Chapter 19: MADISON

You run into your general practitioner, who is also your gynecologist, at church, at the store, and at restaurants. This is a very important reason I want to escape Athens.

After setting up my new cell phone, I shoot a quick text to Hamilton.

Me-my what a busy boy you’ve been the last 48 hrs (smiling emoji)

I’m not sure of his schedule upon arriving in Des Moines. I imagine he would see the stadium, meet with the coach, and maybe practice with the team. I busy myself placing my new photo frames around my bedroom.

Hours later, my new iPhone plays Centerfield by John Fogerty, alerting me to Hamilton’s text.

Hamilton-The emoji = new phone (smiling emoji)

Me-I (heart emoji) my gifts! can’t believe you had time

Hamilton-Adrian did photos & frames. Savannah bags & wrapped. rest I did on my own

Me-you’re going to make some girl (smiling emoji) some day