Athens has one small hardware store. For home improvements, you must drive over an hour away. This is one of the 4,724 reasons I want to escape this town.
Three weeks pass as if only a day. Alma expertly assisted in creating a schedule at home. She insists I sleep when Liberty sleeps and takes care of everything around the house. Between nursing every three hours and completing my classes online, I don’t have much time for anything else. Occasionally, Alma asks me to help her in the kitchen while Liberty swings nearby.
Tonight, is my weekly call with the girls. I still avoid video calls. As my hands are a doughy mess, Alma connects the call while holding a sleeping Liberty in her arms.
“Hello,” Alma’s voice greets. “I’m putting you on speaker as Madison is currently rolling cookie dough into balls for me.”
“Good. I’m glad you are on the phone, Alma,” Adrian begins. “I have a big announcement for all of you to hear at the same time. I’m pregnant!”