Chapter 52: Madison

Hamilton’s first full season in the MLB ended four days ago. Although I’ve texted him daily, I haven’t heard from him. The students keep me on my toes while I am there, and I love every second of it, but I worry about him when I’m not at school. As I drive home today, I decide to call him tonight.

With no ballgames this week, Alma and I enjoy long walks each night after dinner with Liberty and McGee. On tonight’s walk we enjoy our neighbors’ fall and Halloween decorations. We wave as some work to rid their yards of the red, orange, and brown leaves. Luckily, we do not worry about leaves in Alma’s yard as the lawncare company takes care of them once a week. McGee is content with his long walk and Libby yawns as we return home.

While I watch Libby enjoy her bath time in the kitchen sink. I shoot a quick text to Hamilton.

Me-can you talk?