out the school room window to the track and field segment of the huge school universe.

The System of Authority was out to get them now.

They had the book they had found still with them, from the underground caverns beneath the school they were alumni of. But now they had to be careful if they wanted to return to their own world. The System of Authority had agents everywhere ready to dispose of them.

Tarou and his sister Alyssa were in the Sculanova barracks and witnessing a woman being brandished as a patsy for the System of Authority's dark intentions. She was an Angolan and spoke proficient Angolese as well as Tarou and Alyssa's language. The System of Authority had demoted all Angolan's to "B"-class citizens. This meant they were used as slave labor and unable to put in votes on the election system the System of Authority used to collect the input of the city it ran.

Cloud City A was where they lived. It was called Classic Angelia, which was an idyllic city run by the Authority's upper class. Sculanova policed it. They ran around the borders of the conflicted zones and rode an intersectional elevator to the 9th district, but they had been blocked from entering the district they had called home for so long by the policing Sculanova agents and their mechanical comrades, the Bio-Floaters and the EMFG42 Vindrilys, who were both, and all three of the groups, cutting huge swaths of pollutants from their masters' instructions to cleave, and cut a path back to the control they used to have, as they were disobeying the peoples orders to leave the city, they provoked a conflict in the streets.